Why do people think Dark Souls 2 is better than any other game in the series of 5 games?
Why do people think Dark Souls 2 is better than any other game in the series of 5 games?
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People still like to pretend it has the best PVP 1v1 gameplay (something that sucks compared to invasions in the first place) but that's also awful. It may be faster for movement than Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, there's a huge amount of recovery frames for anything and no re-adjust during attacks except with certain weapons - so the fights all depend on good tracking movesets and recovery canceling. It even has less weapon variety than current Dark Souls 3 (Wow! lightning ice rapier, dark ice rapier, mundane ice rapier!)
has good duelling and build variety
piss poor everything else but I still like it better than hallwayborne 3
It's not the best, but I still enjoyed it. It came out when the series still still had steam. I actually think if this were the last game to come out, it would've ruined this series beyond repair. Glad it didn't though.
Because it's more akin to King's Field and Severance: Blade of Darkness, which makes it very special to me. People complaining about graphics are a special kind of fags.
People complaining about the downgrade are legit though.
Consider for a moment that DaS2 was the first game and DaS was the sequel.
You now prefer DaS 2 and hate DaS.
It definitely is similar to King's Field mainly due to Zin working on it but honestly you're better off playing Shadow Tower Abyss or King's Field IV. This game has nothing special about it.
Welcome to one of the funniest QUALITY games ever.
Enjoy your stay.
Every time someone mentions this game I feel like replaying it, but I've done pretty much every build available. Except magic.
Hey is magic still boring as shit?
bruh. they made an elevator from the top of a stand-alone windmill into an active volcano fortress... do you think they had any artistic value?
The sad part about this is that Shaded Ruins had a huge bridge along it to get to Drangleic castle but they opt for something lame that makes no sense. This is just before going into the straight tunnel.
Yes. Abyss sorceries/miracles and even nerfed lightning miracles more fun.
Fucking this. People shit on the sequels because they aren't the first game. If DaS2 or 3 had been the first game, then everyone would be in love with it and hate everything that came afterwards.
The boss battle and elevator are behind the windmill.
Hell, you don't even go into the round tower parts of Earthen Peak.
I like all of the games, Dark Souls 3 was very, very, very good. I think AoA > AotA > Shulva > Loyce > Brume in Dark Souls only DLC. AotA gets benefit of being cooler.
Literally cannot see the castle anymore or the bridge, it's to your right with a new bridge...?
I'm a lenient guy but I though DaS3 was a mistake. There's only one path to take, only one build to roll, DaS2 had so much variety right form the get-go that I restarted a new game almost 6 times before making it to Drangelic castle.
And when you manage to reach the castle the aqueduct (and pretty much everything else) is nowhere to be seen.
Even Zeno Clash 2, an indie game made by like 15 people, shows you the entire world from the highest in-game point.
Not to mention DS3 is easy as shit and plays like a gutted mishmash of BB and Souls that excels in nothing while keeping all of the flaws and contradictions
that's what i liked about Demon's Souls. It showed you the entire world of Boletaria if you went to look. The other worlds had too winding maps to show. Except Tower of Latria i guess.
Where it fails to reach Dark Souls 1 open paths to different levels, its individual level design and bosses were the most consistent in the series.
There's not one build to roll at all. But I admit offensive miracles and sorcery is lacking. Weapon and pyromancy wise it's top notch, I'm glad they brought back Dark Souls 1's more realistic movesets and stuff that Bloodborne also taken from original Dark Souls i.e. Ludwig's and Kirkhammer Longsword moveset is basically a refined version of Dark Souls 1's straight swords.
There's no Souls game as flawed as Dark Souls 2.
There are even inconsistencies inside the same fucking level.
From the docks in Lost Bastille you go a few meters into a cave, take an elevator up the cliff, leave IN THE SAME DIRECTION YOU CAME FROM, suddenly end in a long corridor which leads to the bastille and now there's a large tower where the ship should've been.
Meant to be a reply to
I thought some parts were quite frustratingly difficult. That Pontiff boss and Champ boss felt like they could just hit you from wherever and chain combos infinitely.
Flaws don't matter as long as the high points are high. DaS 2 was memorable and fun. fffuck I wanna play it again
What was memorable for you? The predictable 3 hit combos of bosses or the AOE explosions they do?
Say what you want about
>level design
but the actual RPG/gear system was probably one of the best in the series and the encounters (for the most part) and the gameplay were leagues above 3
See, that's just one of the contradictions that the game has trying to smash Souls and BB combat together. It gives you the tools and mindset of a Souls game but at times throws BB-level bosses at you, like them and Freide. The problem is, coming from BB they're still far weaker and easier to fight so the only one out of the Big 5 I got stuck on for more than 5 lives minutes was Freide.
