>2016 was bad because some old people died and MEAN ORANGE MAN won da presidceny! WAAAAAH
Tumblr can go eat a dick
The entire election was a trainwreck, every candidate involved sucked dick.
>reading gaming comics
thats why it was so fucking great. what other year had candidates comparing dick sizes in debates?
2016 wasn't all bad
complaining about 2016 is so last year
new year, new me
Probably the most entertaining presidential election has been
Matt Rat makes the best comics.
Those first couple R debates were comedy gold
how does one furfag make the best comics?
>tfw seeing Rand Paul talking about wanting a debate with Bernie Sanders
>tfw we could've had literally the best outcome on both sides, with no matter who won being good
>Instead we got a criminal and a guy that doesn't know jack shit about anything
I prefer Trump a million times over Hillary but if you seriously believe Rand or Bernie wouldn't have been a million times better you are deluding yourself, and I bet the most you know about Trump's plan as president is that he's going to build a wall
That calendar implies that 2016 ended on a Sunday. It ended on a Saturday. 2/10, shit comic.
Trump did nothing but large rallies every single day. hillary did once in a blue moon with less comparable size than trumps. Half of America being surprised that trump won shows how ignorant they were during the whole election.
I mean holy fuck the memes were so fucking unreal from the media and social media because he said she said. That shows how concerned America was about actual policies.
Keep 'em coming, please.
Is this insinuating that his hand is his waifu?
Rand is not his dad. He is not a good option. Sanders wasn't a good option either.
as you wish user
Not an argument.
I don't come to LOL threads for actually funny comics. What the fuck.
>commie jew
>daddy's coattails lolbertarian
Do retards actually believe these idiots would have made good presidents?
His waifu is mute autistic loli with great eyes and shit taste in
Still not sure how they will deal with all the copyrighted stuff in the upcoming anime
A strong cabinet and Senate would have stopped his more insane policies. He would have been ineffectual at worst. As a trump voter, I would have had trouble deciding trump v. Bernie.
isnt the anime totally cancelled after the whole SNK debacle?
I was suppose to take your post seriously?
I read a nice chunk of this a while back when it was dumped in another thread. What is this "SNK debacle" and is this shit still being made?
Kinda sad if truth.
>I would have had trouble deciding trump v. Bernie.
The most important issue America is facing is mass disgenics caused by turd world immigration and welfare. I would vote for anyone who would promise to build a wall and deport them all. We can never have free shit if our entire tax base becomes non-white mexicunts.
Chink bought license
Chnk dropped charges
Thats why we have new chapters of manga
>farting makes you a retard now
>ywn join the french KND
back when SNK wasnt bought out by chinks and an anime was announced to be in production, they sued for the author using their characters which put the manga into hiatus.
this was a long ass time ago so im guessing the anime is pretty much dead
Everytime this faggots comics are posted here, Sup Forums eats it up. Why? This is so generic and bland.
The delivery is better than 99% of the comics we usually see.
>Thiccfags rubbing more than two braincells together
I actually find this guy's comics funny, and I've been here so long I don't understand whether they're being posted ironically or not.
Thanks for the reaction.
do you actually believe donald "I'm going to make goldmen sachs my financial advisor" trump is going to?
Everyone sucks. This election hammered that home
Not vidya though so this is my last post this thread
>Le 2016 was shit because HE won the erections and I suddenly cared about dad music and Stanlee meymey
What is about Ronnie's comics that makes them so appealing? They rarely make you laugh but never make you just wish they disappeared from the face of earth
I like him..
how new?
new how?
you can clearly understand the context of the image without reading the text bubble
use your fucking brain god damn
Anyone who can stem the flow and possibly deport a bunch of sub 85IQ welfare recipients who are quickly becoming a majority in the states has my vote.
I honestly don't give a shit about anything else at this point.
I like Ronnie too, waiting for a 12 year old to tell me I'm wrong
I guess anything is good if you spend all your time scraping the bottom of the barrel.
humility and exaggeratedly relate-able shenanigans that appeal to a sense of fellowship?
New enought that I don't give a fuck about your obsessive pathetic lives.
Now, I'll take a laugh at r/Sup Forums.
Why is that ass purring?
Aah shit, Hi-Score Girl hits me with nostalgia something hard.
He's kinda lost his thunder but he was gold around 2012
>this election sucks because I hate the two candidates
The only real controversies these two had was one had a history of scandals. trumps saying "grab em by the pussy" is so innane. I've heard worse shit in the military, school, and at work. The people who gets upset by this are woman and nu-males
Fixed it.
At least the meme candidate won.
Jesus fuck what a mess.
Not a valid economic policy either
needs a truck running over the frenchies
Nah, Trump had a shitload. 3000+ Lawsuits for not paying his bills, bashed a war hero while dodging the draft, misappropriated donation funds(both did this). Fuck man, he's all but given the reds the keys to the city at this point.
From a gaming perspective that comic is absolutely correct
I'm going to pretend that's what they're actually implying so that I don't have to feel disgust this early in the morning
Needs a loss edit.
some calendars start weeks with Sunday
Half of what "she" is punishable by death according to Islamic laws.
Four years ago people took a dump on the last guy for saying he had a binder of women.
People took a dump on George Bush Sr. because he checked his fucking watch during a debate against Bill Clinton.
Running candidates are held to a high standard and its pretty fucking crazy Trump got away with what he said.
>I've heard worse shit in the military, school, and at work
Yea and those fuckheads aren't running for president.
2016 actually bad for quite a lot of people I know including myself
Losing job, relatives dying sort of bad
Wow that dog's an asshole I still want to fuck it though.
But she's not a muslim, why did she have to pretend to be a doll?
mentioning x-blades and a fucking dog is kind of dumb, plus RE gets mentioned twice
Meme canidate > mutated prune.
the confusion when he won though. wow.
delicious wm.
Lyndon Johnson did
>pol edited comics
Post em
>Trump did nothing but large rallies every single day.
So did Hillary, but people/media were more interested in Trump and Hilary E-mails.
if the Country didn't want either trump or Hillary then people should have wrote in Ran Paul or Bernie but not people will just accept getting their asses raped
I honestly can't believe he got away with grab her by the pussy
Jesus Christ and half the other shit he said about women
People attacking trump supporters were unjustified, but I can understand the people who attacked Trump on his comments
What's up with those comics? They are all over the place.