Do you sneer at games that require no skill? Why can't you enjoy yourself?
Do you sneer at games that require no skill? Why can't you enjoy yourself?
No videogames require that much skill compared to anything in real life.
People who play videogames merely to be challenged are pathetic.
Accusing people of being pathetic is a pretty tall order.
They require as much skill as a lot of hobbies, like playing instruments. Sometimes more
>Do you sneer at games that require no skill?
No, I enjoy casual games for what they are.
>Sometimes more
Except with music you play in order to create music that allows a great range of people to feel emotions, while nobody gives a fuck about watching a couple of virtual guys beat each other up.
And then if you actually want to be challenged, no videogame compares to literally any sport.
The million dollar fighting game tournaments directly contradict your first statement.
Sports are also not that challenging, and if you think they are then you're a pathetic wimp. Being a professional at either gaming or physical sports is an entirely different matter though.
>People who play videogames are pathetic.
What you're saying about music has fuck all to do with how much skill it requires. Also if you base your choice of hobby on what people want or desire you're a hopeless pathetic faggot. Then again with that kind of attitude I doubt you have any notable hobbies at all
>Sports are also not that challenging,
Compared to what? Videogames? Nothing is that challenging for fat unhlealthy neckbeards in their basement.
>million dollar fighting game tournaments
Well there are many social gatherings for people with aspergers.
>fuck all to do with how much skill it requires
True. Though the point was that with music it wasn't about skill or challenge but about creation. Which IS challenging, but not something people do in order to challenge themselves.
The funniest shit about professional videogame players and their pathetic beta orbiters is that they acquire this ego about being able to press buttons better than somebody else, or about watching somebody press buttons better than somebody else. Like it's something to be proud of. When in reality is that if you are proud of being able to press buttons better than somebody else, you can only be a child. It's like being proud of being able to put differently shaped blocks in the correct hole. Sure, in the enclosed area of a kindergarden or mental asylum, it's a grand achievement, but in the end you are just some cripple pressing buttons.
Nothing wrong with playing games when you enjoy them though. And some people simply require more of a challenge in a game to enjoy them ie. needing to play against the best players their country has to offer. But videogames are not merely about challenge.
When you simplify something like that anything sounds stupid. Why should I celebrate a guy who is better at plucking strings or a guy who is better at throwing balls around?
Of course when you take things out of context they sound stupid, but of course in your great and enlightened mind you think that video games can't possibly drive people to create or achieve.
You have spent no time looking into the pro scene for fighting games if you think pros are like that
The amount of projecting and asspull in your post is off the charts but I don't really expect any better than some retard from Sup Forums
>True. Though the point was that with music it wasn't about skill or challenge but about creation. Which IS challenging, but not something people do in order to challenge themselves.
Again, nothing to do with what you were originally talking about. This is just completely unrelated rambling. I also wasn't talking about music, I was talking about playing an instrument which is often done for its own sake rather than for the sake of making music. The appeal there is similar, too. Hell I'd say it's mostly done for its own sake since proper musicians are in the minority. People appreciate it more but that doesn't mean it takes more skill
>When you simplify something like that anything sounds stupid
To an imbecile, yes.
>you think that video games can't possibly drive people to create or achieve
They can. But that has nothing to do with the context of our conversation.
>Why should I celebrate a guy who is better at plucking strings or a guy who is better at throwing balls around
The fact of the matter is that the guy who is better at plucking strings or throwing balls around is not usually described as a guy who is better at plucking strings or throwing balls around. Because people who describe such guys are not imbeciles like you.
So no, there is no reason for YOU to celebrate people who create extremely moving music or sports legends, because to even acknowledge them would mean to acknowledge that you are a complete loser. A complete loser for whom any bit of music is just some dude plucking strings or anything physically demanding is just some dude throwing a ball.
You can't even compare people who surf for a living and people who play CS or Starcraft for a living. One look at the actual physical requirements for either will show you men who need to be physically fit in order to do one, and the other you can be a fat fuck lardcake for all it matters since all you'll do is sit down, press buttons and move a mouse around.
>nothing to do with what you were originally talking about
Of course you wouldn't understand what I was originally talking about. Despite me mentioning it several times.