Pontiff is easy to play aggressively against and the Champ is incredibly generous with space, allowing you to heal meaning the only way either one can beat you is if you aren't used to rapid-fire dodging
2 has no high points. It's dull grey slog through Izalith-tier levels with awful terrible movement and combat and bland yet frustrating bosses with shitty music at the end of them.
>but the actual RPG/gear system was probably one of the best in the series and the encounters (for the most part) and the gameplay were leagues above 3
Like what? The armour sets looked a lot worse and the level design (this includes encounters) were done way better with Dark Souls 3.
DaS3 has too many stats but doesn't look as stupid as DaS2's. I mean, ADP? Really?
As for RPG, the covenants in Dark Souls 3 do it better especially with name changes on some covenants. Aldritch Faithful is probably the best version of Forest/Belltower.
Pontiff glitched out when I fought him. About halfway through the fight, he just stopped attacking. I wonder if that ever got patched.
>in the series of 5
It is the second in the series you fucking faggot.
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
The level design was great though. Remember that part where you carry a torch as to not fall into the water but enemies throw canisters of oil at you? Fucking genius.
You could even ignore the torch once you know the layout. But then you have to fight the longarmed freaks later on. There's a level of strategy here which simply isn't present in the other games.
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
The Miyazaki 4 games and the ginger step child.
The Dark Souls series does not include Demon Souls and BB you dumb shit.
Demon Souls and BB have nothing to do with Dark Souls.
>Remember that part where you carry a torch as to not fall into the water but enemies throw canisters of oil at you?
no since I never played the pre-downgrade version that actually required a torch.
Except everything but the story.
>inb4 but they're souls gayyyyyymes
I didn't care for the torch mechanics. The Gutter was a huge slog until you lit all of the stationary torches while not letting your own torch go out. Which means you have to single hand the whole place.
It's got a better new game + function than any of the other souls games.
Yeah! And when shit got real you could douse the flames in order to equip a shield, since you could re-light the torch when all the enemies were dead and you were ready to explore.
Not once in DaS 3 was I ever forced to attempt a different strategy in order to handle an area. You can just run through everything, rolling through the swampy sections. Try that shit in the Shrine of Amara, you'll get turned into magical residue in 8 seconds.
>since you could re-light the torch when all the enemies were dead and you were ready to explore
Then you fall off the ledge due to having to jump at certain points and all the enemies respawn.
Bridges and rectangular areas were easy to follow, stationary torches were like mini-bonfires, bases you set up as you explored the darkness.
Cool area, only problem is that it ended in the Gulch. Also there's a big insect which doesn't do anything.
poor souls
I wish they'd stop rendering pointless shit in the distance. Maybe BB would actually be playable when it isn't locked at 24 FPS and 37 seconds of loading (I counted)
It wouldn't look THAT bad if they had added some depth blur and color filters for the distant stuff like DaS1 did.
Right now it looks like someone ran the game through an alpha-build of an emulator that has that shit not implemented.
- best PvP gameplay
- best Covenants
- best Covenant battle arenas
- more build variety than others
- best looking armors
- Majula is better than Firelink Shrine
- more interesting and mysterious story
- most DLC content
- a lot of NPCs can survive unlike in DS1
- all annoying enemies stop spawning once you defeat them 15 times
- Drangleic > Anor Londo
- Emerald Herald is in it
Open world done right
Thanks to warping you can seamlessly work on charting out 4-5 different routes all at once, moving elsewhere to bolster your SL and estus for the challenges up ahead
It's much more stand-alone, narratively. It's fans and detractors note this fact. Dark Souls 3 is more of a direct sequel to the first game because of it's connections.
Personally, it's my least favorite of the series because I don't think it's difficulty is balanced well. It's Megaman X6 tier in some parts like the Alonne run or Shrine, or Dragon shrine or Smelter Demon run. Parts like these do detract from the game, as do some of the other questionable design choices.
Also, there's no giant women.
At least the modded screenshot in that post looks good.
What did you do?
Because if the flaws of the other games were to be as ridiculously overblown as DS2's, the entire series would be considered shit.
Only play these and don't waste your time on the others. Gimmie the (You)s
>DS2 is the worst because i modded myself a graphic downgrade
>You will never get to play DS2 with dynamic lighting
I enjoyed Dark Souls 2 the most.
That's just maximum contrarianism.
No, that is just my personal opinion.
Dark Souls 2 was good for multiplayer. Its the best DS game to play all the way through with a buddy or two, which is something! But not what you want from Dark Souls. Still, it has some merits.
