Is this worth playing? i heard it was skippable filler that doesn't add much to the overall story

is this worth playing? i heard it was skippable filler that doesn't add much to the overall story

You heard wrong, entirety of Yakuza 6 plot is built on Y5 plot.
Also if you haven't played the previous games then you must play them as it's a very story heavy series, Yakuza 5 is one of the worst entry points you could pick.

yeah i'm in the middle of 4 (i say middle because i think i'm on chapter 2 or 3 of tanimura's story)

K good, anyway Y5 is great and definitely not skippable.
Only muh srs edgelords don't like it because of idol parts with Haruka.

What kind of fucking idiot would refer to the sequel to a video game as "skippable filler"? Did the nigga momentarily believe he was watching an anime or something?

mass effect 2 was

The idol part is kind of annoying thou.

It's only annoying if you hate karaoke in these games, cause it's nothing more than basically story-important karaoke segments.

5 was terrible. Thank god 6 went back to a single protagonist instead of spreading everything too thin.

>Only muh srs edgelords don't like it because of idol parts with Haruka.
There's a lot of reasons to dislike the game. For one, the pacing is completely fucked. Kiryu's chapter ends on an insane high, and then immediately after that you're stuck for 5 hours in a prison with next to nothing happening.

Haruka's chapter is pointless, and her dream to be an idol feels fake and hollow. It's incredibly transparent that they just used her as a tool to get Kiryu into a different city, rather than creating a natural scenario. You don't even need to win any of the boring as fuck rhythm sections to get past it!
It's very clear the staff hasn't had much of an idea to do with the character past 2, so they just threw a curve ball in 5 then went full retard in 6.

On the subject of Haruka's idol shenanigans, Park's entire character was fucking stupid. The writer wants you to feel sympathy for her by giving her a tragic backstory and having her open up to Haruka, except it falls completely flat and she's still just a bitch.

Baba's entire character is also stupid as hell. I like the kid, and the themes he brings to the table, but it really felt like his whole back-and-forth overstayed its welcome.

The different cities were pretty bad, too. The game had a huge issue of trying to cram too much in.

So basically, most of the major issues come from the story, and Yakuza isn't exactly known for having stellar writing or pacing past 2. It's still a good game just for the gameplay and characters, but I can easily understand why it doesn't appeal to a lot of people.

It's not like the Y5-Y6 relation is very complex. You can probably sum it up in one sentence.

6 is unironically the worst fucking game in the series, please neck yourself.

And you should get cancer and die for advocating skipping of games.

6 is better than 5.



>you must play them as it's a very story heavy series
3 completely throws 2 out of the window right off the bat, 4 is literally coincidences and characters that return just because and is basically plain pointless when it comes to continuity. 5 is awful story as well that is 90% YUME YUME YUME YUME of an asshole woman nobody actually liked and then Haruka fucks up in the end anyhow.

I just hope I don't get let down with 0 too much

Even if I spoiled most of it for myself

5 was flawed but enjoyable. 6 was just outright frustrating, moreso if you're a longtime fan of the series even.

Not him but how does the combat in 6 compared to 5, heard the story was very bad

It's a jankier/more sluggish version of 5.

Does anyone know how the Japanese audience are finding Y6? The customer ratings on Amazon JP are pretty mediocre (average of 3/5 stars)

The Yakuza series as a whole is pretty bad. After people got past the graphics, they realized there was nothing interesting about the games. Sega being Sega, did nothing to change that.

>i heard it was skippable filler that doesn't add much to the overall story

Almost every Yakuza game is its owned self contained story so whoever said that is pretty gosh darn stupid.

play 0 and Kiwami
you will learn everything you need to know 6 feels like sequel to Kiwami
[yes, i played all, yes, i know japanese very well]

It's awful.

i've played 1-4

ive got kenzan but heard its abhorrent dogshit and also ishin which i understand is quite good

amazon ratings are like the metacritic ratings of japan, taking them at face value is foolish.

Kenzan is just okay.

I haven't played 5 because I generally don't spend money on digital only content but I heard it's one of the better entries in awhile, certainly it'd have to be better than 4 which I found to be just more of the same as 3 but with almost no Okinawa section and pointless rooftops/underground malls/parking lots. Let's hope 0 is everything I hope though I may still mute the nu-metal and jungle music for more setting appropriate city pop.

bullshit, Mass Effect 2 was the best entry.

at least Kenzan/Ishin is a unique setting unlike Yakuza 1-6 which feels like playing the same game 6 times because Sega is too broke ass to render a whole new city instead of recycling Kamurocho every game.


geez, I worry for sales of Yakuza 0 & Yakuza Kiwami if low hanging bait like that can't even get one series fan to reply in Sup Forums. When I went to preorder 0 two days ago, the clerk said he was the only other person who preordered it. Even most the niche market seems to have given up on the series.

>because Sega is too broke ass to render a whole new city instead of recycling
Only Yakuza 1 & 4 have Kamurocho only. The real problem is that they don't exactly have the time to flesh out (or even the point) to fill the new cities with stuff.

The games suffer from extreme sameyness. I think I'm giving up after 0.

I'll probably get Kiwami and if they do a remake of 2 I'd probably get that but I didn't play 5 and I haven't heard good things about 6

0 breathed some fresh air into it I feel, Kamurocho feels different enough and Dotenbori was better than the average "other city" in this series, the combat is fun too.

Kiwami was a cheap cash grab though and 6 is somehow fucking tiny

I'm excited for 0 already got that shit pre-ordered. However I am really fucking struggling getting through 5, I adore the series but this is the first game that as felt like a complete drag(besides the first half of 3.) Tanimura just isn't interesting at all.

do they actually expand dotenbori in 0? it felt incredibly tiny in 2

6 literally picks up right where 5 finished

Tanimura isn't in Yakuza 5. He's in 4.

Fuckin who's his face then, baseball dude.

Will Sega ever release the PS4 he collection in the west, or 3, 4 and 5 on ps4? I'm going to buy 0, but want to get into the series proper.

Shinada,. Tbh i have played all the games. And his section is really boring i thought. He is so out of place. But you are near the end now.

I really love his character and he is up there as one of my faves in the series though I really didn't like playing as him. His combat system just didn't feel fun.

They really should have had his section much earlier on, like right after Kiryu or something, it really felt like a drag going through after already spending 70 or so hours on the game.