>for its own sake rather than the sake of making music
What the fuck does this even mean, retard? That these people who play, who strum strings on a guitar, "for it's own sake" instead of making music, don't give a shit about how it sounds? lmao. That they would just sit there with an out of tune guitar because they are just "playing it for its own sake, instead of making music"?
Christ user, you are one hell of a retard.
Asian gamers have nothing on Asian musicians when it comes to competition, and tell me that music isn't more competitive than even the most competitive video game.
Video games really aren't THAT competitive in the grand scheme of things, especially if we're comparing video games to the persuit of money/power. People are talking about million dollar prizes for gaming, ooooh a million dollars whoopee, didn't we just see a boxing match a few years ago with a $100 million purse?
Video games aren't competitive, and dedicating your life to become competitive at a video game is just sad. I've seen people drop out of college with dreams of becoming the next big league streamer. It's fucking pathetic to dedicate your life to becoming competitive at a commercial product for the profit of private companies. Meanwhile the private companies are fighting multi-billion dollar cutthroat battles to control the video game industry, a far more interesting battle.
>Literally any sport
Even I take e-sports more seriously than joke sports like speedwalking.
Why do people need to be physically fit? What does that have to do with skill in anything outside of sports? By your logic we shouldn't acknowledge any musicians, artist, or authors because they may or may not be fat.
Also, way to not understand the meaning behind my post at all. I see you're definitely still in high school.
Jesus. Well if you're going to stretch the definition of sports to include retarded shit like speedwalking or speed dialing, then I'll take that back.
>What the fuck does this even mean, retard?
It means they play instruments just to play them rather than to create something on their own you dumb cunt, it's pretty obvious from the context. A shit ton of guitar players don't even take the time to figure out a song they want to play, they just follow tabs like monkeys
>Why do people need to be physically fit
Funniest post I've seen all year user, thankyou.
Any reason why you're not a professional musician, then?
like you realize these games you're dedicating your life to being competitive at?
They're run by private companies. Private companies that will destroy the game you dedicated yourself to become competitive at to promote their new game.
Then nobody will remember you were the worlds champ at SHOOTYANGAME4.
Competition in video games is fun to an extent, but ultimately, you spend your time mastering what is effectively a useless skill. People have to realise if you're not having fun or getting some form of social interaction from it, being a competitive video game player is sad, not impressive.
Not that Sup Forums will listen because they're still 18 years old.
I make music and have made money from it even though it's not a full time job, does that count? That's a stupid fucking requirement though since I never said it's easy
>It means they play instruments just to play them rather than to create something
It's baffling how you understand nothing. Maybe you're just illiterate and can't read.
I can literally just copy paste my response to the previous bullshit you wrote and it would still work because you have amended nothing. You just wrote the same retardation because, I don't know, maybe most of your brain capacity is just being used up on breathing or something.
What the fuck does this even mean, retard? That these people who play, who strum strings on a guitar, "just to play them" instead of creating something, don't give a shit about how it sounds? lmao. That they would just sit there with an out of tune guitar because they are just "playing it just to play it, instead of creating something"?
Flicking chords from guitar tabs on a street corner for change doesn't mean shit. I'm honestly surprised, you play an instrument yet you think it even comes close to being as difficult as playing video games?
It means that grouping actual musicians with people playing instruments as a simple time wasting hobby is pants on head retarded, you idiotic shitstain. Can you not follow a simple conversation? By shifting the topic of discussion to "music" instead of "playing instruments" you're getting further away from the original point. Fuck's sake, why do I even waste my time on mongoloids like you.
>implying I'm a guitar fag
I play the skin flute you dumb cunt, and yes, I've made more money doing it than you've probably cleared in your pathetic NEET existence. GoodBoyPoints do not count at the grown up's table bitch
Well le played le good sir
You need to get over the fact that that music degree is useless, m8.
I played the drums and yes, there's quite a few vidya much more difficult than that.
>you play an instrument yet you think it even comes close to being as difficult as playing video games?
The fuck? Are you confusing me for someone else? It depends entirely on what you're comparing. Which instrument, which video game, what level of play. Being a decent Quake player is definitely more difficult than being able to play guitar on a level that impresses normies
>people playing instruments as a simple time wasting hobby
Recluse neckbeards will go to such lengths to discredit anything but their little videogame hobby that it would be tragic if it wasn't so funny.
