Melee weapons are stronger than guns

>melee weapons are stronger than guns
>fucking punch is stronger than everything
fucking japs

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where did you get that horrid fucking image? the quality is abysmal

literally the only noteworthy thing in this retarded thread

visceral attacks have got to be the laziest thing in BB. In Dark Souls every weapon type and sometimes even some weapons within the class have different critical or backtab antimations. But in BB visceral attacks are the same thing across the board. Your weapon even dissapears when you do them

i took this screen with ps4 screenshot option

THIS, it's so weird that all the weapons have unique moves and combos, but critical attacks and back-stabs are all the fucking same. What the hell?

The Church engages in the hunt in a medical capacity.

When a cancer is discovered, one must pinpoint its location, reach in, and wrench it from the host's bosom

then you must've fucking altered it to make it look so hideous

>blah blah we where just to lazy to do the animations

thats 100% how it looks on ps4
do they pay you for shilling ps4 grafix?

The ripostes of of the previous games often looked terrible though. Weapons would clip through the models in travel and retarded shit like a guy to riposting someone with a polearm or great axe which is retarded.

>riposting someone with weapon is retarded
>omg bloodborne ripostecounter so epic

no isnt you retard lol look at how fucking maxed out the saturation is

it looks like a kid took it in photoshop and tried to make it look epic

i sincerely hope that's not what you did

>PS4 graphics
next gen lmao

>complains about saturation
>his character has literally red skin
shill more


you can find the original resolution if it matters that much

so are you legitimately autistic or what

like it seems you just did a dumb thing and backpedaling with your salty shill-accusing

dont be so insecure buddy we all make mistakes

It's a video game, asshole.
What would be the point of melee if ranged attacks were superior in any situation?


So Doom 1?

no its fucking bloodborne
ive already been told this screenshot doesnt look very good but dont compare it to this old ass shit

No you didn't, dumbass, it's the thumbnail for this video
That's the reason it's so fucking overcompressed and looks like shit.

Why does a gun bullet cause so much damage to the human body?
Cause, most of times hits something that is of vital functionally. Thus, make a gigantic damage to the whole body. If hits the heart, for example, may kill you. If hits your hand, not substancial damage is taken, thinking about life, of course.
Since you're dealing with beasts and super natural creatures, it's obvious that a shot may not warm so much, wheres a a sword, for example, may hit a large part of the beast body, causing more life treating damage.
Its just basic anatomy.

and yes im playing with ALMOST maxed out saturation because game is too dark on default settings

DMC2 was the only game that made guns suitably more powerful that swords and everyone bitched about it.

I'd absolutely love if a game gave a you a choice between sword or gun and openly mocked anyone stupid enough not to pick the gun. But that's not anime enough so we're stuck with harmless firearms and ANCIENT INVINCIBLE BLADES OF LEGEND.

LMAO, this time OP is really a faggot, hahahaahhahaah.

Expect him to ditch his own thread due to embarrassment.

lol shill XD lol :)

Watching a giant axe, polearm, great sword, etc clip through a model and then impale them is fucking retarded-looking. But go ahead, have shit taste.

stop being contrarian, DMC2 sucked ass.

lol I could've never imagined OP was this incredibly autistic

and pathetic

ah yes i forgot that person who made this video was only person on earth to be in that place and make visceral attack :)

you ain't shitposting yourself outta this, ya fag

>inb4 "yeah cause I MADE that video!!!"

lol the only good thing that came out of this thread is seeing what depths your autism will sink to, op

stop sucking sonys dick losers and realize this game is bullshit


With the exact same items, armor, weapon, damage, blood echoes, and insight?

t. pc mustard race

>Dark Souls every weapon type and sometimes even some weapons within the class have different critical or backtab antimations
yeah, i remember 2 different animations at most. Not to mention it looked worse since some weapons like the scythe you would just stab the guy with the top of the handle, shit looked stupid.

there are 6 billion of people on earth

It's the third result when searching Google for "bloodborne visceral attack"

do you even realize how many people could have been in same situation
do your little brain has any idea how many people is 6 billion people
6 billion

Are you retarded dude

This is some retarded shitposting.


