>game is set on a timer
>you constantly have to race against the clock
Why can't the devs understand that it's never fun when you're forced to rush and overall this shit is never implemented successfully. It really drags the entire game down.
>game is set on a timer
>you constantly have to race against the clock
Why can't the devs understand that it's never fun when you're forced to rush and overall this shit is never implemented successfully. It really drags the entire game down.
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Yeah the clock is annoying. Wish there was a way to turn it off.
XCOM 2 was ruined by this mechanic as well.
>Make a turn-based game about tactical gameplay and player freedom
>Slap on a timer that limits tactical gameplay and player freedom
On that note, why did it turn my .gif into a shitty, ant-sized .jpg?
What kind of surprisingly appropriate coincidence that perfectly describes the point I made in this post is this?
How new are you to video games?
hi newfriend. you saved a thumbnail, not the file itself, hence the "s" at the end of the filename.
Fuck timers.
I bet you enjoyed escorting Emma in MGS2 too.
>Citing PS2 games
>Time limits go back even further
Really new to video games.
I didn't save the thumbnail, "friend", I'm looking at the .gif right here, and as proof I'll upload it right now, again.
No it doesn't. How slow are you, everyone gets enough time to check every corner of the level before the ghost appears, it's not like it's a strategy or adventure game, you don''t need to explore anything, you don't really miss anything, you basically want to make the game way too easy.
For a second I was wondering what you were talking about, the Speedlunky achievement? No, you mean the ghost. The ghost is so second nature after playing so long I don't even recognize it as a clock. Because it's done well. Spelunky's level generation is not strong enough on its own, so the ghost is implemented to give the player a pace he must play at. Each situation has to be 'solved' in a time frame. If you had no time limit, you could both solve everything, and you're also spend too much time on an individual run, where life in Spelunky is meant to be disposable and fragile. You can just run around the ghost too, you know. Evading the thing is fun. I think it's stressful in the fun way. Ghosting to get diamonds is really boring though. I disagree with that decision.
its base management was already shitty, it clearly didn't need a timer ...
The timer for the ghost in Spelunky only adds to the gameplay.
Waiting for the ghost to appear to turn all the gems into diamonds, and dodging the ghost with precision platforming and smart utilisation of items.
Killing the shop keepers to get an early shotgun/bombs/jet pack too, adds even more fun to the mix.
But you usually have tons of time in Spelunky, sometimes you can get through a level in like 30 seconds. There are only a couple levels where this is a problem (for example black market if you pissed off shopkeepers and need to wait for an opening).
>forced to rush
You're not FORCED, it's risk-reward. You go slow, you have to deal with a ghost. The more experienced you get with the game, the better you get at making the decision of how fast you should go. It's part of gitting gud. Fuck off and come back when you have more than 2 hours played.
get good you fucking shitter
>waah make game easier change my daipey
Never thought I'd see the day when Sup Forums became so hypocritical. Yes here we are. Hope none of you ever become game designers for the good of everyone else.
Spelunky is not set on a timer. There is no failstate on time.
>uugh I heard that thing was bad in that game
>that mean that thing is always bad
i want to attack the ghost
>Not using the ghost to your advantage and farming a shitload of diamonds.
acquire proficiency
>there's a damsel in distress
>she's called damsel
>she's helpless without you and runs around aimlessly
>you can whip her infinitely
>you can toss her around
>you can kill her in various ways
>you can sacrifice her on an altar
How come this game didn't stir up any controversy?
>being so bad at an easy platformer that the game has to tell you to get a fucking move on.
While we're at it, let's just remove all the traps in the game so that all we have to do is hold the run button and climb down to the exit.
They're just supposed to be vulnerable, you can have them as men, women, or even just dogs.
Or sloth, if you like Spelunky's hidden unlocks
Are you talking about the ghost?
