What is it with these HD collections getting the JUST treatment? Every fucking time

What is it with these HD collections getting the JUST treatment? Every fucking time.

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I don't see much difference.

When they don't need to put in effort, they won't. You can play the original versions on PC if the remaster's shit, but not on a console, where they don't notice graphics all that much so they pander to consoles and save money with slightly worse graphics.

AC2's JUST treatment is the best thing ever.

They outsource them to cheap devs and give them neither the time or the resources to a do a good job even if they had the competency to do so.

I wonder if it'd run better with Linux on PS4 and WINE.

They're made by devs who lack the skill, time and resources.

I'm actually surprised at how well the Ezio Collection turned out.

PS4 looks better

>buying a hd collection ever
why wouldn't you play the original, the way it's meant to be played

muh frame rate

You can actually play the originals on Xbone now with unlocked framerate and no tearing.

Well with just about the only HD remaster I ever bought was because it came with two more games.
Since the origional copy of the games were otherwise missing.

You didn't get the memo that all those HD version "bugs" were in the original game too, did you?

PS4 looks better, no doubt, but I think the lack of color was a design desision in the early AC games. To resemble memories and yadda yadda.

Did you miss all the threads showing how JUST the faces became?

>unlocked framerate
nice, finally 144 fps on consoles!

Overblown. The eyes pop more, but it was only bad with that one guy from Veri's gang

It's the same shit chinese retards that make the broken remakes, that's why.



After seeing what two random guys in Spain and the Midwest US are doing for no pay, remasters today are absolutely inexcusable.

For comparison

This is a Ubishill thread everyone.

Im looking forward to seeing their HD character and weapon models.

Nah, that model from the Polygon video was just fucked up, apparently they removed it completely.
Is worth remembering that the video -was- by Polygon, too.

Even the 'good' remasters are usually not good enough.


It's actually pretty sickening just how much developers and publishers are allowed to get away with these days and screams just how shitty this industry has become and the sooner the next crash happens the better.

As for the mod I have never been so hyped for one ever, the amount of work going into is is staggering.

It is overblown though

Makes me glad that I kept Substance and Subsistence.

this is actually a decent visual remaster.
got it myself for 3 bucks or something on sale and for some senseless over-the-top shooting it's pretty cool.

because publishers know that console gamers are stupid fucks who can be exploited into double dipping.

Croteam doesn't count since they actually give a shit about their games.


I'm not even sure if this comparison is supposed to make the remake look bad, because both look pretty damn bad here. But that remaster pic is far from maxed out, it looks great at ultra.

>Almost done with the Castle
>They're even doing Separate Ways, AA, and Mercenaries
Granted it might be like another year and a half but fuck they're amazing

Reflection and water detail are gone.

Lighting is worse too look at the door.

I think this is more a remake than a remaster.

I'll wait as long as it takes. Haven't touched RE4HD since release because of this mod.

inb4 they get C&D

Imagine if the mod died at 90% finished

I bet the al-bhed did this.

Nah Capcom doesn't do that, in fact they have supported a bunch of fan projects in the past, even went to publish some fanmade Mega Man games in the past.

I wouldn't play RE4HD again, I couldn't after seeing what it could have become.

Nah they got the approval of Capcom.
They also got some source stuff from them too.

It baffles me their attention to detail with little shit like that is better than most devs

It really triggers me when people brag about remasters that aren't even fantastic. Like if you can get a game on Steam or emulate it to better effect than the remaster, and yet people are recommending buying it on console.

>valkyria chronicles
>tomb raider 2013
10/10 triggered

Capcom has never C&D a fan game before, I mean sure they're a terrible and greedy company these days but they're still brotier when it comes to fan games.


Only fucking Nintendo would C&D a texture mod.

Huh, well, all the best of luck to you then.

I'm just used to seeing fan-projects getting shut fast these days I don't usually stop to consider there's someone out there who doesn't just instantly send out a cease and desist letter.

All 3 games for $60 and also includes the Minerva's Den DLC which is basically the same length of another game, sounds like a good deal if you haven't played the games before.

Most modern devs you mean, this kind of shit was common practice but we've become so used to developers not even trying that shit like this seems otherworldly. I'm just glad that there's still some hope left in man and that's there's people out there willing to do shit modern devs are just too fucking Jewish to do themselves.

>All 3 games for $60
>good deal
Jesus Christ

When it comes to quality, love and care trump money.

How is it not? You're basically paying $20 for each game and they're all content rich AAA games.

What went so right?

Absolutely nothing

Is there a bigger JUST than the Batman arkham collection?

