Deja vu this thread again

>deja vu this thread again

Who here bought spacehulk deathwing so streumon will make e.y.e. 2

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, I did it, finally.
Then again, it was littering my wishlist for, like, 3 years already.

I was thinking of getting the game, regardless of streumon making it, I'm just waiting out on some patches so they fix the performance. Is it any better now?

My legs are OK.

>Roommate Just bought the game

I can finally do some Co-Op now.

E.Y.E was fucking garbage

I bought Spacehulk because I'm a fucking retard and thought "Wow this looks interesting". It runs like absolute shit. Its boring as fuck.

If you actually think that buying Spacehulk will help fund E.Y.E 2 you're a fucking moron. Spacehulk already shows you that these devs are fucking incompetent and that E.Y.E 2 will be a fucking mess that doesn't please the die hard faggot E.Y.E because they will go for the "We want the casual audience" route

>they will go for the "We want the casual audience" route
I wish I could see into the future too, my life would be so much easier

Jians making waves again.

Just about to start
give me your protips

Best way to find servers? Whenever I click on Find Servers on the menu only 10 or so servers show up with no one playing on them.

gain as much brouzouf as possible and invest it in your legs


Right click

How do I into low ping CO-OP?

oh jesus, thanks

I have more guides if you need them



What is waves and how do I stop making them?

>Slept through the last Sup Forums session

Play the game

We should have some Sup Forums sessions for Syndicate Black Ops.

Syndicate Black Ops definitely needs more recognition. I feel like not a lot of people who play EYE knows about it.

It's a mod for the original half life right? Where's a good place to download it?

Moddb or the official StreumOn page.

Okay. Anything else I should know?

It's meant to be played in multiplayer, more so than EYE. Playing in singleplayer is pretty unbalanced as a result.

Sounds like fun. Are there any charts for beginners like EYE?

Any info on E.Y.E 2?
I love E.Y.E, but have absolutely zero interest in Spacehulk Deathwing, but what interested me is that Spacehulk Deathwing has no threads, is it bad?

Pretty sure it doesn't. I think it was mostly only played by Sterum On themselves after they based it off their EYE style DnD game and people only started to know about it after EYE became popular.

It supposedly had poor optimization.

its optimized pretty poorly. but i enjoy it.

Search your heart, you know it be true

What the other guy said. The maps with the co extension lets you play against the ai, otherwise you'll just wander around an empty map.

Just looked into the patchnotes, it seems that on the 21th they released a performance patch, although they say there are still some issues.

Do you notice any changes in performance?

It runs a bit better now than it did at launch