What are you waiting for to move to Japan?
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I seriously wish i could and I'm far from being a weeb. I know it's a problematic country but i feel like things there work infinitely better than here (Italy) and i would fit in somehow.
Sadly I have no particular skill as to why they should let me in and the language barrier is huge.
Japan is the opposite of what an average weeb wants. If you aren't a normalfag that works 10 hours a day and socialize, you will be an outcast and will have an even shittier time than in your home country.
The nipps are not that friendly to weebs FYI
I don't have the body of a Greek god.
Nippon user here. Don't do it.
You have to work 16 hour days at least, go out when your boss asks you to, are expected to stay at work as long as your boss is there, and not leave before him. And you don't even get paid that much in the first place.
I'm currently living in Australia, but after spending 25 years of my life there. I realise how much of a slave drive that place is.
>i would fit in somehow
No, you're a fucking weeb if you think that's remotely possible.
you would ABSOLUTELY NOT fit in in japan. fuck off, delusional weeb.
What do those expressions mean? They look scared.
Living and working in Japan is hell
Also Japanese TV is garbage
My country has a twice higher suicide rate and depression along with alcoholism are the default state of being rather than a disorder. I doubt it's as bad as you're making it out to be.
Beleive it.
I'm waiting for the Yen to drop even more, housing prices to go down, the country side to offer more jobs and better working condition's.
They have never seen muscles before
Unless you live in fucking Napoli it's worse, dude.
I don't speak japanese
italy is a beautiful place, the grass is always greener. that being said, they will never accept you.
Eastern Europe i guess? Economy and infrastructure over there is complete garbage, ofc people kill themselfes or get depressed
Two nukes certainly emasculated the japs.
I hear it's not as bad if you don't live/work in Tokyo.
Waiting for them to change their barbaric xenophobic culture
I think they all collectively had an orgasm just from seeing him. Aren't SKE48 top idol celebrities used to being around only the best and most beautiful of the country?
Since your an autist who cant read basic facial expressions, let me tell you.
When females are viewing something that sexually attracts them, and they are trying to hold it in. They make this "scared" facial expression.
If a girl looks like shes scared of you for no apparent reason, she is likely admiring your physical appearance.
>italy is a beautiful place
As long as you don't go south of Rome
It's more to do with a lackluster of meat in their diets.
Yeah but pretty much everyone bases their idea of what an entire country is like based on their knowledge of what the capital city is like.
Don't do it user, Funland is paradise compared to Nippon
And, well, compared to most anywhere on Earth
Which is why the suicide rates & shit baffle me so much
Italian work mentality doesn't fit Japanese society at all. If you are an ok worker in Italy, you are probably shit tier scum in Japan.
Post this to /fit/ you'll get a billion replies.
>Don't do it user, Funland is paradise compared to Nippon
Finland? It's also paradise compared to where I live too.
>21 years old
Childhood is when you dream about living in Japan, adulthood is when you realize Singapore is just better.
>high suicide
Has to be Finland
Have they never seen a man before? What the fuck is this shit?
I want to see this. Do it. I'll follow you there.
Lithuania, actually.
Japanese TV is god tier fun
>never ending shows about teenagers learning their own culture in a non mocking way, traveling and meeting old people
>people hurting themselves on screen, smelling tiger shit or getting a spinning top in the ass to sell you pokemon toys
>anime at decent hours for a no life
>no shame about the human body and the need for men to watch cute women
Just cut the sound, it's not like you understand what they say anyway
>going to Osaka next semester for an exchange program
>mfw this thread
Universities in Japan are slightly more open, right?
the language barrier may not be ashigh as Japan's but the rest of Singapoor makes the UK and Straya look like libertarian paradises
Oh yeah? Where's the proof? They just say that to protect their magical kingdom from immigrants.
>adulthood is when you realize Singapore is just better.
No thank you, I rather not live in a country where I can get killing and the person who did it can get away with it claiming I was a drug addict.
I feel you either way
It's not exactly common for one of the most xenophobic countries on earth to a well toned white man.
I hope you can walk fast or else you'll always be left behind
Did you just confuse Singapore and the Philippines
It'll be like Persona, trust me
I have no interest in Japan itself. I am a huge weeb but I accept the fact that I have no place there. The work environment there is apparently hellish and slackers are heavily looked down upon, despite what anime tells you. However, I would like to learn the language so I do not have to rely on translations all the time and shittty localizations for their media and I'm planning on doing it soon. Maybe I'll go there on a vacation if I have the money for it.
