Shovel Knight and Shantae are friends!

Shovel Knight and Shantae are friends!

goddamn HGH is shit
the only reason no one says anything is because it's Shantae and made by Wayforward
not saying it's as bad as MN9 but pretty fucking close


I wouldn't say it's on MN9 level or close to it, but it is a let down. Feels like they forgot to design a second half of a game.

This makes as much sense as shipping Miku and Megaman


go on

So it should have been called Shantae: Half Finished Game then?

Shield Knight is the love interest

>TFW actually really wanted to play as Shield Knight for the Shovel Knight DLC

It would be a totally different play style. I mean who wants to fucking play as King Knight? He's not even a real king.

King Knight is amazing though.

Best indie games.

>Mighty No 9
Uh...sure champ.

Best Indie games are:

La Mulana
Cave Story
Shovel Knight

How do people feel about Black Knight? It's kinda hard not to feel bad for the guy in the end.

How did Yacht Club do it

How did they make Shovel Knight so damn charming

I'd drop Isaac for Nuclear Throne, but that's just me.

I like them both.
Stop being easily baited by shitposters.

Mighty no.9 is a ok poor mans megaman.

Better then nothing

When is La Mulana 2 coming out?

I wanna be their friend too!

Love and effort? When the Kickstarter money dried up months before the game was out, they paid for the rest out of their own pocket and had to have people take paycuts and have Jake Kaufman agree to get paid after the game was out.

They still delayed it after that for final polish, and spent a million dollars on Plague of Shadows without charging a cent for it.

It's hard to look at something like that then look at how other Kickstarter projects handle things.

He's literally nothing more than a decadent dandy.

The core difference being Wayforward released the best game in the series just before HGH.
Of course it's a disappointment. The game had to cater to nostalgiafag demands to bring back mechanics from the old games that weren't great to begin with instead of building on PC's actually decent design.
Hopefully the next game won't be so dependent on meeting stupid stretch goal demands that should've been spent on actually well-thought out design decisions.

He's absolutely resplendent you knave.

King Knight/Spectre Knight fucking when

>shipping Miku and Megaman

>hmm, i've heard good things about this shove lknight game. Sup Forums says it's pretty good and they usually have pretty good taste
>start up game
>O L D G A M E
>the game isn't actually that good

I remember now why I hate this place.

>Sup Forums usually have pretty good taste
wanna know how I know it's bait?

There are plenty of better poor mans Mega Man's (Mega Men?) though.

I think both series completely nail charming artstyle and character designs, each in its own way. Shovel Knight arguably had it tougher since making 8-bit graphics (even with their more advanced coloring tricks) look unique and memorable is really difficult, but Yacht Club pulled it off and every environment and character managed to be both simple and filled with detail. Shantae has gone through multiple artstyles but I think each has had its own merits and all of them work for the series. It goes for excruciating detail and dynamism (which doesn't mean the characters are overdesigned, in fact they're very well-balanced and manage to capture that early 90's Ranma 1/2 style) and while I prefer the spritework from RR/PC, I think HGH was able to translate it to 2D drawn animation/3D environments as well as it could.

Gameplay-wise, both series don't do anything particularly new to stand out but they're competent and well-designed enough, they could easily pass for NES/SNES-era classics.

I've only just started HGH. It's not terrible but has some definite problems.

I'm a newbie whose only played Pirate's Curse so the magic/transformations are a first for me and that makes them cool, the platforming is ultimately still very competent, the art and particularly the animations in the game are fantastic. But it suffers from being so damn simplified from Pirate's Curse in a myriad of ways.

>The new portraits are a downgrade and the decision to put them at the top of the screen was retarded, as it shows the cropping
>Scuttle Town is now a pretty-yet-boring circle with a simpler layout
>The save hermit is regulated to a literal black screen instead of being found in the world (???)
>The mechanics of the transformations are taught to you in little VR-esque training rooms rather than being found in an environment that teaches you the mechanics as you go

And, possibly my favorite thing about the game is the plot concept. I like that instead of a typical A to B plot, they presented this game as just Scuttle Town's hero and defender Shantae doing menial hero things across Sequin Land, like a Saturday morning cartoon or a comic serial. But the plots are so short due to being regulated to one level that it can create awkward pacing and dialogue (why did Shantae feel the need to apologize to the mermaids? They didn't hear a damn word she said to Bolo at the start of the level).

>Better than nothing
It's actually nothing

>There are plenty of better poor mans Mega Man's (Mega Men?) though.
Gunvolt, for one. Still can't get into it though. I hate how the normal gun attack projectiles are tiny and how the special charge attacks are basically designed around you standing in place doing damage over to time to one or more enemies, it really doesn't feel very dynamic at all compared to anything in the X, Zero or ZX games.

Remember them though?

>>Scuttle Town is now a pretty-yet-boring circle with a simpler layout
It's sort of a reference to the original Shantae on GBC. Scuttle Town (and the other towns) in that game was also a circle but you as Shantae were locked at the center of the screen with the camera behind her and you could rotate Shantae so that the town would scroll in front of her until you decided which building to enter by pressing a button. In HGH it's also a circle with every building on the same street but you actually move through it.

