Is Sup Forums hyped for Animal Crossing mobile?
Is Sup Forums hyped for Animal Crossing mobile?
no. I would be if they fucking showed us some shit. they said they'd have information by December
>oh no mayor! you don't have enough CRYSTALS to build that public works project!
>would you like to buy some?
I wouldn't mind that actually
Makes it so I don't have to waste time doing stupid boring stuff for bells
>live in college town
Pokemon Go is the best mobile game ever, both free and gives out the items you have to pay for incredibly often
>back home for Christmas
No Pokeballs anywhere, game's a greedy cashgrab.
>AC will be completely gutted and become a mobile trash game because people are too impatient to play the real game
I keep saying this again and again, AC could never exist in 2017 if it was being introduced as a new IP.
It was made for a different time, when kids had attention spans longer than 5 seconds.
times are different, mechanics become obsolete in the next generation of children. kids have no innocence these days, all they wanna do is kill stuff
Top kek.
> Mayor, oh mayor! The new police station will be ready in a week.
> But you know, we don't need to wait that much time. A few crystals will fix it.
> Don't be greed, will ya?
>I don't mind paying instead of playing the game to get the reward
They made a fucking endless runner and made it online only because they're scared of piracy. ON iOS, THE PLATFORM THAT STATISTICALLY MOST PEOPLE DON'T PIRATE AND IN FACT NO-ONE ON iOS 10 ARE EVEN ABLE TO PIRATE.
I have Z E R O faith that any future Nintendo mobile games will be good.
The only thing I am praying is that Nintendo don't be too greedy.
Mobile games have to make money and all, but it's possible to do that without doing annoying stuff such as paywalls or ads every 30 seconds.
>t. Poorfag
That was retarded.
How the fuck does Nintendo jump into a market without knowing anything about it?
they don't want their mobile games to be more successful than their proprietary mobile tablet game console.
>Endless Runner
how is it an endless runner if it ends
It's the genre name at this point. Though it is pretty stupid if an endless runner doesn't have an "endless" mode, that's the whole point of the replayability of the genre.
Have you even been on the eshop?
losers think they know better than Nintendo.
LOL, keep posting fella's. I want more chuckles.
you're the biggest cuck of them all
I actually do. At the time it came out there was no iOS 10 jailbreak. Currently there is an iOS 10 jailbreak for 10.1.1 and lower, but it's in a "beta" phase (which I don't think has ever happened before) and most mobile substrate tweaks don't work, including ones that are used for piracy.
Literally all Nintendo needed to do was make the game require iOS 10 to install and there would be no piracy. But no, instead they implemented online-only DRM. You didn't stand for it when Microsoft wanted it for the Xbone, why should anyone stand for it here?
>Literally an offer from the devil
Ho, if only EA were self aware