Darkest Dungeon Thread

Let me share with you the terrible wonders I have come to know...

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what's with all the darkest dungeon shilling lately?
new expansion/dlc coming out soon?

Dunno, but it deserved all the threads. Awesome games. But I think I played it too much.


I pirated it when it came out. Played it for a week and then let it sit for months because i thought it was all randomly created content.

But recently due to Sup Forums threads i learned it had a story and i just started playing DnD with my friends again. So i got back into it. I fucking love it. After a couple mods it is almost a perfect game.

Actually I think a new DLC is on the way called "Crimson Court" probably vampires.

What secrets you came to know? I am at week 60, and have a lot of upgrades and lvl 5 characters. However I always get owned on every lvl 5 mission.

I like to play games like this by throwing my characters into the meat grinder with no regard whatsoever for their sanity or survival

I just started playing and it's been fun. I'm discovering how useful a good occultist is.

What mods?

Yea I think we will get a Vampire Hunter.

There will be a vampire hunter, but he's out to fuck you up if anyone in your party gets the vampire curse.

Ha! Why am I not surprised. Well, I think I will jump back in after the DLC hit.

I just bought the game during christmas sales. I was prepared for high difficulties, but I've retreated from my first 2 dungeons because my group would die if I don't. Whats the best way of protecting your team early on? Food seems pointless and priest healing isn't enough

Stun enemies.

bump, anyone?

It would kinda work if there was a big damage dealer, but normally 3/4 skeletons of doing equal damage doesn't make stun that effective for me.

>What mods?
I got the Necromancer Diablo 2 mod in it. I changed the icons of his attacks myself though. The mod author just used preexisting assets. I took some icons from the Necromancer in Guild Wars 1 and photoshopped them to have the correct color scheme for the type of skill each skill was.

Used a mod that made Abomination be able to be in any party.

After reading a lot of threads and the wiki I also edited some of the skills of the healers to be able to make healing in battle not a net loss.

Also edited some the the item stacks to make it less grindy. I have the supply item stacks still be the same because I want to feel like they are carrying their food/bandages/holy water/torches/firewood etc but in terms of "loot" like gold/gems/and the 4 times of heirlooms you need to unlock stuff.

Also I have a mod that has holy water act as a healing potion.

I still die and it is still a hard game. But just took out some annoyances.

Also like to know which mods.


You gotta go in knowing the game will fuck you up in one way or another. When I started I always ran when shit went bad. I always tried to protect my members. Soon after I stopped caring and made loads of progress. Otherwise just take advantages of stuns. Go after enemies that cause stress and learn weaknesses.

It pisses me off to learn that after buying a game, it is scheduled to have an expansion soon. I was going to buy Paradox Jews' latest expansion, Monks and Mystics™, but now I have to choose between that and this 'Crimson something' since their release are going to overlap.

These are the Icons I made for the necromancer

Once you install the mod you put these in the
>Darkest Dungeon\heroes\necromancer
File location

>Mod with D2 Necro

You aren't trying to take out big damage dealers, you are trying to disable enemies you cannot one shot into not acting. If they can act then that means damage and/or stress. If they cannot then they cannot do it while you thin their ranks.

Oh and be sure to name them like the file name is

just posting shit that deserves to be posted






I'm glad they are here, because I bought the game recently and those threads make it feel like it just came out and for once in my life I'm not months behind everyone else.

And the most terrible of them all is Darkest Dungeon is just SICKDARK version of mobile games like Kankore

I give it a go, but even if it does reduce the damage, my group seems almost dead about half-way in.

What early enemies cause more stress than others?

where can I get this mod?

As a fan of Lovecraft and DnD I can't be happier with the DARKNESS

sauce me!

Its just fan art unfortunately

Anyone got the curio picture?

+ to this.
What did I miss in DD threads all this time?

Bought the game, heard that it's grindy and hard but then I found "dark dungeon config" option from settings that make the game easier. What gives? Does it make you not get some certain achievements?

>guild wars 1 icons

You are my brother.

Their icons are fucking beautiful

They make for excellent reaction images too.

>Wasn't aware there were mods for the game
>Check Nexus
>Alluring Grave Robber Skin
>Fishnet stockings

This is ok.

Remember that time the people who have played these games for 20 years took a gigantic stinking shit on this game?



One achievement is about winning the default version of the game.

>recent steam reviews

It's been on sale a lot recently

Darkest Dungeon is 20 years old?

I want her to sit on my face.


Got you cover

The forum guy has some good points, but it seems that he expected too much from a video game.

How come i never noticed all the mosquitoes in pic related?

Ive seen this shit bunch of times but never paid any attention to that shit.

Are we going to have mosquito vampires?

>no micropayments
All you really have to do to rise above, desu

Torches make it easier. Also there is a "death's door" mechanic, so even when a party members health runs out, they wont die until they get hit and miss an rng test. Wasnt sure if you knew that or not.

Symbolism? Might be cool if there is some Guillermo del Toro esque kind of insect-parasite vamps.