It seems I did
being proud of yourself != xenophobia, miguel-muhammad
Expect people to never get over your foreigner aspect all year, and to always be treated like an outsider/tourist
it's 2017, stop doing this.
That's Philippines you stupid fuck.
I know it's Korean
Yeah. I'd like to go on vacation there as well, especially to see the jam packed cyber-psychedelic Tokyo. But live there? Nah.
they... walk fast?
what do you mean by this?
Are you really implying that Japan isn't xenophobic as fuck?
What does that even mean?
Somehow I can't help but feel that North Korea uses this as propaganda
Doesn't Tokyo even treat southern Japs like outsiders?
Kiss your sister, you siscon
It means "kill yourself". Dank maymays and all that.
exactly that
at least that's what I heard.
I hope you're ready to feel like you're constantly standing in the way of someone while they walk by you at the speed of sound.
It's not. You just have to not act like an invader,and know your place.
Who the fuck want to end up in the sorry state of the USA anyway? You proved open borders were a mistake.
korea is the new japan, if you're still a weaboo instead of a koreaboo in 2017 you're doing it wrong
>If a girl looks like shes scared of you for no apparent reason, she is likely admiring your physical appearance.
Keep telling yourself that, bozo
>t. rapist
Not a fan of Asians but Koreans get me everytime
Do you have first hand experience with this or something?
Basically it's like New York or London or any other major city where everyone is constantly in a hurry and walks quickly
Doesn't New York treat Texas like outsiders?
>you'll never attend this school
good? I'm nearly 30 years old, why the fuck would I want to go back to school?
People who've learned everything about Japan through Sup Forums discuss what it's actually like in Japan.
If you actually want to live anywhere in the world don't be retarded and ask a Nepalese tapestry painting website what it's actually like there.
This is the result of a sexually repressed society. Thinly veiled pornographic television.
Remember kids, don't let the Feminists win.
Why wouldn't they? You are just that.
I had an opportunity to travel to Japan for work. I turned it down as I had never been to the far East ever.
But I'd definitely like to visit. But as other anons have said, I don't want to be a salary man. I want to have a good work-life balance.
But if I can get a hot Japanese wife, that'd be good.
Only way I'd move to Japan is if I strike it rich, and can spend my days being a true to life NEET. If I'm forced to work, or have any sort of responsibility that can't be done by pressing a button on my mobile phone to transfer funds, I'm not interested.
dream life
>live alone in one of those super expensive penthouses
>speak decent enough nip to get by
>building filled with people my age that are down with drinking, watching old films, jazz clubs and small social events
>within walking distance of an arcade and all my shopping needings
>can literally wake up each day and do absolutely nothing and not have worry about my income or if I'll be able to pay my bills on time
>optional: skatepark close by if I decide I want to start skateboarding again
since this would require my account be in the millions, the dream will forever remain just that.
Well at least it's better than Roachistan
I know you're trying to sound cool and hip to a bunch of morons on a mexican donkey spanking board, but you just sound delusional and a fucking virgin.
>don't let the Feminists win.
Why not? "Thinly veiled pornographic television" sounds elder-god tier.
I want to move to Japan exclusively to become an actor in their god-tier vomit porn
What's Japan excuse then?
No they think they'll become normal and cool in a foreign place like in their VNs and personas. Suddenly everything will be fixed because SOCIETY is why they're fucked up, not them
>spend entire lifetime from middle school to university leaving home 10 minutes later than planned
>adopt speedwalking as my regular pace due to it being my daily routine
>people bitch about me running every time we're walking
I'd be fine.
Well, the alternative is that they are actually frightened, but based on my experience, that assumption doesn't really hold up.
i kinda miss school.
got to see your friends everyday, and have a great time.
life after education is just shit, too many responsibilitys and less time for fun
The only reason they have that is because actual porn is illegal.
>not dreaming about being an English teacher at that school and having a hot, illegal affair with one of those jailbait nymphs
you're a faggot or a woman, aren't ya?
Yeah, but that kind of stuff is way hotter.
that is what rapists think, I guess
They banned all pornography in the country, and jailed anyone who had produced pornography even if they had only done so before the ban. If you went there you could very easily be arrested just for having a device with porn on it, in any form.
You don't want them to win.
>This is the result of a sexually repressed society.
What about the results of having fun? Girls aren't innocent porcelein sculpture to put on a trophy stand.
Fuck you finnish people best people
>implying women don't have that teacher fantasy more often