Are video games art?

Are video games art?

Was he right

Is he now considered art?

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Does that mean all Sup Forums related posts are considered art?

Are you art? What if we're all art as we provoke a thought.

A story is not a game.
A sculpture is not a game.
A painting is not a game.
The presentation of a drama is not a game.
Art is not a game.

Checkers is not art.
Keno is not art.
Soccer is not art.
Games are not art.

Video games are games. Therefore, video games are not art.

To ask if games are art is to ask if black is white. They are two separate words for a reason. If you conflate games to be art, then you make the word "art" lose all its meaning. At that point, literally everything is art, which makes the word "art" useless.

Man you're a pretentious faggot

It is art. It's just not good art.

This post is art.

>Checkers is not art.
Checkers is a war sim. War is art.

There is an art to chess.
Chess is a game.

There is an art of war.
To some, war is a game.

Hmm, really makes my tinker tock; tick tock tick tock...

Every words meaning may change as the time passes. Unbelievable, right?


>Video games are games.
Videogames haven't been games for awhile. Unfortunately they still aren't art.

Stories, sculptures, and paintings are all simulations, just like games. You're so obsessed with semantics that you've forgotten the purpose of art.

art is anything with aesthetic value

inherently meaningless definition, anything that can be observed can be said to have aesthetic value

Video games are an entirely different beast. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Creating good gameplay is an artform in itself. Let alone the music, story, and visual design.

Videogames, as techne (craftmanship), are art
By the same definition shit modern painting are not

>"it must provoke thought"
>you literally can't play video games without thinking
whoa.. eh's truly fires mine neutrinos there....

>Checkers is not art.
>Keno is not art.
>Soccer is not art.
>Games are not art.
all of these are wrong tho

I would agree, but thats the broad term for it
>this piece of dog shit I stood on on the sidewalk is art, it made me stop and think on how the government treats people with dark skin, and that I as a CIS white male unknowingly and unwittingly adhere to their mandate by crushing them so idly, because I have paused and am able to reflect on this instance, I am an artist and this is art
Theres good art and shit art, its subjective. You can ass pull an artistic interpretation of literally anything.

Art must meet three categories.

1. It must not be a science. You can not come up with a formula to create art. It's an entirely human capacity.
2. It must have a superficial and deeper layer. Superficial is what an untrained eye can gleam from the picture (color, shape, genre, etc). Deeper layers are where meaning is derived.
3. It must have meaning. The artist had to have a vision before hand, and the deeper meaning must have been intended by the artist.

Can you explain what basis you use to define these criteria?

>things can only have a singular label that defines them
The worst part about this is that you thought you sounded intelligent posting this.
Art and game/book/painting/movie are not opposites, both can be used to describe the same thing.

says who

>Person tries to make "art game"
>it becomes less and less of a video game
>you end up with some sort of heady cartoon, a short story or a diorama

Video games are not art.

If you can't find art in what actually makes a video game a video game, meaning the gameplay, then they are not art.

Says me, fuckboy

Just because Gone Home is actually shit doesn't mean vidya can't be art.

I hope you're ready to be put into the ground, you dumb, idiotic frogposter

Why are films considered art, while vidya isn't?
One model or texture alone have as much claim for being art as a painting or photo.

Anything can be art.

Video games are just an immensely difficult and impracticable medium to attempt to convey an artistic message

Not so fast, cuntsniffer.

Art is piss. I don't care if I sound pretentious, I can enjoy a great painting or film as much as I can aqua teen hunger force or a troma film.

and hey fuckfaces maybe the "art" in video games is the ability to be immersed at a level and enjoy yourself

but we all know nobody enjoys video games once we turn like 23

Aren't modern videogames basically like cinema now with the addition of interactivity? How could it not be qualified as art?

Very convincing.

No, I don't look at wars or battles within them and think of it as art. Again, if you want to use the word art so broadly, you diminish its significance.

Caring about semantics is the purpose of dialogue

No, I don't think simulations are art. A weather or economic model is not something I would call art. The question at hand isn't the purpose of art, by the way.

I can't stop you from using the word art so liberally that it is pointless.

How can instrumental music be art if it doesn't have meaning?

Quake is art too.

Aren't the plans made by high-level commanders during wartime art?

Because it is a game.

While I disagree that art requires meaning, instrumental music can have meaning.

Listen to Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 and try telling me instrumental music cannot have deep meaning.

Just because some hipster faggot who doesn't know what art is makes a shit game doesn't make games not art.

I wouldn't call plans art. I wouldn't call set of instructions art. I wouldn't call a set of rules art.

It can provoke emotion and definitely have meaning user.

