Mfw dark souls 2 is actually good

>mfw dark souls 2 is actually good
>mfw all the hate on Sup Forums was just shitposting

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You are the shitposting.

>he fell for the DS2 is bad meme

>dark souls 2
this nigga 4 real?

>Mfw 3 and 2 are better than 1

das2 was made by the king's field veteran, that's why the combat is pure dogshit

>listening to Sup Forums ever

>das2 was made by the king's field veteran, that's why the combat is the best in the series
Fixed that for you, shit-eater.

>mfw dark souls 2 is actually great
Fixed that for you shit-eater

>swinging weapon like a crippled retard on crack
>best combat

>swinging weapon like a crippled retard on crack
But that's not DS1, where you perform limb-twisting and joint-popping motions every time you swing a scimmy.

>Using a scimitar.

Just fucking throw yourself over the edge. You're wasting everyone's time.

>swinging weapon like a crippled retard on crack

DS2 not 3 idiot.

king's field is the biggest piece of shit I've ever played in my entire life. glad they moved on from that horrendous garbage.

Souls 2 is the reason I now dislike the souls series.

>mfw OP is fucking retarded

I only ever played SotFS. I didn't like the change in movement compared to DS1 as it is less responsive, but the online was MUCH better, the animations looked nicer and the levels felt much bigger.

DLCs were pretty fun. I actually enjoyed it. I don't understand the massive hate it gets. Maybe the original DS2 was a lot different, but I'll never know.

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says.

Yeah it was a good game.
I think the best way for fans to have had no complaints about the world connectivity, they should have had just zero dialogue in the game.

It would feel like a weird acid-trip or something, and no explanation would cause all the weird shits these days to just make stupid youtube theory videos.

Oh, watch out, we have a badass havelfaggot here.

My biggest complaint with 2 is the fragrant branches of yore and other mechanisms that lock certain routes for you. Things like needing the ladder smith or spending souls in the silercat ring to reach the gutter. Or needing X amount in your soul memory or the 4 big souls to pass the shrine of winter.
Having arbitrary checkpoints that hinder exploration bothers me. The first time I played SOTFS I used my first branch on the petrified pyromancy chick, only to find out that path was closed further down.

>the animations looked nicer


>The first time I played SOTFS I used my first branch on the petrified pyromancy chick, only to find out that path was closed further down.

You can travel all the way to a lord soul with that route. What dead end are you referring to?

Yeah, the rolling animation in DS1 where the character literally slams on his neck sure was better than the proper roll in 2.

Yeah it is.

>I don't understand the massive hate it gets. Maybe the original DS2 was a lot different, but I'll never know.

Take a look through the patch notes and you'll start to understand. Release DaS2 was a mess. If I remember right it took FROM about a year to fix the FPS/Durability bug. But all the patches in the world couldn't fix the disappointment instilled by a long hype campaign full of lies. Release DaS1 was a also harder game than it is today, another thing that people no longer seem to remember.

I dislike the mechanic as well, but DeS and DaS did this as well, just not to the same extent.

It just feels like a game without a clear vision. It has a ton of stuff that they wanted to do, but either scrapped because they couldn't make it work, or left in half-finished. Especially sandwiched between Dark 1 and Bloodborne, that both had very important changes that rippled out across the entire games' mechanics. Dark 2 feels like someone afraid to disappoint. Someone who's trying to make a bigger Dark Souls, instead of a better game or experience.

>that extra little bit of recovery on everything in DS2

Das2 on release was abysmal. Much worse than Das3 which was DOA 3 months in. Think about why they released the game twice.

I believe my first time I went to the shrine of winter instead of towards the foggy forest and brightstone cove. This instance was my fault I realize, but it never sat well with me knowing I used a branch there and I didn't know where to get another for when I'd need another.

>mfw all souls games are great
>mfw faggots will never stop arguing about which is the best according to them

You don't need to be Havel to blow the fuck out of a shitty scimitar.

Literally anything will do the job.

Arguing about Souls games > Thinking all Souls games are equally good

But Scholar is worse in every way because it has the same nerfed to death gameplay as final DS2 with a bunch of weird arbitrary roadblocks and red guys stuck in randomly.

Scholar is awful and going back through it and the DLC was one of the worst chores I've ever played.

Its not good you just have very low standards.
>Only like 2-3 good bosses in the base game the rest are bland and then the ones worse then that are creatively bankrupt into the trash nothing tier like Duel Dragon Rider fight and reskin Ornstein
>Areas are the first 1/3rd are fucking terrible even worse then second half of DaS1 besides maybe Aldias Keep was aite

Its core combat is solid but that is all it has to offer that and the DLCs. The Ice/Fire DLCs are better then DaS3 and the Sunken King is atleast better then DaS3s DLC.

Game sucks overall though. Literally only worth replaying because of build variety and nothing else.

