Is Sup Forums good at rhythm games?

Is Sup Forums good at rhythm games?

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God no, I'm terrible. But I have fun.

im good at them but there are no good ones on pc


LR2 and KSM, just get a controller.

I'm decent at them

But the hardcore jap rhythm games fuck my shit up

>tfw tuba croc dev is probably dead or something

Wtf, I was just looking for that song the other day.
Love you user

Literally the reddit of rhythm games.

DJ Max Trilogy.

No, that would be miku.

I beat Jumpin' Jack Flash on Sweatin' after a 4 hour plane ride worth of attempts.

That's about my peak.

GH have 2 ports on pc, gh 3 have a shitton of customs.

Also you can emulate GH and RB games from wii and slap custom on it.

Rhythm, you have it or you don't, that's a fallacy
I'm in them, every sprouting tree, every child of peace
Every cloud and sea.

I can tolerate the Miku fanbase because they aren't obnoxious as fuck and they know they're just degenerate weebs.

osu has a reddit-tier community that's fucking awful and obnoxious a shit. The game itself is also pretty shit.

DS had godlike rhythgames

Such as?

EBA/Ouendan and Rhythm Heaven

>game is shit because I dislike the people that play it
oh right, this is Sup Forums

>that's not what I said
then name one thing bad about osu

I finished EBA and both Ouendan games on the DS on every difficulty setting

Is that good? I haven't played any rhythm games outside of those


>Scoring system is pure shit, relying on your combo almost exclusively for score is retarded
>Ranking system is shit (mostly because of 1)
>Fucking VARIABLE TIMING WINDOWS the settings of which are completely in the hands of the mapper
>Most maps are absolutely fucking horrible and there's an incredibly obnoxious tendency to overmap songs that have relatively simple composition only so they're harder to play
>the community is fucking awful and full of literal redditors

The only good thing about OSU is that it acts as a filter for catching the lowest common denominator of weebs and other faggots from contaminating actual good rhythm games.

Is there a better rhythm game level than this?

>the scoring system has been so bad that they've tried TWICE to fix it and it's still complete shit

Yeah, the only good level that came out of Guitar Hero 3: the duel with the devil.

Thumper on VR was a contender for goty for me.

>Single player song is DLC.

Im still upset with this shit. And you cant export to WT on top of everything.


I'm a weeb doe

Been playing 13s in Sound Voltex Gravity Wars, still trying to get to a point where I can beat them all on sightread.

Took me about 6 attempts to beat this one last night, I need to get my patterns down.

Nice, I just moved from 14s into 15s this month. One thing I would recommend is to try and get conformable with moving your hand across controller. Shit like hitting ABs and BCs with your right hand a vice verse, stuff like that will be required in 14s and 15s so you should practice now.

Yeah my main two problems right now are one handing certain segments and the more complex dual analog patterns. All in good time though.

>import Taiko V
>enjoy it but hit a hard skill limit on anything 8* or higher on Oni
>try Superbeat Xonic
>mfw barely beating things on the easy 4 track mode

I love these games but I'm pretty awful at them for the same reason I'm bad at fighting games, awful dexterity

Osu is shit son, kill yourself asap.

sounds like you're someone who tried to play it, for like 2hrs and gave up cos they have no patience


No, Sup Forums plays osu, rhythm heaven, project diva and western rhythm games.

Never make a rhythm game thread on Sup Forums again.

>blown the fuck out so hard a shitty carrot face reply is the only thing you could muster

bemaniso is shit
sherlock is a fag
tau suck dick


I play Osu, Rhythm Heaven, Project Diva, western rhythm games, Taiko, Groove Coaster, Sound Voltex and jubeat.

Can I stay?

Remove osu and you're good,

>Gud at rhythm games
>gud at shmups
>Terrible at Fightan

whoa wtf i hate osu! now

I played the Senran kagura rhythm game, can I stay?

yes, but only because of sound voltex and jubeat

Where do you play jubeat?
you dont play taiko with the keyboard, do you?

>Where do you play Jubeat
Arcades in England are starting to get the machines, I go to London when I can but for the most part I practice with jubeat plus on my tablet.

>you dont play taiko with the keyboard, do you?
Nah, either arcade machines or dual stylus 3DS. Been thinking of getting a controller to play at home recently. I can't imagine playing Taiko with buttons.

I play OsuMania.

I know that makes me scum, but sometimes it's nice having a beatmania game in english. If they implemented the ability to play BMS files it'd be pretty decent even, but they won't.

Sup Forums isn't good at any videogames.

it's probably why everyone is so angry and generally wrong around here

its ok to play osumania if you are new to rhythm games or just poor.

SV and Jubeat are just as shit as Osu.

Play IIDX, faggots.

how lucky, im from argentina and there isnt shit here, i want to play jubeat so much.

i play iidx with a dao controller.

>implying I don't play all three
Even if you dislike SDVX and Jubeat they're not even in the same universe in regards to how shit osu is.

Sup Forums is full of casuals, that's why they also hate osu
too much skill to handle/comprehend
just look at rrtyui/hvick/shige, they will never even get 1% of their skills even if they spent their whole lives playing the game

>Live in bumfuck middle of nowhere
>Suddenly an arcade shows up
>It has Taiko, Pop'n Music and Groove Coaster
>They're all on freeplay and you just have to pay to get in

I have no idea how this happened but I'll take it.