What makes Rikku the best FF girl?

What makes Rikku the best FF girl?

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You mean Agrias you faggot


She dresses like a Taiwanese ladyboy

Bheding Rikku Al night!

it's me i guess

But Raya-O is the best FF girl!

Most of them are boring. It's not hard to stand out. Rikku's just one of the few to be capable of standing out some. It's just too bad that she became an annoying dumbass in X-2.

Is that a XIV npc?

Yuffie, Rikku and Lighting are objectively the best FF girls.


Best FF7'S girl is. Uh.

I dunno. Selphie I guess?

because she's such a slut

>better than Celes

Lightning has sexier pits

Whichever you meant, you seem to be confused. The answer is Aerith and Fujin.


Prompto is the best FF girl

Free stripteases.

Selphie's more fun and Fujin doesn't do a goddamn thing.

>Better than Semen Summoner

Yeah sure

>doesn't post the tits

her tiddies

She barely has some.

>leviathan cock sleeve
>better than anything

Well she shows a lot of skin in X-2, so there's that.

She just treats the people around her with as much respect as they deserve. Zero bullshit either. Plus a good design from VIII.

You're free to like Selphie, but I personally think she's one of the most obnoxious girls in the entire franchise.

Tara Strong

Not when jessica nigri is cosplaying as her.


>She barely has some.
Exactly. DFC.

She's far from DFC. Stop using terms you don't know.

>here's your surgical scar ridden mascara abusing memeslut, bro

you can keep her

Superior Butt




This cosplay its quite good, the blue piece hides her baldness pretty well

>isn't a prude
>Flirty as fuck
>Tara Reed's voice on anything.

Superior slut

>love blondes
>love busty girls
>Cidney does nothing for me.
Aranea is FFXV fuckslut.

>40 replies
>no dagger
I hate you all.

Not even the best girl of her own game.

Literally who?

I don't think the White Mage class has a default name mate


I want to hate you right now but there's two reasons I can't.

1. Two lots of trips
2. Beatrix is pretty awesome

literally hitler

because shes underage and her undressing butt was shoved in my face that one time

she's hovering around or just under the top 5 for me

That's one way to express her awesomeness.

actual best ff girl
lulu is close second

The story is so retarded at that point
How can the others forgive her so easily ?
makes no fucking sense

She's good looking and has nice tiddies. You wouldn't waste the genes of a girl like that for muh morals.




I always liked Freya.

FFX definitely had the best girls. They were all top tier.

Good Lord can you imagine if those two did the fusion dance?
>mfw dem titties and dat ass

Freya a shit.


I'm going to marry Freya!

Rikku, Lulu and that's it.

none of them were top tier desu






IX spinoff where Beashit gets hanged when?

>IX spinoff where you genocide rats as Beatrix when?


ANY name is better than that.

Is this a final fantasy girls thread now?

>implying it wasn't anyway

1. Cloud
2. Faris
3. Tifa
4. Quistis
5. Fang
6. Rydia
7. Celes
8. Rydia
9. Yuffie
10. Lightning
11. Selphie
12. Penelo
13. Lenna
14. Maria
15. Vanille
16. Garnet
17. Serah
18. Relm
19. Terra
20. Krile
21. Rosa
22. Porom
23. Lulu
9001. Rinoa
90001. Freya



>top 10 of anything but shit

>1. Cloud
Cloud is not a girl you silly billy.

Take it back.

Careful friend, that's heresy.

She even has the same skin tone as Fran. Thats a pretty fucking solid cosplay. I appreciate it when the cosplayer isn't just wearing the same outfit but also has the same body type as the character they're cosplaying.



Gonna need the sauce because that pic looks so funny haha just for laughs

not sure if gay

Lightning heard you talking shit.


Thinly veiled Yuffie-thread?

Toblerone can go back to the trash, along with the poor furfag desperately posting thwir disgusting rat

I like the way you think.

>you will never get slapped into health by Aranea
Why even live?

Geez, triggered much user?

Now we're talking, bring on the GILFS



40 is not a grandmother age, user.

Real best FF girl coming through.

Too good to be remembered.

Not even the best girl of her FF
And most important youtube.com/watch?v=yzX-FJ0jraQ


one witha face?

That's a nice rare Rikku.