Left or right?

Left or right?

Left doesn't make me feel like a creep

Left. Both games have the inherent flaws all card games have, but at least the UI and design of the left doesn't make me want to rip my eyes out.

>generic western art
>generic japanese art
Right because the game is more fun

>8 mana for a 3/3



right is an objectively better game, left is held up purely on the fanboyism of retard casuals

Left. Weebs are the saddest thing in the world


I can at least talk about it in public in some degree unlike right where it makes me out as the virgin weeb

left, shadowverse is a piece of shit game that puts you at a tremendous disadvantage if you end up going first

Left, I like being able to read card abilities.

Right because it's not pay to play and the mechanics are better.

>Right because it's not pay to play

shitty bait. you could do better

Tes; Legends

He's right though, Hearthstone has turned into pay-to-play. Not sure why people on Sup Forums are defending it.

The Goblin Mage is actually that small hooded dude in the left corner.

Neither. Both games are terribly shallow and the ccg equiv of having your dick bandsawed off, and anyone who plays either is a faggot


Depends on whichever has the better gameplay mechanics.

I couldn't give a shit less about the weeb art. Hell, I own everything for Tanto Cuore (deckbuilding game where you hire a bunch of cute as fuck maids using love as a resource with goal of becoming the best master at the table) and Barbossa (super lewd anime pics of female nazi soldiers deck builder where you race against your other opponents to conquer Russia).

I put both of the aforementioned games above Dominion in terms of better base gameplay even though Dominion was obviously what they were based on.

Theme is not as important as game play. The fact that Sup Forums, which so frequently points out how fucked it is that feminists bitching and moaning has caused games to be changed for the worse to even suggest that a games theme is a negative is kind of fucked.

It takes a long fucking time to get everything, but Hearthstone isn't really pay-to-win (I assume you meant pay-to-win and not pay-to-play).

But they definitely need to add ways to make it feel less like it's pay-to-win for newer players. The ranked system is fucked, new players are going to be against top tier decks filled with legendaries and shit.

How insecure can you be?

If you basically need to pay in order to stand a chance against other opponents who paid for content, then it is indeed essentially pay to play.

>Barbossa (super lewd anime pics of female nazi soldiers deck builder where you race against your other opponents to conquer Russia)
Is it as fun as it sounds? I need something to kill time for 4 people.

The matchmaking is pretty good for new players, you only go against other new players with small card collections. I know this is still the case because I made alt accounts recently for the alternate hero skin.
So it's fun and fair enough playing there, Tavern Brawls usually give you a deck to play with, and arena is mostly skill based.

The problem is just the terrible ranked mode, putting newer players and experts who just had the season reset all together.

thank user you reminded me to do my hs quests

Aya Blackpaw is best girl

Did they fix nep yet?

Left of course. Right would make my mom angry and i want to be a good little boy.

God tier.

>sign up for beta 50 million years ago
thanks faggot cuckpolacks

Right, because left is boring, expensive and everything about it is about RNG and aggro

Except the flaws with Hearthstone are massive and the flaws with Shadowverse are few.

Neither because fuck card games

I wish I had more time to play Shadowverse, but got one last essay to write before that. Still logging in to get the massive New Year bonuses though

>every single person in this thread who has answered left has given the most insecure, childish or neo-puritan reasoning

Not really surprised.


I like anime and titties.

I remember people told me this card was useless, but I've seen people have 1 of them in their decks just to activate Vengance immediately and then play some sick storm-combo that kills you immediately.

It's bad in an aggressive meta where every faggot unga aggro player has like 20 storm creatures and uses all their evolves on face damage.

I want to put my penis in most of the characters on the right, so, right.
Unless you actually want me to play the game, then, neither.

>sign up for beta
>didnt play Witcher 3
>got into the beta a month ago
>havnt played it
>have no intention of playing it

Sorry mang, maybe in a parallel universe you're in the beta and loving it.

>Wanting to put your dick in generic animu #4792

>Over a Night Elf
>Over a Draenei

I'll give you credit for the rest, but overall yoir dick has poor taste.

Right side I feel like a moron playing. Left side I feel like shit when I play.

I'll take all of them except the furry

>generic Tolkien-fantasy creatures

So hot, so cool!

Graduate high school before criticizing other people's tastes.

>goblin mage
>image features a loli elf mage with the goblin mage in the background
Japs know their priorities I see.

No, that's just a female goblin. Sexual dimorphism in really common in Cygames stuff.

Absolutely, he should be proud of his dakimakura, just like you.


It's not useless, but it's an unwieldy combo piece that tryhard decks aren't going to run.

