What is Sup Forums's opinion of this game?
What is Sup Forums's opinion of this game?
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Really good.
999 was the best. VLR was wankery. And this. This game is just repetitious garbage with the preachy wankery tuned up to eleven. It's so disconnected that it doesn't even feel like a video game, more that you're retracing your steps and reading the same dialogue every time.
Fucking awful. Can't escape on your own. Just results in your death. Everyone else gets to leave by being betraying little shits but as soon as you betray every fucker and get the points needed they outright kill you.
Good idea, terribly executed. 999 was good, though.
>Sigma doesn't realize he has a bionic eye or two robot arms
>Attacking someone with a knife sends their consciousness back in time 45 years
>Alice and Clover are secret agents and are dressed as such
>K is not lying about his identity or his suit, but he is but isnt,
>Shitty routes in the game make the characters the nicest people ever or raging fucking assholes, no middle ground
>Takes place on the moon?
I just think handhelds were starved for games at the time, so people thought this was a good game.
They really fucked up by splitting out all the individual scenes so that it's a disjointed mess
>Do you like puzzle games?
Then give it a go.
>Do you like cohesive well written stories?
Stay away.
Its very simple.
I mean I liked it. it took me awhile to get into it, I was dragging my feet on the whole scene lock bullshit, but after the scenes got unloceked, it felt like abretty good roller coaster of emotion.
Despite the bullshit like the gravity stopping sigma from realizing he was old it was good.
Oh and it was cool to see old junpei.
There's a doodle of that pic too.
Friendly reminder that COMPLEX MINDHACKS are canon noncanon metafiction
calm down man
oh right I almost forgot
Best game in the series.
Really liked it up to the end, which then it turned into a 30 minute shitshow and asspulls.
Also posting best girl. Having to betray her in 1 route was the hardest thing ever.
THE masterpiece, the most unique experience, and simply the best VN ever created.
>Best game is a mediocre series
Fixed that for you :^)
Can't be a girl if it's a robot, you ingrate.
>tfw the video Uchi linked before ZTD's relase was better than the entirety of ZTD
999 really hooked me with its mysterious cruise liner setting and expressive, aesthetic character portraits. I did a blind playthrough of every possible story permutation I could think of before relenting to using a guide for the final ending.
VLR was blocky, awkward 3D characters against blocky, dull grey backgrounds. I lost interest when I hit my first ending (a keypad lock with an unknown combination) and the game hadn't bothered to rationalise why I'd reached a dead-end in the context of the story. A textbox just informed me that that was the case and plonked me back at the start.
Kill yourself.
it's a high brow version of DR.
Great visual novel, though it's fucking insanely long thanks to all the repeated shit.
The graphics are absolutely fucking ass though, I bet it really turned off a lot of people, like, seriously, why are the graphics so fucking bad even by 2005 PSP standards?
>a 30 minute shitshow and asspulls
But there were no asspulls, user. Everything lined up perfectly.
I personally like it more than 999 even though I recognize 999 as the better game.
Was better than 999.
Had a more interesting story, better cast of characters. Waaay better escape rooms and gameplay. Didn't need me to replay through the same fucking rooms just to get alt endings. OST was much better. Sigma is a much better MC than Junpei, and the ending isn't gay cheesy anime like 999 was.
Only thing 999 has is "muh creep atmosphere" and that's it.
999 will always be my favorite, the atmosphere was well done and I felt so dang sick after reading the description of the 9th man's remains. And of course the ending was freaking amazing especially with the sudoku.
VLR was also good but it's incredibly boring to replay. Tenmyouji being Junpei caught me way off guard though and it was great.
ZTD was the biggest disappointment of any game I've ever played, can't believe I spent four whole years theorizing and shit about Brother or about Radical-6 or the Myrmidons and we got fuckin Aliens and complex motives. Holy shit that game was bad, but the idiot normies think it was some sort of "life-changing" experience. How they can be so stupid is beyond me.
>but the idiot normies think it was some sort of "life-changing" experience. How they can be so stupid is beyond me.
I've honestly never heard a single person say anything positive about ZTD aside from memes.
Read the steam reviews
Also this was posted before teh game got leaked and everyone got hyped by it
>tfw made a ZE forlder for ZTD
Don't remind me of that, I've never seen a game where the critic and the people's reactions were so fucking different.
Is the white girl in the middle a girl(male)?
This is important
This user (enjoy your well-earned (you)) has it right, reviews were freakin raving for the game before it came out then you have faggots on Reddit and GameFAQs that love it.
Make fun or me all you want but obviously those were better places for long-lasting theorizing on the plot after VLR came out, and people will defend every little twist, even the "tenth participant" one.
I heard she's packing 12 inches.
No sorry, actual grill
Reddit didn't like it either.
Nope,she's girl(best).
yup, Phi is best boy
I think there's also an exaggeration on the opposite end of the spectrum due to its troubled development cycle that led to tons of hype and the complete failure on Uchikoshi's part to clarify that Another Time wasn't relevant as soon as the VLR Q&A. I don't think ZTD is a bad game at all, but it heavily shakes if not crumbles under the weight of its expectations and inability to close off a trilogy worth of plotline in a fully satisfying way.
Best of the series
Not worth playing since most of it isn't canon or was retconned.
>sudoku ending
Pick one or just sudoku yourself
The plot had a few problems compared to 999 and the damn walking sections took forever. Aside from that, it was amazing. Lots of puzzles, two solutions for each room, and the flow-chart was pretty much perfected. I guess maybe the music could have used some work, but it had a consistent theme and most of the pieces were good.
I would have been okay with ZTD's lackluster plot if the puzzles were better and more frequent. Most of the time the hardest part of a room was figuring out what objects I could click on. I nearly gave up when the 'finish all puzzle rooms' achievement popped up 70% of the way through the game.