twitch tv/gsl

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I like Sea but he does not have a chance in hell. He'll take one game off Bisu, hopefully, but I'll be damned if this isn't a 3-0

>I like Sea but he does not have a chance in hell.

What are you talking about? Sea is one of the all time greats! He's a solid Terran player.


Oh shit. RIP Sea. It was nice knowing you. Flash is the final hope for Terrans this time around.

Not only that, but he's only had a week to practice for this match, and he has a horrible habit of choking in offline tournaments.

damn shame


is that terror? what the fuck is even going on here?

#1 Flash

TvT: 20-5 (80.0%)
TvZ: 35-19 (64.8%)
TvP: 44-9 (83.0%)

Overall: 99-33 (75.0%)


Terran: Last 0-2, Mind 3-1, Sharp 3-0, sSak 2-0, Sea 1-0, Rush 5-2, Piano 1-0, SkyHigh 5-0
Zerg: Effort 7-8, Hero 10-3, Zero 8-2, Larva 6-3, Soulkey 4-3
Protoss: Bisu 4-1, Best 3-2, Shuttle 17-4, Rain 2-1, Free 5-0, Snow 2-0, Stork 7-0, Tyson 3-1, Sky 1-0

#2 Last

TvT: 15-3 (83.3%)
TvZ: 52-31 (62.6%)
TvP: 49-11 (81.6%)

Overall: 116-45 (72%)


Terran: Mong 2-1, sSak 1-1, Shinee 1-0, Sea 1-0, Sharp 1-0, Mind 3-1, HiYa 2-0, Rush 2-0, Flash 2-0
Zerg: Zero 4-6, Effort 0-2, Shine 1-0, Larva 5-2, Soulkey 6-2, Hero 14-7, Jaedong 22-12
Protoss: Stork 0-1, Best 3-3, Rain 1-1, Bisu 4-3, Horang2 1-0, Noble 1-0, Jaehoon 1-0, Movie 2-0, Guemchi 4-1, Snow 8-2, Lazy 7-0, Shuttle 8-0, Tyson 9-0

Last is pretty good currently, but for whatever reason he is shit in tournaments, I think it's because he was just a shit tier B teamer during KESPA and only got good now, had stage issues

A few days ago, there was an online tournament, after that, Flash and Bisu partied live in Terror's studio.

how did terror's studio get even more stank looking from when he was rubbing shit on the walls

dude lives in silent hill


>A few days ago, there was an online tournament,

It ended up being Shuttle vs. Flash. Shuttle took one game. His carrier control is impeccable. Every game that I've seen where he goes Carriers vs. Flash, Flash loses.

I think Shuttle is a good player, he just got a bad break this time around. His PvT is very strong.


Set 1: Bisu (P) Sea (T)
Set 2: Bisu (P) Sea (T)
Set 3: Bisu (P) Sea (T)
Set 4 (if needed): Bisu (P) Sea (T)
Set 5 (if needed): Bisu (P) Sea (T)

The Teety Sambo was because of those commercials right? Or was it the name of the tourney?

Obligatory new meme

Bisu 3-1 Sea





he's getting real bald

Yes it was because of those ads.


Korean ads are god tier.


Tasteless just said the English streams were good. How is 5K good? Their VODS only get 26,000 views. Some shitty youtuber gets 1 million all the time.

Average hairline for a guy in his early 30's.

Did tasteless actually groom his hobo beard? he looks almost like old tasteless again.

>if needed

The grim specter of death comes for us all, even Tasteless's hairline.


Last ASL stream peaked at 11k.

Bisu is so cute. Out of all the round of 8 I'd kiss him.

what the fuck is interviewgirl wearing? she looks like a cross between a temple and a cake

Havent seen Brood War since the GOMTV meme days. Are there interesting new strats they use?

>Average hairline for a guy in his early 30's.

he's balder than me and i sure don't have a lush head of hair these days

Bisu a shit. Flash best girl.

>Last ASL stream peaked at 11k.

Still. How do these guys justify their paychecks? They have to be making at least 20K.

I like that dress.

Sea prepared abusive builds

Get ready for proxy 2fac into quick 0-3 loss

TvZ is almost entirely mech now, instead of only sometimes. Z is stronger against T than they were in the past.

People still play this speedrun tier autism?

This is the off-season. Tasteless and Artosis still do SC2, the new GSL season starts in a few days.

Broodwar strats have been the same since years ago. Only so much you can innovate.