So it's true what they say, you do have to be autistic to play music
It's only pathetic if you put all your effort into vidya. If you have other options and talents, nobody will care. H-box might be the world's best Jigglypuff in Melee, and you can think that game is only for autistic neckbeards but he manages to be engineer in the real world.
Y'know I get tired of this Video Game vs IRL Sports debate. But there is one thing that is 100% true about both of them and that is.... No one from either side can just jump in and be GOOD from the beginning.
Someone who has never played football vs Someone who has never played video games. And since we're debating I'm going to use a video game that requires a fuckton of skill. Guilty Gear AC.
The person who has never played football will win. The person who has never played a video game (GGAC) won't get pass the tutorial screen, won't remember buttons and/or special moves. Because you see, I can teach someone the basic of football in 5mins and even more as we go forward. But Guily Gear is a game that most people (even gamers) cannot comprehend on a IQ scale.
With football
+You've caught things with your hands throughout your entire life
+You've used your legs to run
That's all you need to at least PASS the test.
But some who doesn't play video games cannot comprehend what's is happen on screen. They would end up mindlessly pressing buttons and never remember things like a Quarter Circle Forward or even dashing because it requires muscle memory that you don't have, unlike the football example.
Are you suggesting such people don't exist? People with genuine passion towards music are rare among guitar players at the very least, most just play it every now and then for a few years and drop it, leaving their expensive guitars collecting dust somewhere.
>Being a decent Quake player is definitely more difficult than being able to play guitar on a level that impresses normies
I agree with this. But to be fair, how many normies are going to be more impressed by a quake player than a guitarfag
Look user, I don't give a shit if H-box was secretly Tom Cruise or Fabio or whatever, him putting any effort into Jigglypuff in Melee in order to be the best at it would still be nothing short of pathetic. The only way it wouldn't be pathetic is if it was simply his latent talent.
>Are you suggesting such people don't exist?
Nobody does shit merely to kill time except prisoners, or children who can't do anything.
I'm not going for a music degree, it's just a hobby. And drums are very easy to learn and play, I'd actually agree that some games are harder to play than the drums.
>being good at something is autistic lmao
>being good at videogames is pathetic lmao
>why try when you can make money lmao
only on Sup Forums is mediocrity celebrated so boldly. Normie scum
t. "Talented but lazy"
Not really, I enjoy mindless games.
What I don't like are mindless games that pretend to be deep and skillful like Overwatch or Rocket League.
>it's just a hobby
So you're just spouting "my hobby takes more skill than yours"? That's pretty pathetic, specially considering the board you are in.
desu yes, if you haven't at the very least 1cc'd an arcade game in your life, your opinion is absolutely worthless and you're a casual.
>"my hobby takes more skill than yours"
What's wrong with that? Clearly there are skill differences between knitting and cooking, and any other hobby. I'm only triggered because people in this thread are saying video games take more skill than playing an instrument, which is petty to get upset about, but it is still completely false.
nothing in life is challenging. i could do anything if i wanted
Call it however you want, doesn't change the fact that playing an instrument is a rather mindless activity for a huge number of people
and yet you're still here.
>if you haven't at the very least 1cc'd an arcade game in your life
Is this stupid faggot fucking serious?
You know that there are arcade games that are super easy to 1cc. I did it with that JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game. As the bird. For the first time playing as it, when I normally play as the grandfather. I think the AI just can't counter some of the wilder moves it has.
>video games take more skill than playing an instrument, which is petty to get upset about, but it is still completely false.
But many do, user. I'm sorry using your finger to git gud at any given game is too much for you and you have to hide behind an instrument to feel you actually have higher motor skills than a monkey.
If you had said martial arts or something that truly takes your body to an extreme, I would have believed you.
desu none of you retards are qualified to make any kind of comments about the skill requirements or god forbid potential of any given hobby because you're not proficient in any of them.
you think sports are simpler than they actually are
there are people who have been playing soccer since they were 6 years old and still play like shit at 25
i'm not him but to become a "decent" pianist someone has to exercise for hours everyday for at least 10 years (that's how long piano school lasts here)
and I said decent not good
>The person who has never played football will win
At what faggot?
