Time for telling your secret

Time for telling your secret

I never really enjoyed a Rare game and think all their games are just nice on a technical level but sucks on a gameplay level.

I don't like Earthbound, and I think it's waaaay overhyped.

Dragons dogma is a shit game and I'm not sure why it has so much hype on this board

JRPGs in general are a waste of time.

Sup Miyamoto?

I have never played a FF game and I have no desire to. I don't have a problem with Japanese games, but I feel like FF is the first step to true weeb, a step I don't want to take.

but muh loli's

I own a powerful PC, but enjoy playing games more on console.

I don't understand how people can play shit like ark or any other time-hungry "survival" "battle royale" whatever game.

I really want to play Undertale but I'm afraid that somehow Sup Forums will know that I did and hate me.

>I feel like FF is the first step to true weeb
FF is pretty entry-level to be honest. You can play entry-level jrpgs and not be a weeb, they're just games.
It's kinda like playing Mario. It's a japanese game, but it's entry level and isn't a weeb thing.

But you're probably aware of that since this is a "dark video game secrets" thread. If you're looking for that 'voice of reason' that tells you you're being dumb and go try them, though, here it is.

can you explain why?

This isn't an unpopular wrong opinion thread you retards

I think I might be getting bored of videogames overall right now, but all my other current hobbies are too stressful for me to spend as much time on as vidya.

>Sup Forums will know that I did and hate me.
I thought the general opinion around here was that Undertale was a pretty good game, but the fanbase is Sonic level cancer.

I pretend to be a girl online

I'm with you on this, have never played a FF game and never cared for it.

I really think PC gaming is the worse possible way to experience games.

I regret buying 90% of my Steam library

I only want to play total war and mount & blade alone but I always end up playing co op games I dont feel much for just so I can keep my friends.

Don't worry, actually a lot of people played it and loved it
It's worth a playthrough. Try the free demo if you're not sure


I have some sort of attention disorder. Whenever I play games on PC I'm alt-tabbing every 15 minutes or not playing for very long.

On console, I'm not compelled to do this, so I end up playing the game for a lot longer.

They're obviously inferior technologically, however.

i've been playing videogames non-stop since i was 13 and i have literally never finished a singleplayer game.

i was on the last few missions on a lot of games, but i just get bored halfway through lol, do i have commitment issues or something?

Even though I recognize the finished product was much uglier and compromised from the early concepts, I don't really hate MN9. I'd put it at the level of an X5 mild disappointment rather than an X7-tier catastrophe. Inafune himself can go die somewhere, though.

The only MGS game I've played is V. I've read the story for the others, but have no real desire to play them.

user, this is the same for everyone with more than 3 games on steam.

I do the same thing, and with anime or tv series I'll stop before the last few episodes.

For me, its that if I finish it, then its over, the story with the characters is done, and if I really like the game/anime/tv show, I don't want it to end.

I think Gone Home was a good video game, and I really enjoyed it.

It was still overpriced though

I hated Fallout 4 but have a shameful amount of hours into it I just like post-apocalyptic games

I pirate games but I always laugh at how some fags attempt to justify it as not theft in threads.

I liked Final Fantasy II. Yes, that FFII.

I don't actually like vidya as a whole. I like some genres((story driven) RPGs, stealth-action movie games, some shooters and turn-based strategy) but games in general are fucking boring and, save for about 5 games, one of which is an expansion and one is the port of a 4 year old game, i didn't really enjoy any games last year.

I have 500 hours of co-op bot matches in dota 2

Borderlands 2 is one of my favourite games, in terms of shooters I usually put it near the Top 5 if not in the Top 5 itself

What did you like about it?

I don't really know what a man is

I'm probably at a similar amount

I think it's a really decent game, but any time I play online I feel like I'm going through chemotherapy

I'm from near Boston, and I just like that its set in a place I'm familiar with, and there are some inside jokes. Like the combat zone, which was the fight club, is located in the same area where the real life combat zone, a bar and music venue, was located.

Do you at least play it with friends? That's somewhat understandable unless you play alone

Me too user, I liked the levelling system especially

Form me, Zelda Ocarina of time is called the "best game ever existed" because there is nothing more to bem played on Nintendo 64.
In my opinion the game is extreme linear, full of empty areas, the combat is repetitive as fuck and Majoras Mask is superior.

>Conker's BFD was developed by Rare

Well look here you motherfucker, your opinion is shit and I hate you.

I have about 170 hours in it, all solo. I have over 700 hours in BL1, all solo, mostly farmory runs when it was released, cataloguing the chest drops to get data for the effort on the forum (trying to determine if what you had in your inventory affected the quality and types of drops to got from the chests).

