

>playing on a toaster
hahaa fuck off

dead game/10


I'm not sure what I'm looking at.

>playing legion in 2017

low quality cum dumpster and a beef wellington.

Is that texture armor or cancer?


I'm that bored of video games I don't know what else to play

really bad slutmog but also ur tryna be edgy with the gold might helm and dragonstalker shoulders

would dominate in a futa erp session/10

Why the fuck are you still playing retail in current year +3?

>Im so bored of booze that'll I'll drink kerosene.

wouldn't erp with/10

this is some /wowg/ shit, op, please go back there.

Check out dem pixel tits.

>plays retail
Oh yeah, that thing still exist.

So people still play with computers on par with 10 year old hardware?

Kill yourself

is it better now

I still don't know what I'm looking at.

I don't see the 14 inch cock dangling, get your shit together

You're still playing an MMO, sonnyboy. Broke-ass 10 year old blizzard models are absolute shit.


simply because i live in the past

Just play Vanilla instead.

Not saying Vanilla WoW is a good game, but it's tons and tons better than current WoW. And it will be a fun and new experience for you.

>play this fucking decade old game that is the exact game you are playing with not even 10% of the content
>tons and tons better

>that is the exact game you are playing

Fucking lol. You have never touched vanilla.


I thought that was fable for a second

>Generic slutmog/10

Demon Cumslut/10
Just put some armor and a helmet on and soften your cock, WoW armor looks better on the slim races

>typical draenei slutmog

I bet OP is a 300 pound greaseball.

Get some taste, faggot.

Was he right?

His shirt looks like it's photoshopped. I wish it was.

All these nostcucks memeing like their game isn't full of Chinese bots and their threads aren't full of rampant namefaggotry and avatar posting. Vanilla fucking sucks if you try to go back to it now, it's grindy, the class balance is an absolute joke and the endgame revolves around Molten Core, the worst raid Blizzard ever designed.

People have nostalgia for Vanilla because when it came out nobody had ever played anything like it before. It wasn't actually a great MMO.

TBC & WotLK are the actual best MMOs of all time. I'd rather play Legion than Vanilla.

Absolutely not, as the last 20 levels of each relic weapon is filler.

And people like you are going into the next image macro when your server of choice gets shut down.

Will we ever have WoW 2 with AAA graphics?

tfw you used to be 300 pounds

i'm down to 250 now, not far off from leaving the obese category. very happy with my progress of just 3 months of changing my eating habits and doing regular exercise. i still ERP as a draenei though

Sup y'all it's me, it's your boy Asmongold and today were gonna talk about your terrible transmogs. First of all, I'm glad they're called 'trans'mogs because OP looks like a fuckin weird boy. Get some talent. Christ

>Just play Vanilla instead.
I would do this if there was actually a good Vanilla server.

draenie is shit.



Me on the right.

r8 and h8

why are you eating poop

That's a cute dwarf.


>why is a retailcuck eating poop?
The answer should be obvious.

