Tons of people are still playing StarCraft

>tons of people are still playing StarCraft
>only Nigerians and Russians still play Red Alert 2

Why is StarCraft the only RTS with any staying power?

Because there's only enough turbonerds in the world to form a massive community around one game and that turned out to be starcraft.

>Why is StarCraft the only RTS with any staying power?

Except AoE2 is a thing and had Starcraft beat a year after its release.

>Only Koreans still play Starcraft

man starcraft 2 is such a fucking garbo game its insane

>That webm

Why did no WiiU game ever do this? Even the Wii was uniquely well suited to RTS as the only thing the wiimote was ever actually good at was a pointer.

>AoE2 is a thing


So you tryin to say...

>Only Koreans still play Starcraft

Koreans don't play Starcraft, either.

Brood War only.

SCII is slowly dying out in Korea.

Only the most fanatical Blizzdrones play SCII to this day.

Humans are not bright creatures.

Red Alert 2 thread!

*weird as fuck metal music starts playing in the background*

True patricians play openRA

OpenRA is great and all, but it only has RA1 and we all know that RA2 is by far a superior game.

It's the only game with twitch culture.

AoE2 isn't dead.
Forged Alliance Forever isn't dead.
Warcraft 3 isn't dead.
There are probably still people playing Relic games but I haven't actually checked.

keyboard and mouse are still way better. instead of dragging his stylus all over the screen for basic functions, he could be hitting macros while moving units at the same time

Well think about it, why would Nintendo want to rock it's own boat by letting Nintenyearolds play an actual good game?

They already have their fanbase to be culturally tribalistic, so they all stick to Nintendo branded things only. This way, just like slowly boiling a frog in water as the temperature increases gradually, Nintendo can put less and less effort into their games and since their tribalistic fanbase only uses their console, they know not the difference. Why do you think Nintendo stopped putting effort into third party titles on their systems. If a Nintenyearolds ever was allowed to play an actual well made game, the whole con would be up. Nintendo is one of the greatest con artists in the industry and you can bet your ass they don't want good games coming to their system and letting their fanbase know they've only been playing crap for the last 20 years.

>AoE2 a thing
No one plays that shit anymore. Starcraft 2 has more concurrent online players than Age of shitpire 2.

>Well think about it, why would Nintendo want to rock it's own boat by letting Nintenyearolds play an actual good game?
>They already have their fanbase to be culturally tribalistic, so they all stick to Nintendo branded things only. This way, just like slowly boiling a frog in water as the temperature increases gradually, Nintendo can put less and less effort into their games and since their tribalistic fanbase only uses their console, they know not the difference. Why do you think Nintendo stopped putting effort into third party titles on their systems. If a Nintenyearolds ever was allowed to play an actual well made game, the whole con would be up. Nintendo is one of the greatest con artists in the industry and you can bet your ass they don't want good games coming to their system and letting their fanbase know they've only been playing crap for the last 20 years.
did you ever played a Nintendogame? Besides Mario of course

> had Starcraft beat a year after its release
...and other amazing stories of fiction and fantasy.

I really like AoE2, but SC was never beat by anything until counterstrike took off massively in 2003/4, and even then it remained a sovereign 2nd place, first among anything that is not a shooter even longer.

Sure, but as a fun somewhat dumbed down RTS like Multiwinia for example, which still has a lot to recommend it, it would be cool to play comfortably from the couch in a way which does not require too much precision or focus.

ded gaem
it all went downhill after WoL

Why do you feel so strongly about a company that makes electronic toys

Sony and Microsoft also make electronic toys. There are good qualities about each machine to recommend it depending on what you want.

Just because you chose expensive electronic toy A and enjoy it does not mean expensive electronic toy B has to be bad, shitty and evil.

Halo Wars

Yes, quite a few. I was tricked by the Nintoddler hype.

See Nintendo wants to keep being lazy. They've gotten themselves into a position where they can keep producing low or no effort games that don't feature quality at all. Yet since their fanbase is tribalistic and only sticks to Nintendo games and systems, they have been deprived the experience of what a good game plays like for literally decades now. They have become so used to shit they don't know it's shit anymore. Nintendo knows this and their greatest fear is third party publishers on their own systems in effect, red pilling the Nintoddler fanbase. Even lazy AAA trash like Ubisoft games is now a threat to Nintendo because a little bit of effort into your game is more than no effort. Nintendo doesn't want it's consumers waking up to the fact they had wool pulled over their eyes for decades and demanding actual quality video games again. Nintendo is too used to being lazy and they want to gravy train to last forever.

So no, aside from shovelwear, Nintendo is gonna do it's best to stop third party releases from now on. As long as third party is there, their drone fanbase will still believe Nintendo is a legit developer and console producer, but as long as it's shovelwear titles, they wont buy it either and be red pilled on how Nintendo has duped them for the last 20+ years.


does it support more games yet

i wanna try tiberian sun with a non-shitty interface

>Yes, quite a few. I was tricked by the Nintoddler hype.
>See Nintendo wants to keep being lazy. They've gotten themselves into a position where they can keep producing low or no effort games that don't feature quality at all. Yet since their fanbase is tribalistic and only sticks to Nintendo games and systems, they have been deprived the experience of what a good game plays like for literally decades now. They have become so used to shit they don't know it's shit anymore. Nintendo knows this and their greatest fear is third party publishers on their own systems in effect, red pilling the Nintoddler fanbase. Even lazy AAA trash like Ubisoft games is now a threat to Nintendo because a little bit of effort into your game is more than no effort. Nintendo doesn't want it's consumers waking up to the fact they had wool pulled over their eyes for decades and demanding actual quality video games again. Nintendo is too used to being lazy and they want to gravy train to last forever.
so, can you at least tell me, what games did you played?

It's amazing Nintendo didn't jump on that yet considering people have been begging them since the DS was announced as being gay as fuck you stupid nigger suck a dick sage having a touchscreen for the bottom half.

Zelda OoT and Metroid Prime 1 & 2. All three were shit.

Because there are no nintendo franchises which suit that criteria.

..or maybe Nintendo are just stupid

>Zelda OoT and Metroid Prime 1 & 2. All three were shit.
ok, then I can't help you

pikmin 3 kind of fits there, only kind of.
But it didnt sell bajillion copies and for some reason it turned into dlc bait, so nintendo just said "fuck it"

I like SC2 a lot, because it's not a chore to play, unlike Brood War.
It's an actually functioning video game.

>actually functioning video game

It has many quality of life improvements over BW. Sure, gooks will call those "skillful"; but it's just menial garbage you need to do to be somewhat competent

>Starcraft broodwar a decent game
>Generation of Koreans growing up from shithole to a decent country
>Starcraft is every where to the point where it is integrated in to your culture
>Turns in to a sport

Their are better games out there, like their are better sports than baseball, football and American football but its just to heavily ingrained at this point

>no RA2 support
it's shit