I only have an opinion on it because of all the shitposting from the defenders side

I hadn't even played it and you want to call me all of your gender studies slang words for white hate then yeah I guess I have to have an opinion. It sucks and tried to force a message of unity and acceptance while it's devs shoved it in everyone's face.

No fault for you or anyone else who actually likes the game though

I feel it's the best of the 3 NES FF games. SaGa honestly is a much more interesting series than FF even if it's not always great.

The first 500 hours or so I didn't even know how the coop worked, I was just playing alone laughing my ass off in my room. Then when I hit level 72 (a friend gave me his Xbox account so I had all the DLC) I realised the game had difficulty spikes that were almost impossible and asked a friend, he told me it's because you're supposed to be playing coop, I couldn't find anyone lse in level 72 so I stopped playing.

Then The Handsome Collection came out and I used a new character to carry a friend to level 72 and kept playing, also threw another 300 hours or so into The Pre-Sequel.

I still play it now and then, I never understood all the hate for it in here

I hate weebshit with a passion but 100% of the porn I fap to is hentai.

Also I like Undertale.

I stopped having fun playing bullet hell games and only play for self satisfaction and to show other people I am better than them at video games.

What are you even talking about?
>I have an uninformed opinion

>Actually lives in Boston
>Find Downtown Crossing
>Old State House
>Everything is literally a step away
>Get dizzy since nothing makes sense to me
Heard people that lives in DC had issue playing Fallout 3 because of the same thing.

I've greatly enjoyed Undertale.
I've cheated during my first Deus Ex playtrough to max out upgrades.
I used high brightness in Dark Souls 2 instead of relying on torches

>count meow-t

Just do what I do

If it's singleplayer torrent it

If it's multi-player buy it


I'm a consolefag, only real PC games I played are unreal tournament, WoW and Diablo 3

if my brother has played a game like Bloodborne, [spoiller]Witcher 3 or MGS:V I won't play it, despite them being good

I just like having fun with him

That's cool.

But imo Boston was a nice setting for a Fallout game, they just implemented the idea badly and wrote a silly main story.

fucked my spoiler up

at least I know that oblivion is worse than morrowind and that nu-Doom is worse than og Doom

I liked the atmosphere mostly, and I got really invested in the story. Note that I played the game before I read anything about what Sup Forums thought about it, or what the general games media thought about it. I just saw it on steam and thought, this looks cool, and bought it and played it. Didn't know the games media thought it was 10/10 and Sup Forums thought it was 0/10.

The fact that the main story was about a lesbian relationship actually helped me to look at it as me exploring someone else's life, instead of just self-inserting as I would if it was a regular relationship. For me it had nothing to do with "social justice", but just a clever way to help the "stranger in someone's else's life and home" feel that I got from it.

I feel most of Sup Forums (and the games media for that matter) focus on it like it's a political message, but I think it was just used as a clever storytelling mechanic.

I also really liked the whole idea of exploration driven storytelling, and the game was really detailed, although short.

You're mostly not missing much. FFX's end game content is the only time I'd say the series was truly great, though FFVII can be somewhat enjoyable to play through. The series is tedious as fuck otherwise.

Did you play the games when they came out? I still love oot to this day and replay it from times to times but I do agree that Majora is a better game

i love ASSFAGGOTS but always insult them and their playerbase on boards

I played the FF games on the NES, then emulated the SNES versions, and went to X. Never played 7, 8, or 9.

In FFX I got to the Jecht boss fight(Braska's Final Aeon) and stopped playing. I was like level 59 and couldn't beat him and I didn't want to fight anymore monsters to level. I was around 10-13 when I played it. Never picked it up again.

>game is extreme linear

Then you're just plain wrong.

I won't play a game on any difficulty below hard because I'm paranoid someone will make fun of me if I pick a lower difficulty.

>tfw i dislike Fifa but I still have the desire to stay the best one amongst my co-workers which is why I regularly play it.

I guess that's fair, I just didn't like it because of the lack of gameplay. I didn't think the story was bad, just fairly uninteresting. I guess I'm with you that I couldn't care about any political statement like Sup Forums does, I was just disappointed in the actual lack of gameplay outside of the exploration, and I'm not a fan of "story-driven" games

I like the dev team Spiders. Their games are a lacking in a lot departments but they show promise. It seems all they need right now are a good project director and competent writers.

I built a PC for gaming, but think that the PC offers lackluster and boring games, AAA garbage with pretty graphics but no good gameplay. The reason I built it was only for the good emulation.

I mainly play Gamecube, PS1-PS2 games and here and there N64-Snes. Citra and Cemu are getting better and better, I'm pretty hype for them.

