Admit it, you only shit on VR because you can't afford it

Admit it, you only shit on VR because you can't afford it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't own VR because I don't want to be an early adopter treated like a sucker and I want to wait until it figures itself out.

I shit on VR because it's not worth it yet, but hopefully it will get to that point eventually. Or maybe it's just a meme like the Wii 2. Either ways, I ain't bothering with it until I find out.

Vive owner here.

You're missing out and are objectively wrong.

Pic related: Poorfags

Yeah. You'll shit on it because rest can't afford it either so you have nothing to play because devs don't want to support a dead platform.

i only hate vr because of the incessant meme threads posted here 6 times a day about it

I tried the Vive at Joypolis.
It was nice but not $800 nice.

I already fell for Nvidia's 3D Vision meme a few years back, not falling for any new technology again until it gets widely adopted.

I'm not objectively wrong. I'm sure there are plenty of nice experiences to have on the Vive. They're just not worth the current price, room space and hardware set up that's being asked of you.

name one good vr game

>lots of proofs that VRs are garbage
>y-you hate VR because you can't afford them

dumb frogposter

Admit it, you only post frogs because you can't make creative baits

vive is only $120 unless you're a retard

>mfw can afford 5 vives if i save up all my income for 1 year

VR is a technology that have great potential, and all it needs is some talented creative developers to exploit its full potential.
Which means it is fucking dead in the water because creativity is dead and buried on the game industry

I've been shitting on it because it only has like 2 games I'd like to try.
Maybe in 5 years I'll judge it worth trying.

>Room space
You don't have a 2x2m free space?

>Hardware setup
You don't own an electric drill?

>Current price
My friend bought his working minimum wage and he lives on his own with zero income assistance.

ok I admit it
now what? what are you gonna do about it?
someone didn't really think this through

>buyer's remorse

You have two choices of jacket

One is a normal tailored high-quality leather jacket with wool lining.

Other is a velcro trenchcoat with super-insulation.

You can use the leather jacket outside without looking like a moron

You can use the leather jacket in any weather except weltering heat.

The velcro trenchcoat uses the latest in velcro trenchcoat technology.

The velcro monstrosity requires at least below freezing otherwise you'll melt.

You can't really bike, run any faster than a normal walk or drive a car without taking it off first.

Both cost 300 dollars.

Which do you choose?

>Play it every day
>Have over 700 hours in using it


There are no games for VR at this moment except some dumb casual simulations good for a few laughs.

It is literally a gimmick toy with a ridiculous pricetag.

When they're 200 bucks, we might start seeing some adoption. As they are now, they're insanely overpriced, and nobody wants to bother upgrading their rig for some gimmick shit.

Then why are you typing to to us? Go back and enjoy the Vive's fun some more!

But I am. I am browsing this thread in my vive and watching vr dota matches.

Nice try though.



It won't change anything beside the "immersion" thing. I played Dark Souls 1 on a toaster with 15 fps and with a shitty resolution and still the game blew my mind. The form doesn't matters to me, only content does and VR does not seem to try to change the content of the games but only the point of view.

t. a person who cannot afford/has never tried VR

>watching vr dota matches
how about you play some vr dota matches. you're not a cuckboy, are you?

I'm not saying I don't have those things. I'm saying it's not worth bothering with those hassles right now.

>guys look at me! my mom got me a VR for xmas!
thats how you sound like, and btw I also have a VR but its shit just like your opinions

t. a mad poorfag

I don't get this. Whelp, I'm retarded.

Wait what??

This unfortunetly
I'm just hoping apple picks it up so it becomes trendy and valve releses a big hit on it so gamers actually care

>buyer remorse the post

He bought a vice, what do you hunk?

you have to be at least 18 to post here

>implying VR will ever be anything else than a glorified sex toy used for VR porn

t. a mad old poor fag



I don't shit on VR but this thread reaaaaally makes me want to.

I can't be fucked to try to make it work in my less-than-master bedroom anyways. Plus 600-800 duckettes for the good ones with barely any interesting games is fucking insane. That's worse than when people bought the PS3 at launch for 500 when it ACTUALLY had no games.

you're right -- I can't afford the brain cells to waste time with shitty gimmickware

Alright, OP. I'll bite.
>pay up the ass for VR goggles
>you can only play minigames "achieved with unity".

You happy now?

what sort of games can you actually play with VR
It seems to me that most games work better with ordinary screens.

>implying there won't be a game like this but on pc and 1000% better

though eventually the prices will drop for the hardware than everyone will be making VR games and everyone will have VR and everyone will love it because its fucking VR

Nobody can afford good vr games because they don't exist yet.