Filename thread


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>Big bad is a random NPC in the prequel
>defeating him unleashes a greater evil
>there is an even greater evil masterminding them both
>current protagonist supports the mastermind





Its hot in either direction!

>actual purification doujins don't exist

for a second there i forgot you have to read weebshit the wrong way around











Jesus Christ. That is what I felt like playing Mario Kart 64 recently.

>climb the tower senpai

>Here's your steering wheel, bro

Putting it in spoilers because for some reason it has got me banned before

It became a game for ant people?



>Denuvo 3.0



>not "how to beat Dirge"



Gee I wonder why.


Context? Why is that driver salty?




Was he on drugs or something?

why would someone do this jesus christ




this is blue board, motherfucker

what the fuck was he thinking


what the fuck

>inb4 i dont get it

this makes me happy

what game? I want it.

>only a .22

>Nvidia eye implants

This is great

What happens? Too scared to watch.





>fight club


He pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the cheek, it seems like he doesn't feel the pain as he starts talking and spitting out blood.
It's pretty crazy.




This is an edit right?

There can't be anyone that actually likes making a slut pure right?


Blood don't look thick enough.

Not funny user.


>Dead Rising on a toaster

y-yeah who would like something like that?

He probably did after the adrenaline wore off

Also, to add more context, this dude is an amateur rapper who shot himself for a music video or something

file deleted, did she shoot himself on camera or something?

Just search for the gyaru tag and filter out tags like rape, prostitution, netorare and so on.

And as a freebie search for Miyabi's latest work.



>not getting the joke this hard
>inb4 "i get it its just not funny"
>inb4 thread derails trying to get you to explain the joke you don't actually get

literally, yes

although he did so in his cheek, with his mouth open, made a pretty nasty hole that bleed a lot

>you stink of virgin
quality writing





Dude shot himself in the cheek with a .22 for a music video



>Visual Novel romancing options


neck yourself



hunter, greene county, new york is where I spent all of my childhood summers. pretty spooky

