I hope you all got the AoE bundle like the fine gentlemen you are.
I hope you all got the AoE bundle like the fine gentlemen you are.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have 3 dollars left, what should I get?
Age of Empires?
Have they fixed the disastrous netcode?
500 py6 left, any suggestions?
divine divinity
Crimzon Clover
ever since the latest patch a lot of my games are desyncing. Is that what you're talking about? Because it fucking sucks
like hacking games? check out Uplink.
I want to buy GTAV for the custom character creation alone, but I heard that online is pure unfiltered poo. Can I play single player as my own toon?
I literally only bought the Darksiders games because I want muh Darksiders 3, god damnit
Reposting because guy in the last thread never got back to me.
Do people actually play the multiplayer in Distance, and put up new maps often?
Also, have any of you tried Slain since the big overhaul?
2 euros
fuck me
Online's not bad if you have a group of friends who you can play it with. Playing with randoms is the worst though.
What Company of Heroes would be good for a single-player casual newfag?
What are some ACTUALLY good single player games for under $10
That's been the case since the hd version released. A couple patches were a bit more stable, some disastrous, but overall not good
You play as 3 different characters, a young black guy, and 2 middle aged white guys
you can play in your own server if that's what you mean. Or you can play in passive mode where nobody can hurt you.
Need help:
Should I buy EUIV without any DLCs or should I buy this collection.
Lovely Planet.
Second trailer is much better then the first.
The first one
2. Get it now.
Civ 5 Complete or Cities Skylines w/ DLC/other low priced games
you can play gta online by yourself in a closed server, if you want. i do that sometimes, it's fun to just have the sandbox experience in gta. driving around, robbing stores.. i like it since i have no friends to play with
EUIV is quite bad without DLCs
What are some good steam games on sale that aren't sold by external keysites?
Any suggestions for purchase? My personal best on this pic.
the amount of online content is staggering. Anyone who tells you the online is shit is an idiot. hackers can either ruin your fun or add to it depending on your outlook or what kind of shit they do. But they are not nearly as abundant as they use to be. There is more single player content in the online then there is the story mode. But unless you use mods yourself you cannot play the single player as your online avatar because its story based on 3 specific characters. The game is more than worth it in single players and online.
Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming is $2.49, and that comes bundled with the first game and the OST.
If you don't have those, get them immediately.
Civ 5.
I wanted to love Cities but every playthrough ends up being too samey.
I'm still not tired of Civ 5.
Ubermosh. I haven't played it but it keeps showing up on my Store and I watched the trailer and it's catchy as fuck. Literally watched it like 5 times over. I'm not gonna buy it but you should, or at least watch the trailer.
Cool piece but there's something about that dude's face that makes me want to punch him. He looks like people call him "fuccboi danny" or whatever his name is behind his back.
So far in my list: Rabi Rabi, This Book is a Dungeon, and Dinosaur Hunt with all dlc. I have $20 to spend total, help me fill out my cart with dungeon crawlers and other fun stuff. I already have EYE.
am confus
Lovely Planet or Vektor Wars.
metro 2033
where do you get the "not installed" buttons from?
Can I invite friends to my server?
>buy game
>refund game
>only know learn that refunds won't land until after the sale is over
>asked for refund to land in steam wallet
Hope I can make it back home before the sale is over to change it to make the money land in the bank instead.
Having unspent money in steam wallet is he worst.
Try to get 1 from a trader, it was literally $1 with all dlc included.
How did I do?
yeah you can play with a group of friends by yourselves
reposting because hardly anyone replies to me
please have a look through my games, my wishlist is shit. basically im pretty burnt out on vidya, ive played a lot and i feel like theres not much left for me out there.
i like a lot of genres, maybe not RTS since im shit at them but like watching them. ive been trying to find a good card game, i liked card city nights. i like horror games, shooters, puzzle games, rpgs, pretty much everything. i do have an absolute toaster so thats something.
any recommendations would be very appreciated, not all of my games are on steam as i pirate a fair bit because im a poorfag. it should also be known that i have very little time on most of my games because i didnt have internet for a long time so steam never recorded my hours. thanks for reading
Is gift-giving okay post-christmas? I gave some leftover humble keys away a few threads ago and could get rid of the rest.
but are those dlcs in the collection good ones?
Check your game list via browser.
>the banner saga in wishlist
buy that shit right now. incredible game. don't worry about the "tactical" combat. I'm terrible so i just turned it down to easy when i played
it's a 9/10 game at least.
Just get dark souls
Or actually finish all those classics you have with 40 minutes
Gift giving has always been fine, it's just when anons start to beg for whatever and anything they can get their hands on that's a neddy no-no
Which humble bundle keys do you have to give away, user?