It might be a good idea to play the FFVII remake when it comes out, as the game has the most interesting story to play through, which is iconic for a reason. The original had fairly shallow gameplay despite materia being a great idea, so it will probably be worth checking out because Nomura knows how to make better combat.

IE your lack of focus and willpower pushes you onto the pleb machine

Can't say it doesn't make sense, plebs lack focus and willpower afterall.

I'm kind of in the same boat. The Japs are just fantastic designers and seldom do PC development properly.

I used to do this. Then I realized playing on hard in some games was just making me not enjoy them so I stopped.

I played at the time, yes, I still find an extremely overated game when compared to other releases like Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64.
I cannot explain, but Ocarina of Time looked like an empty game to me, with no replay value whatsoever.
Some areas were extremely desolate I imagine due to the limitations of capacity of the Nintendo 64. Another thing was the story, at the time I already had a sense of what a good story was, and Zelda OOT had nothing good.
I rather imagine that this value given to the game is due solely to the lack of good releases at that time for the Nintendo 64, while in Playstation there were more complex games in structure and a lot of good games being released.

Zelda Majoras Mask repaired all Ocarina of Time issues, the game has more vivid areas (I guess because of the expasion pack), has a wider range of enemies, has a less linear storyline. It seems like a more "complete" game.

Skyward Sword is my favorite zelda.

FF7 has interesting ideas but I feel it wasn't really that great. One of the issue is that a large section of the game feels like nothing really happens. And what is there are either just red herrings or things that make little sense and isn't really explain. But maybe that's because PSX/PC localization was so god awful and made things way more confusing than it really is.

Tell me about the sidequests?
Some people call "mini games" in the city like side quests.

I don't torrent games because I'm really bad at _it_

I got to the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time then put it down because I was bored.

I beat the bomb boss in MGS2 and then put it down because I was bored.

The game that has my attention at the moment is Watch Dogs 1

You fucking suck

thats not the case though. It's an alright game in concept, but is ruined by shoehorned in stupid jokes, gimmicks, and characters, because the creator wanted money and all its kickstarter supporters were furries.

I enjoyed undertale so much that I've spent the last year learning gamemaker and composing for making a game of my own. Quite autistic, I know

>has a less linear storyline

In what possible, conceivable way?

I can't aim in.. ANY first person game, especially if I need to hit a moving target with a projectile with travel time.

Surprisingly, about half of my games on Steam are accuracy and reflex-based shooters.

I have the burning desire to buy a gayman laptop

I buy most of my games from steam now because I'm too lazy to pirate

I stopped playing Thief once into the cathedral because the built up spookyness was too much. After replaying it all I loved that level, shame about the last ones, they felt rushed.

I'm the opposite, I own a shitton of consoles but I only play games on them once since I find sitting on my pc much more comfortable

I have never finished a single western RPG, i get bored easily. The only type of western game I can play ar multiplayer shits because you play with friends.

>Some people call "mini games" in the city like side quests.

Yes, they are side content, along with horse riding events and things like the Gerudo Training grounds. OoT has some of the best side content in the series, and its actual trading quests are great in their own right, rivaling anything in MM. The main quest is also highly nonlinear once you can become an adult.

What is utorrent

What is magnet link





I don't have a favorite game.
I need help, I can't seem to enjoy games anymore. They're so unenthusiastic, I have barely any motive and quit around 30 minutes into a game. I used to play for hours but now I log through indie shovelware, though I'm playing with some friends and STILL I'm unmotivated and only care if they're having fun.

I shitpost and derail every Jojo's Bizarre Adventure threads but I have read all the parts and have all of the Jojoniums.

People like you trigger my OCD so hard. Just finish it you asses.

Silent Hill 4 is better than 3 which is the weakest of the original SH games.
2>1>4>3>>>Shattered Memories>the rest

I don't really care for most of the 3D Zeldas and the only ones I can enjoy are Majora's Mask and Wind Waker pretty much solely for their atmospheres. I would rather play any of the 2D ones, including the DS titles. Actually replaying Phantom Hourglass right now and having fun.

On a tangent, the whale island made me realize there should totally be a Zelda game or a Zelda-like where you have to draw your own maps in-game Etrian Odyssey style.

I unironically use Sup Forums memes in real life. MY favorite meme is doubles and I constantly say "OH YEAH!? WELL CHECK OUT THESE DUBS!" and put upwards when it is completely out of context and no one ever gets it.

Yeah but with steam all I have to do is buy it an install


Do you play for long periods? I recommend taking a break from time to time. Whenever I feel burned out on vidya I stop for one or two days and then the enjoyment is back