>game you loved gets an HD rehash
>get it with anticipation for the countless hours of fun you'll have, just like back then
>play it 30 minutes
>it's unbearable shit
>drop it and never pick it up ever again
What's her name Sup Forums?
>game you loved gets an HD rehash
>get it with anticipation for the countless hours of fun you'll have, just like back then
>play it 30 minutes
>it's unbearable shit
>drop it and never pick it up ever again
What's her name Sup Forums?
silent hill
Which one? Because the hd rehashed silent hills still hold up today better than the new ones.
>GCN version 60fps
>All other versions 30 Fps lock
It's because they ported the PS2 version with that little extra content that ran at 30fps. And didn't bother to actually make it run at 60fps.
Meh, I don't really care about the 30FPS coming from the PS3 games which had inconsistent 60fps, rock solid 30fps is good enough for me, many games run at stable 30fps and you don't feel they're sluggish, look at Mario Sunshine or Zelda.
Anyway the game is just too shitty and outdated compared to Vesperia, Xillia and GracesF, even Abyss is far ahead of this one in every single mechanic. And the story in Symphonia is just garbage.
Tales of Symphonia is one of the most ambitious JRPGs ever made and damn well does so much shit better than is typical of the genre that I don't get how anyone could shit on it.
tales of the abyss for 3ds. it's not bad or anything, but portability and faster loading times are not a good trade-off unless former is THAT important to you.
How's the PC version?
It's coming up on my backlog
I dunno about most ambitious but it certainly feels like the most consistent tales game.
Everything else is like, "Abyss has great character development but shit dungeons" "Graces has great combat but shit everything else" "Vesperia is amazing but the plot shits the bed"
Other than the combat sort of aging, I can't really think anywhere that Symphonia really drops the ball.
It's an underage nu-Tales kiddie, just ignore.
How does Vesperias plot shit the bed?
I hope it's good. I heard it improved by getting patched.
Nigger I've played every single localized Tales game, my first one was the Phantasia with a shitty fan translation which was most likely inaccurate. I even remember one character saying "Arche fucks like a tiger".
Ratchet without clank on PS4
Looks better but missed everything that made the orginal good
Abyss doesn't have shit dungeons, its problems were mostly related to the technical aspects (slowdown on world map, many bugs and glitches), and the poorly handled gameplay systems. It's still worth playing for the best story in the series and one of the best in the genre.
it's got a great community patch that fixes any technical issues you may hear about.
play with a controller.
otherwise, it is exactly the same as I remember when I was a teen...you'll love it.
Short of emulating the GC version PC is the one to get. At least it's fixable.
It doesn't fix the 30FPS.
Admittedly it's been a while since I've played it.
But from what I remember it had great pacing till about a third through, when you get the water core back.
The middle is more or less good but the adephagos feels so fucking lazy.
Duke is also a weak final boss imo
It's still my favorite tales though.
>most likely inaccurate.
Which one is accurate?
Symphonia's strange in that its dungeons are both a positive and a negative. The dungeons in Symphonia are very intricate and puzzle-oriented, and there's a SHITLOAD of them, but many of them are also incredibly tedious and an actual chore to go through on subsequent playthroughs; Meltokio Sewers alone are enough to deter me from making progress, just because I'd rather die than go through it again.
Despite that, I've gone through it well over 25 times. Symphonia does especially well in replay value, you see
>ToS is probably in my top 5 games of all time
>all other Tales game I've played are garbage
I hate this
Most Tales fans seem to think their favorite game is the only good one in the series.
I think it's a change in mentality over time. Nowadays people think dungeons are just simple mandatory encounters you go through in ten minutes and that's it while back in the day they used to be more fully fleshed out experiences.
NOT Trickstyle.
I would say most of Graces is still at the very least tolerable, except the music, which is the worst in the series.
Because Tales series has seriously descended into utter mediocrity over time as they got streamlined. Yeah sure, people play your games for the combat, but if you skimp out on everything else it really becomes obvious. Vesperia was probably the last really good Tales game.
>Vesperia was probably the last really good Tales game.
This. Why the fuck don't they port this shit to PC or the PS4 already?
>sewer levels
No thank you.
But the GC version don't have presea Hi ougi so it's shit.
I'd argue Hearts DS and Graces were still pretty good, but everything after Graces is clearly lacking at best. Though I haven't played Berseria.
>Which one? Because the hd rehashed silent hills still hold up today better than the new ones.
This is a bait, right?
because the HD rehashes are terrible.
need another incentive when the next tales game is release for the PC. do you even know how jews work?
Sup Forums prepare your anus
But Crash was never good. It was always a poor man's 2.5D donkey kong clone.
Truth as beek spoken
All three of the filters in the HD version are eye-raping and blurry as shit.
Maybe the original was like that too and I just didn't care because I had lower standards back then.
You can have the japanese audio, I buy it for Nana's voice