I didn't say they were all equal.

>People criticize DaS2 hitboxes

Has anyone here even play DaS3 PVP? Its fun but the whole existence of phantom range and how attacks from great swords and straight swords feel like AOEs around them besides the back more then swings is far far worse.

Hell jumping attacks are like a giant fucking AOE ground pound i've seen people get hit a mile away after rolling.

Atleast in terms of PVP DaS3 easily has the worst hitboxes in the series to the point where they had to make rolls stupid as fuck just to try and make up for it. Its lazy and sad.

>shitty weightless animations
>broken af hitboxes (more than in other games)

I can on and on and on

>broken af hitboxes (more than in other games)
This is how you spot the retard, who didn't level ADP.

>good gameplay

you fit right in faggot

>Not the worst stat addition in the series.

eat a fucking dick
ME1 is leagues ahead of both of those

>worst stat
>not resistance
G8 b8, nigger. At least ADp actually does something.

ADP does something too specific and necessary. It makes rolling mechanics operate through two separate stats for form and function and is reprehensible. Resist is completely negligible yes. But at least you are allowed to ignore it.

You can't say the same for the Roll stat.


Here's your (You)

It is. I agree with Sup Forums on pretty much everything except DaS II.

>dps/poise race
DaS2fags everyone.

I don't really see how 2 is better. Enemy placement is completely unfair sometimes and the open and connected world in 1 is completely destroyed in 2.

The connected areas is one of things I love about Dark Souls. Seeing how they intelligently routed you through the areas always made me go "wow"

I like all three games. Don't hate any in particular.
This was possibly my biggest complain with 3. Maybe I was tired or just being a retard but I hung around Firelink Shrine for a good half hour trying to find the way to progress only to find you HAD to teleport out.

Heh, we all agree DaS has GOAT map design (which as far as I'm concerned has never been topped), but I think the level design in DaS3 is superior to DaS2.

Both games offer you free teleportations at bonfires, so it's less about shortcuts and more about how you reach the levels. DaS2 is confusing but not in a good way, for example the way to progress to Huntsman's corpse is absolutely retarded since you need to talk to a NPC in a totally opposite direction (which you have no idea will help) to trigger the mechanism.

DaS2 is as linear as 3 in what area you can explore and how long you can explore them until you're blocked by something, it's just the two pics are made differently.

DaS3's also prettier in my opinion but it does have some shitties levels, in particular the fucking swamp.

>has never been topped

spot the underaged soul kiddie

I can guarantee you that the only people that shitpost relentlessly about DS2 are dexfaggots who can no longer rely on i-frames to carry them throughout the game

Go on then, I'm waiting.

That's not hitboxes issues user, that's netcode issues. DS3 hitboxes are fine.
Literally every game in the series have this problem.

>people who dodge

there are people who kinda like it and think its a good game and there are people who religiously hate it and shit on everyone who disagrees with them mostly by just calling them names because they get so fucking upset that others can have opinions

I give it a 7.5/10, it had it's flaws obviously but far from a bad game

How young are you exactly if you think Souls has the best map design of all video games?

1 > 3 > 2
2 > 1 > 3

>DaS2 is as linear as 3 in what area you can explore and how long you can explore them until you're blocked by something

When DaS2 was released I thought it was too linear, especially compared to DaS1. Going back to play SoTFS this year I realized that isn't actually the case. The world design is horrible, but a knowledgeable player can unlock at least 5 areas in an hour or so of playing. This made it more interesting to replay, at least initially, than DaS3. You have more options to quickly grab the right items for your new build. DaS1 did this really nicely as well and I think 3 dropped the ball in this regard.

Unrelated, but why were wheel skeletons nerfed so hard in 3? I was pumped when I saw them at the end of a narrow hallway. Utter disappointment when they turned out to be wheelchair skeletons instead.

>Not giving examples

Basically this.

For pvp fags DaS2 is heaven for everyone else is a fucking mess

I liked 2 a bunch.

Best combat and my favorite lore and characters of the series.

Only real complaints are bosses being lame and that it starts off slow.

2 never drew me back. 3 I beat like 7/8 times but I can even be bothered to make a second character for 2. Just wasn't as fun.

It hurts so much.

As already stated in yestradays thread, the most fundamental problem with dark souls 2 is its combat, to be explicit, the 360 turning, angle mid swing correcting enemies.
The amount of content and build variety that results of it is phenomenal but without a stable combat system as seen in ds1, ds2 feels just like a rip off.


i loved dark souls 1
finished all content multiple times

dark souls 2 had fun pvp but thats it, everything else was not memorable

dark souls 3 is strange because it was a bit more memorable than 2 but had a bit worse pvp

still i stopped playing dark souls after switching to 21:9 monitor because they dont support that res

>switching to an enthusiast monitor to play less games