Economic question here : Is this game worth to buy without DLC ? It seems cheaper to me.
Economic question here : Is this game worth to buy without DLC ? It seems cheaper to me
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>it seems cheaper to me
Well no shit you fucking retard, probably because it's cheaper.
>american economic education
>package with less content costs less money
>It seems cheaper to me
Aw shit, somebody give this man a Nobel Prize in economics!
>It seems cheaper to me.
Did you work that out on your own or did someone have to point it out to you?
>It seems cheaper to me.
Did the lower number in the price field give it away?
I think what op meant is is it worth paying for the extra content
I didn't regret buying with the dlc at all
>it seems cheaper to me
can you please tell me how you came to this conclusion, very interested to discover your method of deduction. thankyou.
DLC is shit, overrated
You're not as funny as you think you are.
Probably one of the very few times you can say this about a game and be as wrong as possible. Well done.
the dlc in souls games are the best part
Well it was a fucking stupid question to begin with.
The DLC is good for its value though, so hopefully that satisfies OP.
humor is subjective :')
>TFW to intelligent for dumb humor
>to intelligent
He went to intelligence for greater appreciation of dumb humor it's not that hard to get.
>tfw to intelligent too understand memes
The DLC have the best and most challenging bosses
No, but you can actually just buy the DLC and play it without the base game, so you're better off doing that.
You're more retarded than you think you are
Wow that's so fucking epic and original Sup Forumsro!
Is Bloodborne really must be played with DLC to enjoy it ?
how good is bloodborne? never played a souls game
It's great, definitely has the best atmosphere, tied with DaS 1. Imo it's a great starting point to the franchise IF you are going to play DaS 3 after (the numbers don't matter, the story has no sequel progression), if you plan on going to DaS 1 after playing Bloodborne it's going to be a mess, considering Dark Souls is a lot slower than BB.
dlc is goat
I had never played a souls game before Bloodborne and wasn't really interested by it until I played it for a bit at a friends house. It blew me away, it's everything I love about videogames in one thing.
Yes, but by the dlc anyways. Also when you do buy the dlc fight the final boss, play the dlc, then fight the secret final boss who ends the game (do the ritual to unlock the secret boss first). The final boss is the best boss in the base game, but is piss easy if you do the dlc content first. The secret boss is meh and the game ends once you kill him.
no, but the dlc adds much more amazing content to a game that is already a 10/10
It is top tier. The beginning is quite tough as you will need to get used to dealing with dying frequently, but once you understand how the combat works and how to fight groups of enemies you will love it. Stick with it and use the internet for help if you can't git gud.
The dlc is objectivly good. There is no opinion to be had here due to personal preference, this is an indisputable fact. Unless you hated the base game then the dlc adds more content of the same quality as the best of regular bloodborne.
>not giving From as much money as you can
You're not a true fan
don't buy the DLC before you finish the game.
This meme game isn't for everyone unlike what Sup Forums parrots like the autists they are, less than 20% of the people who play it finish it according to achievements.
haha highfive!!
I loved beating bosses and checking the trophies.
>60% killed cleric beast
>40% killed mergo wet nurse
fucking hilarious the dropoff as you keep progressing
yup I did this too.
Makes all the shilling fucking hilarious. All these tryhards saying BB is the best thing since sliced bread and over 80% of them couldn't even finish the game xD
I fucking love the game but I almost never recommend it to people unless I think they can handle it.
I don't get that from it, I assume most people on Sup Forums who are talking about it are capable of beating it. I think the average joe who heard how good it was secondhand, saw the commercials on tv, and dug the victorian aesthetic jumped in just to immediately put it down for being too challenging.
I think most people on Sup Forums get the dark souls idea, in which it's more like indie platformers (IWBTG) than traditional 3D games, where you're going to die over and over again until you figure out how to progress properly. Problem is normies go into 3D games thinking it's Assassins Creed/Skyrim and they're untouchable gods, so each death is extremely frustrating, and you have to die a hundred times before you truly begin to git gud, so they drop out long before that.
I promise, there are more people salty about their BB experience than you think, they just don't frequent boards like this.
The number of people who finish games throughout the whole industry is low. 20% is not bad.
you overestimate the people here, honestly. With the rampant shitposting, I'd wager the majority of people who recommend it as PS4's saving grace hasn't played the game.
I do agree there were probably a lot of people who got into the game having no idea what was coming. The mere fact that only 60% of players kill the first fucking boss says a lot.
To be fair, it's an optional fight, as the real first boss is the Gascoine dude, but I found some IGN article that encapsulated the problem perfectly.