It feels like a filler episode. And the whole downgrade debacle didn't help it either. When people finally played it, it turned out to be shit compared to the other souls games.
So now that almost everybody doesn't like it or even hates it, Some of the fucks on Sup Forums jump on it screaming that "it's the best in the series" or "it wasn't so bad". This always happens. Sup Forums loves being contrarian. And only deals in obsoletes e.g. "everyone who doesn't realize this game is perfection is a faggot" etc etc.
BB = Das1 > Das2 > Das3 = Des
your deliberately hipster contrarian opinion to seem cool, just like everyone else who 'likes' dark souls 2
But thats correct. I would argue DeS was made redundant by DaS but I havent played DeS in years, I just remember distinctly thinking DaS improved on everything DeS did. BB is its own game doing its own things in this regard.
>Dark Souls 1
Have to unlock the ability to teleport between select bonfires
>Dark Souls 2
You can teleport between any bonfire, yet it's still possible to complete the game without resting at one
>Dark Souls 3
The only way to progress after getting to Firelink Shrine and after defeating certain bosses is to use the Bonfire Teleport.
Whatever you say, kid. I don't care what anyone else thinks, i'm not 12 years old.
I enjoyed 2 the most, 3 was a better game but I still didn't enjoy it as much as 2 and I didn't enjoy 1 as much as either 2 or 3.
I couldn't care less what you think.
Why thou?
Souls 1 also had impossible geometry, cocksuckers. The Earthen Peak > Iron Kingdom mistake is just more blatant than everywhere you can't see what you should be able to in 1.
>look at them not wasting resources on stuff you can't see anyways!
Tomb of the fallen giants looks as terrible when you remove the darkness.
Not a Dark Souls 2 apologist, in fact I hate this game, but this kind of criticism is just silly.
I'd like to see where
Reminds me of those pictures of Space Mountain with the lights on.
>implying it's as bad as the common das1
literally fuck you and fuck your bait
Why this is shit
What's with the Reddit posters who defend Dark Souls 2?
I think they are lost and confused.
They think the minor QoL changes DaS2 had were actually more important than the main game.
I'm looking for it. There was a map made up and shown screenshots where you should be able to see New Londo Ruins from a certain area, and also how you actually walk through Demon Ruins or a later game area at some point.
>Tomb of the fallen giants looks as terrible when you remove the darkness.
Got a link? I'm curious to see.
I think the main reason why I didn't like dark soul 2 was because it was too omnidirectional, dark souls 1 was more stock actions and every move felt like it had weight behind it. DaS2 felt 'floaty'
Except demon souls exists
Nah. I don't think DaS2 was that bad, but I think if you swapped them around, people would see the sequel as an upgrade. It's kind of funny to imagine people talking about END and VIT being merged/rebalanced. I can imagine the "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!" posts
Dark Souls 2 fans will do anything to shit on the other games to defend their game.
Funnily enough they're almost always wrong.
I can't tell if burnout lead to me not putting in anywhere near as many hours into 3 and that this lead to me not being able to accurately gauge if it really was better than 2 or if the fact that 3 didn't entice me into playing it through more than 1 and a half or so times sets it lower than previous entries.
>great new armours but remember that 3 uses armours from both previous games so not the best
>fuck you
>yes the core of the DLC was great but you have to completely ignore the incredibly shit parts
>NPCs surviving is lore unfriendly, they are meant to progress or go hollow
>if you can beat them 15 times you don't need them to despawn; I can't think of anywhere it is useful
>fuck no
You missed out bonfire ascetics and great NG+ content. Probably my favourite part of Dark Souls 2, especially considering it's such a slog in DS3 replaying an identical game just to get +2 rings
No I wouldn't cause Demon's Souls would still be way better and DaS 2 would still be a big downgrade
What is the point of adding details to things that are not supposed to be seen? It's the same like designing the organs of your fucking character.
Dark Souls 2 is shit, but you are just being stupid at this point.
That was in reply to the guy using the "lights on" screenshot from the gutter in DS2 to bash it, for some reason.
then why does clipping always show the eyeballs and teeth/gums???
These are fine.
You aren't even meant to be able to see them and they look fine.
If dark souls 1 has shit like this it's next to Bed of Chaos.
Am I being fucking baited or are you legit retarded?
I did several playthroughs of both DaS1 and DaS2.
DaS3 on the other hand, once I finished it I just uninstalled the game and never looked back.
This is of course a subjective opinion, but for me the last one was the worst souls game.
Who cares about an idiot
Don't be rude, that guy is probably sick of Souls games there's been way too many of them in short notice.
He'd probably go back and realise wtf DaS3 is good and DaS2 is awful compared to it.
>Who cares about an idiot
who's the idiot here?