Player individual skill however is where the games are decided now, there's just not the same level of extreme practice for most.

is broodwar still alive in the west? i'd play

The top players make most of their money from sponsorships and streaming

I kinda like Sea better but it would be interesting to see TaekBangLeeSsang (sans Jaedong/Stork) in RO4.

one of the previous games they were casting off damn crates, I'm pretty sure afreeca is paying them $50 bucks under the table to cast

Bisu and Sea are in the same clan called [NeOx] meaning - Never Ending Oral Sex

>People still play this speedrun tier autism?

Tune in. You're in for a fun ride.

Their desk actually wasn't there.

This is my first time watching some star craft

What should I look out for? All I know the goal is to destroy the enemy's base or at least whip them hard enough they surrender, and that you can mine minerals and stuff.


>Liking old games is now autism

Granted playing BW is pretty autistic

With English casting, they'll explain most of the mechanics and strategies. Both these guys are long time SC players.

It's TvP so get ready to see a bunch of dudes who pimp out their wives running at tanks while getting chased by mines.

Big Brood War fan, but to be honest you need to be pretty autistic to play Brood War hardcore

Why is SC:BW more enjoyable to watch than SC2?

I've never even played BW.

Keep in mind Starcraft BW is a very old game. You can only control like 12 units at a time and the players are so insane at micro/macro that they can move giant armies and manage their bases simultaneously. It's super entertaining to watch ESPECIALLY if it's a Zerg player.

if workers are dying someone is in trouble

>so awkward he doesn't want to touch the girl
I know that feel

Hoo boy, this is gonna be confusing as fuck for you, but I hope you stick around. It's more about scouting and skirmishing, denying eachother resources and base expansions rather than just attempting to destroy the other base.

The casters are pretty good at explaining their tactics though, you should be fine

No it's not, it's actually an incredibly fun game.

SC2 boils down to death balls dancing around each other until one death ball wins. Plus graphically, it's just plastic toy soldiers in a plastic world.

here we go

Because Blizzard completely fucking failed at their intended design in Legacy of the Void and the latter half of Heart of the Swarm. Like, June last year they announced they were going to "redesign" the Hydra in LotV, 6 months later they release the patch - Hydras get 25% more speed on creep. The SC2 design team is fucking useless.

I love Brood War, doesn't make it any less autistic to play it a high level considering you need to play it 8-10 hours a day to compete during KESPA

playing at high level might be autism, but playing on ladder against players your skill level is really fun.

no that's pretty autistic too

here's how autistic it is: you can only control 12 units at a time and sc players consider this a big plus

Sea- Terran (humans)
Vulture: the speeder bike, fast, lays mines, kites the zealots, blocks them from reaching the tanks later
Siege Tank: Artillery, kills everything on the ground, has a minimum range

Bisu- Protoss (the technological aliens)
Zealots: close combat units
Dragoons: shooting units
Arbiter: cloaks nearby units, can also teleport units to it's location.

There's no neat tricks with TvP, it's a clash of power.

So when is BW HD coming out?

Yeah, that makes the microing actually fun and challenging.

P vs T

T = very strong ground army. Would normally steamroll over the P.

P = very strong spell-casters. They need to use storms from High Templars and Aribiters to win. Aribters cast stasis, a freeze spell. They freeze the tanks at the back, split the army and beat it. Or they use recall, to teleport units around.
OR P goes for Carriers. T then is put at a huge defensive and has to make tons of golliaths.

for autists

Yes it is a good thing that you can't box select your entire army and a-move them to your opponent's base with no micro.

You can say that about any esports.

cs programers are like 50% jocks

8 probes go down.

Hard choke by Bisu, went to all that work to have a scouting pylon and didn't even block off the entrance with his goons



Not really, it isn't hard since at most you will have 5 control groups.

Why don't P use Storm drops anymore?

don't you have any self-awareness? you're on the spectrum, my man

So you don't have an actual argument, do you?

this looks over


Damn, that game was intense.

>bisu wi-

Man... everyone knows that Terran is imba.



Damn their micro was pushed to the limit.

>spot trap
>fall for it anyway

damnit Bisu

PvT is slightly P favored

lol Sea played like shit but he won kek

In high level korean play it's highly Terran favored.

>"""""short""""" break

Oh shit.

I want bisu to win this so we can see bisu vs hero next round.

And bisu played well?

I love Bisu, but I want some decent Terrans in the next round.

>81% vs T


I'm getting worried for Bisu here.

Why the fuck can't you be Flash Bisu?

Is that why terrans haven't won one tourney in forever?

>tfw hate blizzard
>tfw want to get necromancer add on for diablo3 because it s my fav class from diablo 2
bastards are catering to me and i think its working.

They've literally won the vast majority of BW titles.

We've got God now, don't worry