>fuck cute goblin mage girl
>get fugly half goblin son

I'm not the same user that you responded too, but I prefer left.

And I have a girlfriend, regular sex, I go to university, I have lots of friends

and guess what, most fucking people are okay with anime-looks in games, animes, mangas etc - girls more so even than guys. The ones who don't fucking socialize in this thread are the people that think they are protecting women by not playing Shadowverse. It is time you guys realise there are more women than that one woman on your facebook who just spams buzzfeed-articles because she is boring and have no life

>fuck ding dong
>get qt half dong son

i signed up for beta and got in a couple months ago, still havent touched it

Left doesn't have me looking over my shoulder every five seconds

>fuck cute dwarf perfumer
>get Dildo Swaggins who also smells bad

Do people still play Heartstone?

It's pretty good in arena.

I actually got Daria, Dimensional Witch last night. I don't have that many good Runecraft-cards though

She summons her 4/4 lesbian friend with rush who deals 2 to enemy face whenever she attacks.

She's not bad

>not having weeb friends

deals one to every enemy follower + face

that isn't a goblin

Also she's already taken

Goblin Mage isn't a goblin, she's just being rused


There's a shadowverse manga?

I am a weeb, and part of my country's weeb community. So I know better than most how degenerate it is considered to like loli such as Shadowverse is massive pedo pandering. There is a line that should not be crossed.

I don't even know if that's an official comic (probably not) but Cygames also makes Rage of Bahamut and Granblue Fantasy and Shadowverse basically takes all its cards from the former

2D =/= 3D

Go away Britbong/Aushitposter

>meme RNG
>no cleanup
>shit setting
>shit art

Why would I play either? I'd sooner play that horrible MTGO than either of these pieces of shit.

>not knowing what the cards in your deck do

>my pathetic weeb virgin mind requires every woman to be a 14 year old anime girl

like pottery

What's wrong with having characters that are pleasing to look at

>/hsg/ is completely dead and is basically dominated by shadowverse shitposters now
>/svg/ is extremely active with constant meta and deck discussion
really makes you think

weeb game has shit mechanics and is a literal
>shill out 4 fucking legendaries to buy a single one
>you can literally have 3 of every legendary
holy fucking shit koreans

>deck discussion
>meta discussion
the only discussion you have in that shitty thread of yours is loli picks and whose the best waifu is while people complain about the game being an unbalanced garbageheap

Hi Ben.

Legendaries are also less powerful than in HS, also packs have 8 cards instead of 5 and the drop rates are higher, not to mention you literally get like 30 free packs starting out that you can reroll with little fuss.

One of the strongest decks right now doesn't use a single legendary, pic related

>People on Sup Forums actually picking Hearthstone

How bad has this board gotten

I blame the election for bringing in normies from Sup Forums

Shadowverse is actually good so that one.

>Bahamut is done
>Granblue is next

I hope you're ready for shortstack the expansion

Aslong as I get that cow Alicia

I wanna play Shadowverse but i can't cause my mommy and daddy are in the room and they sneak peak at my screen every once in awhile.

Well,you also have Clash of Clans threads and people feeling nostalgia over CoD 4 and Oblivion/Skyrim

>People caring about what other people think of them because of a japanese card game

Since when Sup Forums has been like this?

>most fucking people are okay with anime-looks in games

where do you live? obviously in some liberal shit hole thats most likely san fransico CA.

>not playing real card games instead

Shadowverse's characters just like look every other generic anime.

I like Duelyst

I started a Shadowverse account when they were giving away booster packs a few days ago (got 48), but I really don't like the UI and the fact that you can't look at a card and see what it does, you have to click on it to inspect it. Makes it really hard to build a deck that isn't shite.

I play physical MtG and Shadowverse.

delicious bara dragon

Why the fuck doesn't Dragon Pendant work with Altered Fate.


That's a really dumb excuse.

>install Shadowverse
>forced to do tutorial
>can't even make my own decisions in the tutorial
>shit graphics
>awful vocie acting
>cheap animu artwork
>shit ui
At least Hearthstone puts some effort into it.

Bulgariafag here.

Is it? I'm sure if you had a general idea what each card does, it's much easier. I'd like to play two CCGs but it's just annoying having to memorize all of that when I'm also just starting to get harder into Duelyst.

>8 mana

what the fuck is this game?

At least say Gwent or something.

>Defending Hearthstone AT ALL after countless shitty expansions further stagnating the meta into an RNG vs. RNG mess

I've been playing more Shadowverse and Duelyst. Thank god other digital card games exist cause they feel like a breath of fresh air.