>You've used your legs to run
People don't learn this in 5 minutes user.
Are there actually people who think any pvp games require no skill? the skill required in all pvp is inherently based on the skill of your opponent. the only difference between any pvp game is the mechanical learning curve, which doesn't matter past a short period of familiarization.
as far as single player games requiring no skill, you have to be autistic for sneering at what other people find fun on their own time by themselves.
>no videogame compares to literally any sport.
sports are pretty fucking basic my dude. most athletes are not known for their intelligence.
t. basement dweller
I don't find boredom enjoyable
Yeah, and in martial arts you need 10 years to even learn how to use your legs, once you actually know how to do so, you need another 10 to 5 years to learn how to punch.
Instrumentfags are literally delusional cucks who think they are somehow skillful.
>At what faggot?
They would beat the non gamer who is trying to learn video games. GGAC in this example.
>People don't learn this in 5 minutes user.
Used is past tense dumbass. It means that some time in their life before this challenge they would have used their legs to run when they were a child and even now. They already meet the requirements to again at least past the football test which is running and catching the ball. They might have problems tackling but that's still better than the non gamer who comes in with zero experience from his life. Actually I'm wrong. If he/she is good at math they CAN bring that skill with them.
>They would beat the non gamer who is trying to learn video games
At videogames?
Well of course they would.
Are you retarded?
Also if you are bringing up zero experience, then the non-sports player would literally be a toddler. Maybe even before birth.
>it's another "you're worthless if you don't contribute to society thread"
>this is what basement dwellers see when they see these threads
All the anger and resentment makes a lot of sense.
how did they fuck Tekken so bad. anime girl robots, fucking thousand of effects on screen at any given time, retarded character designs, shit skrillex music, rage art bullshit, fucking akuma from fucking street fighter with fucking fireballs and super bar, holy shit it's fubar. yes i understand there was some weebshit influence before but they kept it very moderate. i just want my martial arts movie: the videogame back.
Did you even read my post before this one?
Video Game Player/Nerd Trying to learn Football
Non Video Game Player/Nerd (basic someone who fits in with the norm, like your family member that hates video games) trying to learn Guilty Gear Accent Core
The Nerd has experience in running and catching even if it's just running from a dog or catching car keys. This is muscle memory that you have built up for years.
While the non gamer only has math and not all humans are great at math. But in this situation our subject is competent enough with the basic level.
The Nerd is more likely to reach a higher level as physical sports and the non gamer is less likely to do so. Because a game like Guilty Gear is hard even for gamers with 20+ years of gaming under their belt.
What the fuck are you talking about?
What are they versing each other in?
You are saying this basically
>guy with a set of skills
>guy with another set of skills
What the fuck are you saying? What are they versing each other in?
Is this thread implying SFV takes skill or no skill? Because its the most shallow fighting game i've ever played consistently and when i get into the rhythm of playing it i feel like you honestly are just hitting buttons like a asshole compared to any other fighter where you're hitting them with real purpose for every situation like GG KOF Tekken etc.
Bison is fun in season 2 yes but the game as a whole is so fucking shallow and at this point especially with nerfs to v-reversals it feels like the game won't ever get a consistent defensive game.
If you wanna play SFV with a majority of your decisions being actual neutral heavy ones with purpose it feels like Guile is basically your only pick and hes so dreadfully boring after awhile compared to SF4 Guile who had much better pokes to mess with.
Earlier in the thread people were comparing video games vs real sports and activities. This comparing suggest that video games require more skill to learn than actual sport because you get a grasp of the basic throughout your life. But outside of math you don't have much to bring which you when learning video games.
>This comparing suggest that video games require more skill to learn than actual sport because you get a grasp of the basic throughout your life
You have no idea what the basics even are user.
Some games take a large amount of skill but this is asinine. Sports have so many more variables and almost always rely on raw skill and talent to make a win possible which is why consistency is present in all sports and only some games.
OPs pic SFV is a great example of lack of consistency at a high level because of how shallow and guessy SFV is of a game.
Lag (talking netcode, not input lag) seems to have gotten worse in S2*, so I'm getting a lot of mileage out of old "unblockable" dash up -> crouching medium into whatever.