Here is a comparison of the image you posted with the thumbnail of the video, followed by a composite of both images.

But 6 billion people didn't buy the game, googling says ~2 million. I'm guessing the majority of those sales aren't from BR speakers either.


Retarded shitposting is still shitposting. The worst thing is, he actually thinks he's being clever being "merely pretending"

Never forget

kek, you're really going for it

Oy vey

The madman

>itt: bump the shitposter's thread for over an hour

have a cool image so this thread isn't a total loss

That is some advanced autism, even for Sup Forums.

>Its another episode of "OP acts retarded and goes for the lowest bait possible"

I dont get why people need to shit on Bloodborne constantly, its neither a masterpiece or a bad game

For sake of argument I've attempted to recreate your screenshot with more accurate colors. Wow this game looks like shit, how can anyone defend it?


told you

rate my waifhunter

It's another episode of >OP bashes on a game he doesn't have because it's an exclusive for a console he doesn't have, because PC mustard race

Feels bad not being able to play good games, am I rite?

I take it back, it's legit. I just took my own screenshot and even I managed to get into this exact situation. You can tell it's not the same image because I was playing with the film grain option turned on.

too dark

The answer is simple actually. Animating something takes effort. A backstab animation is needed here but making different ones is purely for looking cooler and without any special gameplay gain, since all backstabs have the same properties minus different number displayed.

Spending this time animating a unique attack with a different hitbox, attack properties, and to be actually displayed in situations other than during the window of looking cool adds much more to the gameplay.

It's kinda like animating a fatality versus another move for the character. Fatality is here to just look cool while another move adds to the gameplay.

This is Sup Forums now. This is the future we chose.

There was never any arguement. It was clear from the start this was all just meant to fuck with you people.

Knowing the current state of the board this guy will turn into "BBThumbnail-kun" and every-time anyone voices a negative opinion on Sup Forumss personal little meme-game they will get called "BBThumbnail-kun", regardless of whether or not their issues with the game have any base or pose a solid argument against it's quality.

>you people
Racist. Opinion discarded, didn't read further.

Not in dark souls 2

how the fuck did you guys managed to get blue blood
i tried recreating the situtation and its still red

Good, the post was made to make fun of you, its best you don't read it. :]


Fuck this thread and fuck you people. Most of all Fuck OP. You know god damned well what you're doing you son of a bitch.

I was checking the settings to see why your blood is that color and I accidentally did a visceral attack on my TV. Help?

BBthumbnail-kun btfo, ha ha ha

Kill yourself.


Here's a screenshot I just took of killing myself. I don't know why Sup Forums recommends doing this, the graphics are terrible. I had to turn the saturation most of the way up to even see the rope.

Get out

What makes people write this stuff? Actual autism is the only reason I can think of.

I tried but it was so poorly designed that I couldn't even open the door. I'm never trusting Sup Forums ever again. Why does Sup Forums hate good games again? Sup Forums BTFO. What did he mean by this? Apologize. Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of visceral attacks?

Too caucasian

i just tried kiling myself and this is not how it looks
you just posted a bullshot you fucking shill

Six million! Never forget the pain of my ancestors! You filthy commoners just can't afford REAL computers, admit it! It works on MY machine.

For some weird reason this thread really makes me want to replay Bloodborne.

This thread makes me want to throw my fucking computer out the window

yeah throw your computer out
buy ps4 :)

But user then what would you have to not play Bloodborne on?

the power....
of ps4 graphics...
KEK how do you play games with 720p looking like ass and 30 fps
if it was very high graphics 1080p for 30 fps it would be 'acceptable'
>continue to get cucked by sony

>When OP thinks he trolling but he the only one mad.


i dont like movies

You're a fucking liar

your fists are the strongest because you're reaching inside enemies and pulling bits out.

thats bullshit and you know it

Because you don't use your weapon in visceral attacks, simple as that.



I was not expecting to see this out of the thread.

>what are viscera
That's literally what it means you fucktard

i dont speak latino


looks like the hunger games bitch

One could say that..OP is viscerally autistic

so what you fucking moron? Did every single person play bloodborne and upload a pic?

jesus christ this is sad

im not OP or defending him or anything but do you have any proof they didnt?