Well considering they're almost going bankrupt I'd say not much. That's the price you pay for being a video game developer who specializes only in remasters and also has to compete with asian studios who do the same as you for half the price.

Fuck me dead, the precision on this one.

>the post it notes perfectly placed
>the stack of books behind them as well
>the blue yellow and white sticker on the PC
>that yellow cylinder behind the white box on the table
>all the cords

Of course there are some changes too, but well done.

It's odd that this one has more changes though. Not to criticize but the legs are different and it's missing the area below the DVD player looking thing, or maybe that's the back and now it's a 3D object instead of 2D painted so we can't see it from where he's standing.

All of them had been on sale for

Absolutely, read this thread kid.

Besides, if you give a shit about the Batman games, we can't help you.

Silent Hill HD. That does look really bad though.

This. I got them all for like $5 in a humble bundle or amazing sale a while back.

$60 if a massive fucking rip off.

Whoever ported Valkyria Chronicles to PC did a fucking fantastic job. Not only did they optimized it using virgin blood but it loads incredibly fast.

Going by that logic then buying food is stupid since you can just beg for free food on the streets.

>fan modders with infinite time tweaking an existing product
>compared to a company on a tight schedule making it from scratch
Devs aren't as lazy as people make them out to be. They're usually as dedicated as the modders who fix all this shit, but making games takes so much time it's hard to make it as good as you'd like

The specularity and general lighting took a shit.

And made the game ten times harder with the higher framerate

>tfw the remake turns the game into a 2D DMC

I remember reading it somewhere the PC port was done in house by SEGA.

What you just said has nothing to do with logic.

In defense of the developers, RE4 was originally for A Nintendo console. Not a PC.

Well everything is still "work in progress" and subject to alteration before release. As for the changes they're trying to keep things as faithful as possible, even going on-location to the places Capcom went to however some things may just be lost to time and they've had to improvise some details in a few cases.

They fixed that unfortunately but it was only roughly 3 times as hard which was still too easy. Thankfully some modder made a rebalance mod which -actually- makes the game ten times harder.

As said, it made it harder because 60fps sped up the damage you take, though clearly not "ten times harder".

I was quite surprised when a stormtrooper killed ALicia in half a nanosecond. It was kinda fun desu


>Sega (PS3, PS4)
>Little Stone Software (PC)
Whoever they are, they have my respect. 120fps, arbitrary resolution, mouse support, added visual effects, god tier loading times, moddability, they are my heroes.


>Going by that logic then buying food is stupid since you can just beg for free food on the streets

There has never been a good remaster ever.
If you objectively alter any piece of a game other than turning the resolution slider up, then you have ruined the artistic vision of the creator and are objectively human garbage for charging for your shitty fan-game.

This is also why consoles are garbage for needing these in the first place. Kids toys designed to scam money out of kids for an option that the PC has for day 1.

It wasn't.

It was done by Little Stone Software.

>>Little Stone Software (PC)
"A British developer known for creating the PC port of Valkyria Chronicles."

QLOC's PC ports are also pretty good, thank God they have been working with Capcom for so long.

>ruining the original vision of the developer
PC gaming was a mistake. The only people who should have the right to modify a developers vision are the developers themselves. Good thing thanks to Denuvo modding cancer has been decreased, but more needs to be done. Modding must be completely removed from gaming.

>tfw they still didnt make it any less of a bore to finish

Do weird ports where they changed lots of stuff count?

I fucking hope they're the same team working on the Vanquish PC port

The rebalance is literally no nonsense. If you poke your head out you get your ass fucked.

The Gravity Rush remaster is very good because it objectively looks better than the original game, which is very rare for a remaster. You can't even say Okami HD was good because the Wii version at the same resolution looks better.


It would help if you didn't use an image made from the first trailer that made the devs extend development time. However cutscenes look worse but that's because before they were per-rendered but now they're in-game.

>You can't even say Okami HD was good because the Wii version at the same resolution looks better.
Did the Wii version support 16:9? Or run at whatever FPS Okami HD does?

You just gave me goosebumps. That would be fucking awesome.

It's still repetitive as fuck, but the new combat system makes it a lot more bearable.

t. fan fiction shiteater

That kind of not possible. Since stuff always has to go through your hardware and that stuff can be read.

Also you are a retard

And a nu-memespouter.

I don't know why but I can't enjoy games any more unless I play on a difficulty that fucks my ass hard. But only if its fair and not just RNG like xcom

Having to make perfect plans and use all of my tools is fun desu