Of what football?
Running, Catching, Tackling, choosing a position(A role. It's usually based on your current physical state and/or abilities), learning the basic line of scrimmage rules and how to progress down the field or stopping your opponent.
That's about it if we're talking basics. Most of which you learn throughout your life.
Video Games require more skill.
>Most of which you learn throughout your life
You keep saying this user. What is it that you are implying by it?
Video Games require "raw skill" too. Why do people act like video games can be learnt in one sitting. And if SFV is so got damn easy then why haven't you went pro?
MORE IMPORTANTLY, people always say these games are easy, but the results show that they are not, because when you look at the top players in the latest ver. of SF those players are the same players from 10 and even 20 years ago. Some random guy who picked up SF isn't going to become the best in the world. He isn't going to be Daigo or Justin Wong.
>mfw basement dwellers literally have the answer right in front of them and yet they still don't acknowledge it
Street fighter is virtual fighting. But actual fighting is way more complex than that. There are NO frames or animations in real life. Real life has no buttons. You can't sit down in real life. How can you dumbasses be so stupid?
That when it comes to most requirements to play football your average person already has them.
Running - as a child you learn to walk and then you learn to run. From there you go to physical education (P.E.) and use that to increase efficiency and effectiveness, etc.
I can use this as an example for each requirement. But when it comes to learning video games there's only one talent you can bring to video games and that I can use in the same example above. Mathematics.
So in short, you would have an advantage in the area of learning Football than you would when learning video games., making the video game harder to learn.
>when it comes to most requirements to play football your average person already has them.
How do you not understand that these "requirements" and an average persons skills come about because reality is inherently more complex than a videogame?
itt: fags upset there are people better than them at video games and getting paid for a hobby.
And we live in said reality were we play these video games.
My point is that learning a video game is more harder than learning a sport because video games are something you learn through the course of everyday life. Nothing more than that.
God people actually waste their time arguing here unironically instead of practicing what they preach and what they enjoy
I enjoy getting mad.
>Except with music you play in order to create music that allows a great range of people to feel emotions
Isn't there a difference between playing and composing music? The video game equivalent to this would to become an indie developer.
>Isn't there a difference between playing and composing music?
Both are required to create it. Writing a bunch of squiggles on a bunch of lines means nothing if nobody plays it.
>the children on Sup Forums are so insecure about their self image that they're afraid of playing video games for competition
Competition is fun unless you're a pussy but this board is full of pussies so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
>Sup Forums- the post
>The video game equivalent to this would to become an indie developer
Not at all. They aren't creating the instruments themselves.
But competitive video gaming is for people too feeble and/or fat to play sports.
All videogames are competitions user.
It's when people start thinking that these competitions are anything more than games when it starts getting disgusting.
Yeah but that's just like how people don't play shit video games. Why are you criticizing the player of video games who hasn't created anything original themselves but not the player of music? Just because you think playing music is harder?
It's the closest we have to it. Like I said, there's a difference between playing music and composition.
I fail to see the problem with wanting to play a game that requires """skill""" Is it really so hard to believe that this is what some people find fun?
>doing your hobbies to try impress people rather than because you enjoy them
>It's the closest we have to it
No. You just don't understand the metaphor.
Music is MADE of composition. Playing music is ultimately like building a house on foundation. The final stage of creation.
The fighting games version of composing would be figuring out potential combos.
All videogames require skill user. But if you want something that requires more skill -- Something that requires a LARGER set of skills -- then you have to put away the controller, stand up, and actually use your entire body for something.
That's exactly what the "videogames need skill" fags wank on about user.
>Be good at game
>Be good at Multiplayer
>See competitive Event for the game you're good at
And then before you can even leave the house this faggot walk in and tells you that you're wasting your life/time. You should stop/quit.
>tfw you could have been the best in the world but you feel for the "Stop wasting your life on video games" meme
Everything is meaningless. Just kill yourself.
>But if you want something that requires more skill
You're missing the point. People play video games for fun. Some people find hard video games fun. That's it.
>The fighting games version of composing would be figuring out potential combos.
Were these combos not created by a video game developer?
you need a certain mindset to compete well in competitive video games