And? How can a game not be qualified as art?

Any form of expression is art and since it is about personal interpretation there's no such a thing as objectively good art.
Someone might find a piece of shit on a pedestal incredibly inspiring, someone else might just appreciate a portrait masterfully painted.
Because of that even videogames are a form of artistic expression but that also means you can judge a game by its artistic value since that isn't an objective unit of measure, so a game with heavy artistic value isn't excused from being a piece of shit.

Well, why not?

Was he right? Yes. Don't confuse thoughts with natural reactions.

Even Roger Ebert admitted he was wrong, later in his life, and that video games can be art.

Get fucked.

I could swear that I saw this reasoning before. Is it a pasta?

I wouldn't consider that an art either

Because he is small-minded.


He admitted that he knew to little about video games to really say whether or not they were art with any authority. He never said that they were art

Is a 3d model art?

Let's say we take some painting (that is obviously considered art), then perfectly recreate that exact scene in a videogame. If you stand in a certain spot, you'll see an exact copy of a painting. But then you can move around the scene and take a closer look or change perspective.
Is it still art? If not, how did adding more content without replacing or removing any original parts make it stop being art?
Now let's give the player a gun and populate the area with NPCs. Is it still art? If not, why?

If you want, you can just go to the original spot and enjoy the original picture in-game.

>and that video games can be art.
It seems that you can't read properly, either. Why should I ever trust you on what is or isn't art?

You didn't explain why something couldn't be both a game and art.
You literally just said, here are some mediums used to express artistic intent.
Here are some things that share a label with video games.

You did the equivalent of naming a bunch of adam sandler movies, and saying because those are not art, therefore citizen kane cannot be either.

yes, the art of piss in people off is still an art.

bad art is still art, m8o.

this is a whole lot of wrong

Then games are art.

Nigger rap also has a "deeper meaning", because when a huge roided-up nigga sings about going around the hood and pimping, deep inside he ponders the meaning of life... right?

No, KYS.

Really boils the spaghetti.

Shadow of the Colossus

See ya when you're 24, loser.

I didn't suggest otherwise

t. faggot that knows literally nothing about music

is shit

these threads are not new
why do people post in them
there is no value

>adam sandler movies, and saying because those are not art

A particularly huge turd can provoke emotion and means that someone has constipation.

Music isn't art and will never be art. Poetry is the only real art, everything else is not art because it was made to provide entertainment.

if video games aren't art then why do game studios need to hire artists?

checkmate ebert

A story is not a sculpture
A story is not a painting
A story is not a form of acting
A story... can be a game. For example "choose your own adventure"
Games them self are not art, Game are art pieces. It's the creation of games, it's the making of games, which is art. It's called Video Game Design for a reason. It's thought at Art Schools for a reason.

Playing video games, however, is more of a sport, or a recreational activity.

Different sounds create impressions in our head in the form of subjective meaning. It doesn't always have to be objective.

Mods, sticky this.

If I agree they are not art, will they get good again? Because I don't really care about them being an essay topic for some moccachino sipping faggot updating his art tumblr daily, I just want good gameplay.

Is this art? It really cracks my coconuts.

A story isn't a game
A game has a story
What do we do now

its a haiku so probably

Gameplay design is art.

No it's not

it does actually, the question is just is it good or bad art. Is it well thought out or is it simply thrown together.

Gameplay can be used to make a game convey emotions such as tension or pride in a way that non-interactive mediums can't copy


Yes it is

yes, it's just common art.

Are you suggesting those are art?
Just because something uses an artistic platform, does not necessarily mean it has to be an attempt at art

If you were art you'd be extremely mediocre.

this. also here update your reaction folder

Is this art?

cheers man

I was suggesting that they are bad art. Hence why I referred to them as bad art. They're lazy, uninteresting art. Still art.

A science Project is, or at least can be, a form of art.

2, 3
>I created this video game because I want people to experience the meaning of this story.

Saying video games is not art is like saying books is not art, which is correct. However, it's the creation of the artforms, which is art.

check this 5

>LORT is writen to entertain
Its art
>Avengers is made to entertain
Its still technically art guys!!!
>Watch Dogs (wich by the goverment is considerd art because they made videogames Art) Is made to entertain

Its not even about the vidya being art anymore, people are just Triggered by the word game, if the name was changed to interactive video no one would even be making this discussion

still art none the less, it's just common art that needs little to no thought in the process.

Films are not considered art because all people do is watch movies. Watching movies is not an art.

It's the creation of a film, that is art

yes, you sir are an artist. Anything that invokes your personality in a response or expecting a response is an artform.

Are gets art?

Objectively right answer