Post your gamerfuel. Do you ever considered eating nonprocessed foods for snacking?

Post your gamerfuel. Do you ever considered eating nonprocessed foods for snacking?

Coffee is the best gamer fuel.

I drink coffee, juice, water, tea or whiskey. I eat fruits, sandwiches or carrots.
I drink whiskey probably only once in every two weeks

water 2bh

water and nuts

water and boiled eggs

Patrician taste

Dry of course

Water. Caffeine pills. Hash. Vodka. Homemade hamburgers.

Carrots and hummus are yummus

Usually water and almonds. I go with roasted or smoked.

Are they activated tho

water, orange juice, occasionally beer, wine or whiskey. Also grapes and Camembert.

This actually. I always keep some peanuts and pistachios around for when I'm too lazy to go to the kitchen.

Pic related, shit is like crack

What is it

Ikea crispbread and awesome havarti

>he still eats like a noob

Fromage frais? That's what it's called in english?
It's like what Danone tries to produce but fails every time.

I drink heavy water only.

Pricey but sure will kill me fast.

Look at that chode's face.

I have no idea what that is.

Water, occasionally a soda.
I usually keep hard candies around as well.

Only thing you need to know about it is that it's delicious and has a lot of protein. it cum?

Semen is actually 50% proteins.


>heavy water
>kill me fast

Nah, it's not toxic enough and the radiation is not an issue unless your source of the heavy water is a fucking nuclear reactor - pure heavy water is not radioactive.

50% is quite a lot.

>falling for the sugar Jew

Enjoy your shitty carbs that make you fat at the blink of an eye by triggering carb cravings and facilitating overeating.

>water and nuts
This man is right. I drink carbonated mineral water, because it tastes godly and eat Brazil nuts, because of how energy dense and filling they are.

>I have no idea what that is.
It's basically smooth, fluid, creme version of vanilla cheesecake

not really tho, but that's the best comparison I've got

Thanks to this thread, I just placed an order for almost 8 kilos of pistachios.

>literally the niggers of nutworld with some of the highest carb content in nuts
Enjoy being a fat sack of shit.

The problem with deuterium oxide is that too much of it in body will fuck up chemical reactions. I think you would need to replace about +20% of your body water with heavy water for that to happen.

Concentration process would also concentrate some tritium. It is actually radioactive but so rare it doesn't really matter.

Drink milk to get big!

I'm not eating nuts to be healthy, nerd, I'm eating them for the taste, and pistachios are the king of taste.

Get back to your chilled water and raw shaved ice meals.

i drink water because unlike you faggots i don't think anyone who sits on their ass for hours needs any kind of "fuel".

I like smoothies. Especially ones made with bananas, walnuts, and milk. Those almost taste like banana bread.

What is the remaining 50%?

I do. What are some healthy alternatives that satisfy? I prefer savory more than sweet.

most of it is sugar (glucose, fructose), citrate, sodium and some other elements.

Fructose sugar, water, ascorbic acid, zinc.

Semen is gluten-free.

>Drink milk to get big!

Dick milk


Chicken parmesan is the perfect gaming food.

I hate these things. They are passable with marmalade.

Pic in OP (pappadam) is good in a savory way. They're meant to be fried, but if you're looking out for oil consumption, you could microwave them.

Made out of lentils, they're high in fibre and protein, and not much fat. Being Indian, it's good with spicy dips like curry.

one big bag of funyuns, a jolt energy drink, and some ranch to dip the funyuns in

I should try to make some banana smoothies. What else do I add in there? It's gotta be iced; room temperature smoothies are horrible.

>half of this thread

Just the bananas, walnuts, and milk. I've never tried it iced, though. That would probably be fantastic.

Ripe bananas are great for smoothies. The more ripe they are, the sweeter. They add creaminess and you don't have to add anything extra to sweeten it.


Aight thanks senpai

This shit is great.

Lemsip because got a cold from a new year's pub crawl

Sure thing.

Peaches, strawberries, and mango also go well paired with bananas in a smoothie. I haven't tried them mixed with walnuts but I'm sure it would still be good.

Have few swastika tarts remaining.