Great, thanks
Stardew Valley and FTL are good.
Don't know about the others.
Most of them are filler, a few are important.
You'd still need to buy Art of War and a few others
thanks user have a (You)
Almighty Shenron! I wish for some kind user to gift me Xenoverse 2!
thanks user
Neither of these answer my question.
>No Jimmy Neutron games on steam
i've only played FTL out of these but Doom, Ori and Subnautica seem like solid choices as well from what I've seen.
Why'd you refund Doom though?
I don't have anything to recommend because I'm pretty burnt out too, but I just wanted to say hey fellow ausfag, sorry you don't get a lot of replies. It happens to us all.
Okay, here's a few humble keys for anyone that wants them. First come, first serve but please, one per person.
My wishlist, in case anyone would be so kind:
Either way, welcome to the new year, anons
did you even read my post? and ive already play DS
i think i remember hearing that it has some choices you can make? i dont mind the tactical combat, big fan of advance wars and fire emblem.
Oh, wait, one more thing: do I have to buy outfits and accessories using the Shark Cards to play gangster dress-up in GTAV?
Grabbed Bionic Commando. Thanks.
>Neither of these answer my question.
Never post an image more interesting than the rest of your post
I have 3€. Is Resident Evil Revelations 2 episodes 2-5 any good?
Some good weaboo games?
How's The Long Dark? I like survival games, but I don't like playing with people so most of them I end up ignoring.
no the flashlight mechanic is stupid and outdated.
barry is its only saving grace.
thank you for anachronox, user
>even vergil's DLC is gone
Jesus Christ, I was updating like crazy and I couldn't get any of the keys. You niggers are too fast.
you grind for money otherwise. Apparently with the new CEO thingy you can make money fast, I haven't played in ages but my main money making scheme was cheesing survivals and getting 30k a pop. Heists took too long and were hell to play with randoms.
God Eater Rage Burst for sure. Rabi-Ribi as well.
I thought so. I found episode 1 to be pretty meh.
got hitman contracts, thanks
>all gone already
Yeesh, people are quick. Either way thanks for giving some games out to people user
I bought it to feel awesome, but after having played Titanfall 2's campaign, D44M just felt like a lackluster in that area.
It basically took the fun out of original Doom and left me with a series of cinematic kills in a locked area until I've hunted down every last demon in a room.
>Didn't buy a damn thing
>have $25
Alright, but is money needed for the initial character building?
whos the asian qt
Any good platformer hidden gems?
Also, are any of the Shantae games good?
>ive been trying to find a good card game
Tabletop Simulator maybe?
Don't know how well it runs on a toaster but there's so many card and board games on there.
Just check out the workshop:
Basically a ton of games for the price of one.
Get Dark Souls 3, Doom, or Witcher 3 while they're only 20 dollars or something. Subnautica is also a good choice.
inb4 beggars
Majesty 2 lads
maybe i tell ya if ya gimme some recommendations?
Kumi Yagami
i think ill wait on the goty edition for darksouls 3 myself.
gimme a good tower defence with no microtransactions
>are any of the Shantae games good?
Pirate's Curse is widely agreed to be the best in the series and even that one is just ok.
>Brutal Legend is only 2 dollars
Fucking worth it.
Do you want recommendations or just want to blogpost?
If the former then what kind of games do you like?
The Bull does not thank the Cuck.
Can you buy me Stardew Valley instead?
already own both sanctums, dungeon defenders, orcs must die, and gemcraft btw
newfag here. whats the cheapest way to level up? Maybe someone know some trusted steam cards trader or somthing.
Anything Shantaefags try to say, even if it's hate, take the praise down 2 notches due to their biased waifufaggotry.
Get Shovel Knight and nu-Rayman though.
Not if i recall correctly, you start out with a few basic pieces of clothing, and if you rob a few convenience stores you'll have enough to buy some more, but some pieces of clothing are pretty expensive. Not to mention you need to buy guns, ammo and armor. Also snacks and cars. Honestly for me though GTA online was a dress-up game. I spent all my money on clothes for my waifu
for the initial character creation? Not from what I know. You need money to buy clothes, cars, weapons and various accessories to pimp out your character. But not for the different sliders in character creation.
I want to gouge her eyes out.
>ask for recommendations
>no buy me something instead
die you degenerate begfag
Haven't bothered picking anything up, did I miss anything out on anything peticular?
There's a lot of choices. You travel around with your caravan and events pop up often which you have to make difficult decisions. I loved the narrative in it.