His only accurate complaint is the load times, which were atrocious at launch and have been (somewhat) patched.
Otherwise, his complaints are hilarious. He suggests that finally deciding to run past enemies was a flaw in the game, despite the fact that the game is telling you not to fight everything you see constantly. He just can't realize that, though, and assumes that it's unfair/pointless and he's cheesing it. His ego is just too big for the game.
Normies might be able to get into it if they had a prompt at the start that said "LOOK FOR SHORTCUTS. ECHOES DON'T MATTER. STUDY STRONG ENEMIES/BOSSES BEFORE REALLY TRYING TO BEAT THEM" but that would ruin the point of the game, which is excellent level-design that points clever people towards the obvious solutions (people with gigantic egos simply can't accept that the game is capable of doing this, though).
My only complaint with bloodborne is how it constantly wastes your time.
The fact that it usually takes between 1:30-2:00 minute to reset a boss fight and try again is absolutely unforgivable and a shit design decision. Add to that the fact that you lose bloodvials you used and will sometimes need to stop fighting the boss to go farm more and it's even more aggravating.
This is literally the only problem I had with the game, and I think it's fair criticism.
But that's where you're at the threshold of getting gud. Going to a boss with only four vials, thinking "okay, I can only do X for two swings, and then I have to X, but if I jump back and forth, I'm good" means no fucking farming because you just get better and better. My best fights were sub 5 vials when I first started because I had to really think.
The only bosses I felt were too far from lanterns were the forbidden forest 3-mook fight, and maybe the wet nurse, but again, I was reviewing what happened last time in my head while I sprinted, so it didn't really feel that long.
1. git gud is a terrible meme that avoids a discussion. People spout this nonsense constantly, even when others are making legitimate criticism. Oh the hitboxes are sometimes terrible? lulgitgud! It really is a cancer on the souls series that needs to die so stop regurgitating that fucking nonsense.
2. nobody cares if you played better with less healing or that you thought about the fight on your way there.
The fact is that it is purposefully aggravating game design. It's where souls games get their "it's so hard!!!" reputation when they don't even deserve it. It's not hard, it's punishing. And it punishes you by wasting your time, which is shit design.
you're shit git gud.
No one is gonna have an insightful discussion with you so fuck off. You are bad.
I didn't really expect one from a pos that says "git gud" unironically. Now, let me try to speak your language.
I'm also 100% guaranteed better than you at the game and also have a massive penis I use to fuck your mother daily, nightly and ever so rightly. git gud at being my stepson and go get me a beer
They added defiled amygdala in the dlc?
If you want to play a game with no penalty for dying, you should go play Flappy bird, casual.
Nah you just need to get good
Sorry, I left the thread, the person you're responding to isn't me, but I understand your point about git gud, it's a legitimately overused meme to excuse a lot of actual issues that FromSoft has in their games.
I will say, though, that if vials are a problem, you should consider just stockpiling vials rather than leveling up as much. Again, that's a totally viable option, and not something I suggest as if you were playing the game "wrong", but just another way to go about it. Even when I was doing this early on, I was still running out, and I won't try to act like I didn't farm here and there, but ultimately there was a point where it just wasn't a real concern for me if I entered a fight with 8 vials. It wasn't because my skills had become incredible, I didn't git amazingly gud, I just didn't get panicked like I did before, especially considering that most deaths are due to one massive fuckup of a hit, which can happen any time.
Anyways, I hear what you're saying, and I agree that the vial system is a little hit and miss, but the core game is solid and the most fun I had was when I focused on that rather than believing I was fucked if I didn't have enough blood on me.
Did you read my post at all? Also, the point of souls/borne is that there is no real penalty for dying, dipshit, do you even play the games?
>goes on about how he explored
>never found the fucking shortcut to the boss
How? You can get from the lantern to the cleric beast in like a minute and a half that way, which kills like 75% of his complaints.
>having to grind for vials that early
>getting that stuck on the cleric beast
I'd never played a souls game before BB and i found that shortcut on my second attempt, and only died twice on the cleric beast. Every character and playthrough since I've killed it first try.
I have a question.
Why do some of the most stupid posts and comments I see always have a space and then a question mark, rather than just a question mark?
It seems like a universal constant that if you put a space before an interrogation point that you're fucking retarded.
I think it comes from people whose sole reading background comes from the internet. You can't expect much from them.
That's what kills me. He whines about wanting to explore, but never fucking does. He was too panicked by everything. He needed someone to tell him it's just a game, and to calm the fuck down.
>whines about how you 'don't get anything worthwhile' from beating the cleric beast
>doesn't notice the fucking sword badge