The same ghost that's so slow that anyone with 2 brain cells can dodge it infinitely?
because tumblr doesn't actually play games and they only see the games that are advertised
Guys, I only need 2 more trophies (Beat Yamma and 100% Journal which I can get by killing Yamma and his minions) before I beat the game but Im at 1600 deaths and over 100 hours of gameplay and I never reached Yamma and only been to hell twice. How do I improve or git gud? Every time I do a run, I try to find a shotgun and jetpacks early on. I manage to deal with the shopkeepers just fine but I always die to stupid shit and its frustrating. This game is slowly breaking me down and my autism might not be enough to keep going. Halp
>try do a full ironman run
>black market, worm etc
>haven't even reached the Temple
fugg I've died over 300 times
There's nothing anyone can tell you to improve your skills, maybe you should take your time, but that's it. I still don't have the speedrun, a lot of gold and co-op achievements, I always fail to use the ghost and the teleporter properly.
Wouldn't that imply bestiality?
I honestly forgot there was a ghost in Spelunky, it takes like two and a half minutes for it to show up in a level.
Legal in Canada :^)
For the under 8 minute speedrun, just get a compass and jetpacks + 15 bombs and race towards every exit. It's not as hard as it sounds and eventually you'll get a lucky run where you wont have to deal with bullshit like dark levels or a fucked up temple level and not enough bombs to get through.
Actually, I did. I find the concept of timed underwater escort mission to be quite amusing. It's also a very short fragment so it doesn't overstay its welcome. Stop memeing.
Oh SHIT I had no idea
How the hell can anyone effectively use the teleporter? I've managed to only descend 2 levels before killing myself with it - how Bananasaurus Rex speedruns with it is beyond me
Playable females and you can make the damsel a guy plus animal.
Also Spelunky came out in '08. Really different timeframe for vidya.
Anita pointed it out in a video. Nobody really cares.
Oh my apologies, "friend".
90% of the deaths in Spelunky is people doing stupid shit exploring trying to get gems or boxes. (If you ignore pissing off the shop-keeper which is entirely optional)
If you just race to the end of each stage you can beat 8 min easy, the only tricky part is the Temple, but 4 well placed bombs should be enough for any problem in there.
because they're not sexualized
I hate you niggers.
IRL I hate deadlines more than anyone, but the ghost is an excellent element of Spelunky that makes levels more than "obsessively and repetitively get every single gem from the level on every single level". Instead, it makes you think about priorities, and then move through the level in short order rather than having to be forced to routinely collect everything for a good score.
The ghost is a good game element, and was put in for a damn good reason.
Fucking disgusting Canadians. That's literally rape.
>muh animalz!
>What do you mean millions die of hunger and illness of the actual human population each year but I don't give a fuck?
The timer is a way of pushing the player to move at a faster more exciting place. If you want to move through the levels at the pace of a Stannah stairlift its your own fun you're ruining.
>there are people who genuinely think the timer is absolute and the ghost is a death sentence
>What do you mean millions die of hunger and illness of the actual human population each year but I don't give a fuck?
it feels so good Sup Forums
The only problem with the ghost is the daily highscore requires you ghost every single gem.
yeah, honestly the diamond thing was a bad idea imo, but the ghost in general is good
Fix the human problems first then care about your stupid animals later. Fuck you.
>tumblr noses
Irks me that they went with this style.
FYI; the addict achievement took me 7 or so hours to complete
i hope you had fun user
Not fair
It'd be fine if they just prevented the ghost from turning gems into diamonds on the daily challenge, like how they prevent players from using the gambling wheel
>He doesn't know that ghosting in Spelunky is actually a benefit.
Humans are fucking gay
They did bitch about it even though you can pick a dog or dude instead of a woman and the devs agreed with the complaints
The timer in Spelunky HD is fine
it's meant to set a fire under your ass, so you have to hurry, while being careful with traps
without it you'd be able to get shitloads of money with a very slow, turtling strategy which would pretty much break the game, since it was built around the timing mechanic
The issue I have with those rogue-lites is that I really don't feel like I'm progressing much in the games, while some other games I can get rid of the backlock much quicker. But then it isn't a big game so I guess it's fine.
nah, the damsel just gives you a kiss at the end of the stage.
no sex
They bitched more about equaling women with dogs iirc, which is kind of silly.
Lesson of the story: libtards will complain either way, so fuck them
I saw that and I did equate them to bitches.
It's a soft-clock, and it's great. It adds a level of tension to levels where the clock doesn't even come into play. You always feel like you should maybe go a little faster, which is where the fun happens, as well as the mistakes.
>bought a shotgun
>here have the first level of the jungle being those torch levels
Fuck the dark levels
I usually kill myself when I get a dark level.