I can't stand these faggots. They could make amazing skins that fit perfectly with the game's theme, instead they keep shitting out useless "artwork" pieces to gather le upvotes without any intention to do the rest of the sprites.
The Arkham guy is the worst, makes whole new areas, characters, items, enemies and icons, but LOLNOPE CAN'T PLAY IT EVEN THOUGH I COULD RELEASE EVERYTHING I DO AS A RESOURCE XDD

Reminds me of those tards on the Nexus that make unique mods "for their friends" but only post screenshots and revel in watching people beg them to release it. What a fucking waste.

>fight the Swine Prince for the first time
>my highwayman ripostes the little pig two times and kills it
Good thing the thing was low on HP and I killed it on my next turn.

Not same user but usually enemies in the back row are the ones that debuff/stress you, also remember to bring torches and keep the light level above 75 if you are having trouble.
Focus on enemies one at the time rather than spreading your damage, its easier to fight one healthy enemy than four barely alive ones.
Remember to level up your skills and bring a vestal in your first dungeons as she is probably the best healer you can have early.
Remember to check on enemy stats to know what you are up against and if you see a weird red orb use a torch on it


>Hit the little pig with a blight/bleed attack

What the fuck, this is not what I posted.

>Remember to level up your skills and bring a vestal in your first dungeons as she is probably the best healer you can have early.
Are you saying there are better healers lategame?

Why does this game punish you for doing anything that isn't "mindlessly shit as much damage per turn as possible and maybe keep a Vestal for the occasional stun/heal"? It severely limits the stuff you can do and it isn't much fun

Occultist is probably the best healer. Just have resists/cure skills/bandages ready.


w-what happens if you hurt the little pig

Does that skeleton have a beard?

big pig dosent like that

That is indeed the case.

Don't touch Wilbur because the big pig will only do high damage attacks that hit all party members

debuffs the big one

Occultist will heal for bigger number, but is unreliable.
Using two heal trinkets on a vestal makes her reliably heal for a lot, and that's what I ended up using through late game.

It can happen. Hair doesn't rot away well, especially in certain conditions.

Post your favorite team compositions!

>Bounty Hunter,
>and Man-at-Arms.

Bountyhunter Marks the target, Highwayman and Graverobber can achieve extra damage, Man-at-arms buffs their seed and dodge, making them hard to kill

4321 spots I hope

But and said it makes the big one do more damage
you wouldn't be lying, would you user?
You wouldn't do that to me, right?

>buffs their seed
speed you mean?

trust me user, kill the little bastard, you'll thank me later


Yes, Vestral is the Seedbooster

If you're not getting blood cursed from them I guess you can enjoy malaria.

>Wilbur can be killed to stop the marking of your heroes, however, this will result in the Swine Prince attacking all of your heroes every turn.


>tfw lost my aspiring lvl 4 Vestal to Wilbur


from rank 4 to 1:

AoE heal, massive stress heal, good stuns, excellent damage and dodge tanking cheese when I need to stall. This makes champion weald almost bearable.


only the Hellion attacks. MAA just buffs speed and dodge. HM 1 guards MAA, HM2 guards Hellion. By turn 2 on champion with good trinkets, the entire squad will have about 10 average speed and 80 effective dodge. I use this on the cove(pretty much no AoE to go through guards) on champion. The only character without a self heal is the MAA, but I never needed it. I went entire dungeons without getting hit because enemies had a disgustingly low chance to hit.




Occultist- Alhazred
GR- Lara Croft
HM- Ramsey Bolton
ABO- Mr. Hyde
Vestal- White Mage
Jester- Cicero
>changing Reynauld and Dismas

Is it true that the warrens capture the women and breed them to make more piglets?

Never found a good way to use a Jester, and have him have synergies with anyone else.
How do you use your jesters, Sup Forums ?

>want to play
>dont want to waste time on it now because as soon as the DLC comes out im switching to that "no grind" mode and i'll probably have to start all over again.

>final boss
>have dismas and reynauld, a vestal, and the bounty hunter that got in the hamlet a month ago but powered through to lvl 6 because he's such a fucking badass
>reynauld goes full retard halfway through, hopeless, missing and doing fuck all
>dismas is not landing those fucking crits
>BH is carrying their weight landing non stop crits
>stress from the boss and Reynauld gets to him though, 100
>resolve is tested
>he continues kicking ass
>final phase
>vestal bites the dust first
>I have to pick the second target
>mfw reynauld and dismas have to survive due to my autism


Probably not the best team comp but i always end dungeons with less stress than when i arrived and i love seeing big crits from leper and hellion.


You did kill Wilbur first I trust?

Real men kill the little piggie first.

I only change name on all my Vestals. They all called Healslut.

Finale has +150% damage modifier.
Point Blank shot has +50%, and it's considered a good burst.

put him in the front row, let his first move be Finale, target some stress dealing cunt. Even without damage trinkets(and with trinkets in Champion) you're very, very likely to one shot your target.

Finale moves him to the 4th row, where he can play his sick ass tunes, and you won't feel bad for making him a dedicated buffer because he already obliterated an enemy in the first move of the fight.

Stress Eater- Wilbur
Deviant Tastes- OP

>mfw reynauld and dismas have to survive due to my autism

But why?