I have never played a Resident Evil game properly before. As in, for any longer than 5 minutes...

I have never played a Resident Evil game properly before. As in, for any longer than 5 minutes. But it's a series I've always wanted to try.

Revelations is on sale right now on both PSN and the 3DS eShop. Is it a good beginner RE game? And is it better on PS3 or 3DS?

Just get RE4 or RE1 remake. Then decide what you should get later.


2/3 > Remake/4 > 5 >Code Veronica > 6 / Revelations 2

I didn't play the first Revelations but 2 is abysmal. 2 and 3 are really the only two I'd say are great. If you want classic survival horror play Remake (I've never played 1 or DC) 2 and 3. If you want crap action go for 4, 5 and 6. Really no point in playing CV or Rev 2.

I have never played a worse resident evil game that is revealation. Even RE6 is better than this piece of shit.

Just play the games in the original order, if you want to try the series why would you want to start with recent games ?

If you can play REmake 1, do so, it's a great game. If you liked it, you have 2 and 3 after that.

After that the series is more action oriented with 4, a lot of people thinks it's the best game ever and, I don't think so but it's probably because I don't like that it's way too much over the top and edgy. Still a great game.

Revelations 1 was the best Resident Evil to come out since the PS2/Xbox days. As long as you know the backstories, that's a great place to start.

It's better on PS3, and it's not a bad place to start.

Play RE4 and do not touch anything else.

get RE4 or RE5.

Revelations is a babby-tier game specifically made for handhelds, so the mechanics are simplistic, the level design is like it's been made with duplo blocks and it's a boring game all around. Also has one of the worst stories and characters in the entire series and that's saying something.

>so the mechanics are simplistic

But the mechanics are far more complex than RE4

Revelations is a decent take on the RE 4-style games. In my opinion, it's probably the best one of that style after 4 itself, although everything in that style pales to 4 anyway. It's better on home consoles by quite a long way.

Be sure to get REmake and RE4 while you're at it.

I'll spare you the rest and give my top 4 favorite games in the series

REmake > RE2 > RE4 > RE Revelations > the rest

It's good enough to be that high.

maybe if you're retarded

Rev 1 is far better than the sequel.

>strafing to move and shoot
>dedicated herb button
>dedicated knife/sub weapon button
>better dodge system
>camera control
>no retarded "stand still and aim with knife"

>re on sony devices
No user. You buy RE on PC for the nude mods.The steam sale is still on, you have less than a day.

Here, is right on the money.
Although some people would say RE2 > REmake, it's very much a matter of opinion but both are great.
RE3 arguably deserves to be above Rev1, but eh.

She had a great ass in that game.

>beginner RE game
Depends what you want to from an RE title. If it's action, go for Revelations. If it's a wannabe-witty not-Dante killing half of spain, go with 4. If you want a game that is explored room by room, find a puzzle, solve it, which gives you a key for a locked door on the other end of the map where you find another puzzle that gives you an item which you need to solve another puzzle etc.

Do what the other guy said and get RE1 Remake on Steam.

IIRC Revelations is a spin off game, I didn't even play it.

I find the game to have a lot more tension when played on 3DS desu

Revelations 1 was cheezy and they didn't do Jill's face right.

Revelations 2 has a better story and better gameplay.

> worst stories and characters


you just proved his point.


Revelations has about 7 comic relief characters, is filled with cut scenes and is split in 20 minute chapters with credits at every end and a recap of every new chapter followed by more cut scenes and a jump to a different playable character. The game is dogshit. It nails the atmosphere and offers the best combat in the series since the classic 3 but everything else is just not worth the time of money.

Revelations is a shit game for beginning the series

you will have no idea what the fuck is going on and who those people are

Revelations is fun when you play Jill, but ultimately lacks enemy variety.
Revelations 2 has some really good chapters, but the character switching i can see being awful for people.

both games are worth it for raid mode

Will they show that time when Claire was forced to eat that snickers bar in RE2make?

I want to pet Judd.
Good thing I have a plushie just for that.

RERev2 co-op is good with someone who isn't good at games.
I think that might have been their idea.

Rev1 had some serious design issues but made up for it with good atmosphere and actually kind of neat deep-sea monster design, plus the luxury cruiseliner setting was a good twist on the classic mansion feel. Plus it had the best partner system in the series thus far, i.e. having absolutely no real impact on gameplay whatsoever. Because the partner systems are shit outside of local co-op and Capcom should've dropped that shit on its head before RE0 even went into development. Fuck it, seriously.

Rev2 arguably fixed a lot of Rev1's problems but is deficient/outright fails in all of the above.
The areas are bland and uninspired, the enemy design is stupid, the stealth mechanic is inane and out of place, and of course they brought the partner system back worse than ever.
Between the boring ruined modern and industrial buildings and the stupid stealth mechanic, It feels more like TLoU than an RE game, and not in a good way.

I'd take Rev1 over 2 any day, warts and all. Even the shitty boss fights, because at least it wasn't possible to lose to them.

Start with REmake because it'll introduce you to the main characters Jill and Chris.
Just about the only two you need to give any level of a shit about.

Resident Evil 2 introduces Leon, who is also the protagonist of 4.

If you're not really interested in the characters then you can jump in just about any of the numbered games and get to killing zombies.

>because at least it wasn't possible to lose to them.
*was, even.
The last boss in particular had a really dickish mechanic that was a huge pain in the ass, but every boss in Rev2 was a god damn pushover. The biggest threat was running out of ammo most of the time.

3DS doesnt have the enemy that does the shitty "1-hit and you're dead" enemy that looks like a blister, but is some further mutated teenage mutant ninja turtle

PS3 does.

You mean the turtle thing you battle at like the roof or observation deck or something like that?

There is.

nah, not those guys. its some shitty enemy they added after porting it to pc/ps3/whatever other systems im missing here.

they were a pretty shitty addition, but at least you can sell unwanted guns in Raid in those port versions of REV

>Hate deep sea life more than anything.
>Find it all creepy/disturbing that evolution can happen like that.
>Also find it baller as fuck but most express it when they're dead and I can look at their bodies in a musem.
>Play Rev1 for the first time knowing fuckall about it.
>Older brother asks me to take over a mission in a quiet moment.
>See monster slide out of vent.
>It looks like that senator guy from the first X-Men film.
>I gets closer.
>Realise it has some sucker thing in the mouth.
>Realise that it looks like something from the abyss in the sea.
>Grabs me and the sucker goes on my neck.
>Shake it off but manage to waste every bullet not hitting it after.
>Pause game and sob.

That was my first experience with Resident Evil.
Played the other games before going back into Rev1. After Nemesis and the Reapers from RE5 they aren't that freaky.

After playing 4 and 5 I feel alot less safe around chainsaws though.

The only insta-kill enemies I remember in the 360 version I played was the Skagdead (two-headed fat not-Mr Salvador) and the jelly monsters with giant mouths underneath. The ones you fight at the beginning of the game and then have to swim past in the second to last level.
Neither of them are a big deal, IIRC.

Revelations 1 is great, but it's not "classic" RE. If you want the true experience get REmake. It's a 10/10 GOAT game. I got Rev for like $8 last year and sunk over 30 hours into it so it's worth getting at some point, but it plays nothing like REmake either, it's more of a shooter and action game.