Are there any good detective games where I can solve murders?
Are there any good detective games where I can solve murders?
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I'm surprised to see someone with great taste on Sup Forums desu.
The latest Hercule Poirot game was decent. ABC Murders or whatever it's called.
Anyways, I've been reading an Agatha Christie book lately. They're so comfy.
tfw no Columbo vidya where you can also be a smug motherfucker when you catch culprits
'The Raven' is similar to poirot, cant remember if it had murders in it though.
The show is comfy too.
Is it true that reveals the crime at the start though?
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller was really good.
You might as well go for the real deal. Get Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders on Steam.
Is a woman really capable of a deep and gripping murder mystery novel?
Serious question
Yes, because they nitpick all of the small details.
Murdered: Soul Suspect. It's pretty cool.
Agatha Christie is as devious as they come. I don't know about "deep", but they're definitely gripping and well thought out, you should read at least one of her novels if they sound interesting to you.
More her earlier work than her later work, though. She got a bit too contrived in the later half of her career because she was trying to surprise people who already came in expecting to be surprised.
>didn't know they actually made games of poirot
i literally cannot not buy this game.
oh and i assume suchet doesn't do the voice acting for poirot in the game.
In Columbo the crime and the culprit are shown in the first scene.
The entertainment is in watching Columbo break down even the most perfect crime.
Agatha Christie is pretty good actually. Plus she's criticised now for being racist and hating women. Which adds a nice spin to things.
But they get caught up on romantic interests and cheap 2 dimensional characterisation (eg poirot himself)
She's no le carre
I've seen the TV adaptation already though, won't that spoil it?
>She's no le carre
She's not trying to be. Besides, Poirot is just a vessel for the story, he's not really supposed to be a good character.
>hates women
>wrote miss marple
>said she despised poirot
what the hell
probably, can't remember a thing from that particular case so playing this will be almost fresh for me.
I went to check on IMDB and nope, it's not Suchet, but it's definitely someone doing an impression of him,because I had to go look it up in the first place.
Suchet did the voice acting for the Murder on the Orient Express game from a decade ago, but that game is more of a classic "adventure game full of stupid contrived shit puzzles". The latest one, ABC, is more focused on the actual mystery solving with a few additional simple mobile puzzles.
Ty for these answers btw
I will check her out. I'm pretty shocked and happy in some respects that a woman can think something through like this
Sherlock holmes: crime and punishment
Miss Marple is just her self insert. Most of the women in her stories are hysterical and useless.
Rex Stout > Agatha Christie
There's an element of logic and puzzle solving in murder mystery and crime novels better suited to the mind of a man
Am I wrong and Agatha is the exception?
Still furious about how Poirot's story ended. Absolute fucking shit.
The Sherlock Holmes games.
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper
those two are excellent, the newer games are average
She was most certainly racist, but I can't in good faith judge someone born in the 1800s for that.
anyone can be autistic
regardless, just because men tend to be better at logical reasoning on average doesn't mean that every man is better at it than every woman
fair enough, haven't read the books and even the very few miss marple episodes i have watched see didn't seem that cunning rather being oblivious at times.
>Am I wrong and Agatha is the exception?
Agatha Christie's case are almost always solved by some Deus Ex Machina, usually in the form of some information which is hidden from the reader, so not really
I really liked Broken Sword but i guess that's not really a detective game
I thought it was brilliant. She pulled one last big gotcha with his death. At least I didn't expect it.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
a few but it's mostly about investigating a theif, the murders are pretty inconsequential
What are some good crime shows? I've watched all of the Agatha Christie ones and Midsomer Murders (which was hit and miss).
Although it's a bit different, I really fucking loved the scandanavian version of The Bridge
At least post the superior detective
BBC Sherlock
Also, LA Noir and Umineko.
the detail is ok for what it is, a 60 cent mystery investigation game, but it's pretty much flat out a VN
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper isn't mind blowing but it's a fun investigation game, actually the last few Sherlock Holmes games have been pretty good. They have a great deduction system where you connect the clues yourself and come to your own conclusions for each case, you might wind up missing a clue and getting the culprit wrong or something along those lines. Crimes & Punishment and The Devil's Daughter were the last two I think. Fun games, but I wouldn't pay full price for them.
The first couple of series of Jonathan Creek are pretty good. It's all impossible crimes with locked doors, and he's a magician (sort of) who works it all out.
Inspector Morse
story time
>go see 'The Last Confession' with my mum
>really cool to see david suchet on stage
>show ends
>"hey user lets go see if they are doing things in the backstage after the show"
>"nah they wouldn't let us go see him"
>few days later in the paper 'david suchet meets with fans and signs autographs backstage after show'
im still mad at myself
Eh, can't say that one really grabbed me even though I love the actors. It had its moments, but there were some episodes that were complete and total shit. I also hated Moriarty.
Did the later seasons get better?
Khan literally did nothing wrong
I saw him in The Importance of Being Earnest a while ago. I knew someone who worked backstage in the theatre who said he was one of the nicest people they'd ever had there.
Name 10 Agatha Christie novels in which the culprit doesn't get caught due to some phone call/telegram/other information that the protagonist receives without the reader knowing what was in it
Ace Attorney is a bit like that but way less smug and confident. A few references to Columbo, too.
I honestly thought it was a really good moving pictures version of sherlock Holmes unlike the movies and god awful elementary. Tbh my favourite holmes is Basil
Anything but NCIS, Law and Order and CSI
They are garbage tier.
NCIS is comfy fun tier crime show
How to make a Murderer, sort of?
man now i feel really bad for not getting to meet him, i probably wouldn't have been able to hold a strong conversation but im sure he would of been great to talk with.
we all know the reason you watch NCIS
Watching him slowly untangle their whole scheme right in front of their faces is very satisfying. They get increasingly annoyed with him and worried.
If you're into true crime, watch "Real Detective". Not True Detective, just about everyone I've recommended the show to thought I was getting the name confused, Real Detective is a true crime show and each episode is a mini documentary that's basically an hour long movie with actors mixed in with real interviews to tell the story. It's fantastically done. One of the best true crime shows I've ever seen.
Also this
most definitely this although Crimes and Punishment is supremely comfy. I still replay the garden level every now and again. Also enjoyed Devils Daughter but it was far too short.
No game could match the comfiness of the show
Thanks, I'll look into them
I'll give it another go then. I didn't outright hate it, so I might warm up to it this time
>Also enjoyed Devils Daughter but it was far too short.
pretty sure it was the same length as C&P
though C&P was the better game, I think. I fucking hated the mayan temple in DD.