Fucking Shovel Knight is exactly this.

>poor mans megaman
At least MN9 will be remembered, if only in infamy.
Shockman kinda sucked, but some of the other games were surprisingly decent.

Thanks for the insight user. I'll go back to play the GBC game at some point, but I started with what's considered the best game in the series to give the games the series the best chance I could when I was trying it out.

I've always found GB platformers a little cumbersome outside of Mario Land so Shantae will probably kick my ass quite a bit.

God damn the shantae universe is fucking begging for a cartoon

Not Miku x Zero

>These threads

That Shantae is CUTE

Do you think that shovel knight is banging shantae while shield knight lives in happy ignorance or denial?

GBC Shantae has lots of content but can be annoying due to the camera being too close and not letting you see enough ahead of you, not to mention the transformations requiring multiple button presses a la songs in Zelda which breaks the flow a bit. Still definitely worth playing if you like the series as a whole.

Shovel Knight is too chivalrous

Shantae is too dense to notice when someone is coming onto her.

I think it's more likely that Shantae bangs the lightning manlet.

He is far too loyal to his waifu to do that.

Funny how after proclaiming each other to be bro series Shanteafags threw Beck under the bus when MN9 started turning out to be a shit game

Implying it isn't Shield Knight banging Shantae with Shovel Knight living in ignorance.

Shield Knight would never!

Even if Shovel Knight is a Manlet.

Shantae's ability to attract lesbians makes this feasible, but unlikely. Not even Rotty can get into Shantae's genie pants, not for trying of course.

Why is Shantae so retarded?

>Shanteafags threw Beck under the bus
Everyone did user. Everyone. Especially Megaman fans.

Harem protagonist syndrome.

Gender-swapped shonen MC. And Bolo is still more retarded.

It wasn't the Shanteafags, it was the MN9 backers who said it sucked, they were just being joined in the fun.


>Shantae's ability to attract lesbians
God damn why does this sound so embarrassingly stupid. Is this an actual thing in the games or just shantae fan brand autism?

The latter, everyone's just friends in the games.

It's a joke based on certain characters' behaviour, mostly Rottytops and her obsession with 'eating' Shantae.
People need to stop taking shit so seriously.

They're both bad games

I played the original and RR, what exactly is standout about Shantae? They felt pretty average but I keep getting recommended Pirate's Curse, what exactly is different?

Who here just fucking loves platformers?

Most consistent genre in the industry

Shovel Knight is great

Shovel Knight is decent to play, but lame regardless.

What do you think shantaes feet

Smell like

Jesus Christ what a fucking sad post.
It's ok, buddy. You can cry now.

Pirate's Curse got rid of Shantae's transformation gimmick and metroidvania like level design

The result was a much faster and smoother game where the pace is maintained from start to finish and the abilities aren't one off useless pieces of shits

Half-Genie Hero? More like Half-Baked Game lmao.

How sad. It's full of great game design. Everything about it is likeable. They did a fantastic job. But if that's how you see the world in your head, then why not, huh?

I'll never get over how lame SK is. There is no imagination in the characters of this game.

Like I hate Shantae but even I will admit she has more charm and thought put into her design than a boring mute knight with a shovel.

imo pic related should have been his default design, at least I can say it's bad ass looking.

its lame, but mn9 was technically inept and painful to play. hgh is perfectly functional and well polished gameplay wise. its just too short.

wich night wud u fug___

plague knight but he's taken by mona ;_;

>boring mute knight with a shovel

>there is no imagination in the characters of this game
>i never played plague of shadows: the post
>mute knight with a shovel
He talks every single stage, you retard.

*ahem* You forgot a game.

When did he talk? Did he talk to the other knights? I genuinely don't remember a single line of dialogue in the game. My bad I guess.

No I didn't

I'm very sorry to hear that. Try searching love interest from others.

Shit, okay I do remember one line, Treasure Knight saying "that's rich" That was the only moment of character dialogue that made me smile in the entire game.

He talked all the time dude, to villains and NPCs

He talks to the other knights every single time a dialogue box with them pops up.
Maybe the reason you think the characters are boring is because you didn't even read the dialog, user.

>that was the only moment of character dialog that made me smile in the entire game
confirmed not to have played plague of shadows
no human being could play that and not have a dopey grin by the end

shovel knight doesn't do that though. the closest it does is just being an old style game. it doesnt ever stop the game to go "DUDE PIXELS WOAH REMEMBER?"
i think you might be a bitter person user

My only gripes with HGH is the fact that all the extra modes are coming SOON™, some of the transformations are pretty shit mechanically, the whole transformation select thing is a pain, and the "hidden" areas that you basically have to fuck around and hope you find it.

On another note, how does one get the Tassel Tower achievement if they've already beaten the boss there?

Dwarf Fortress

Shovel Knight and Shield Knight are too far into true knightly romance to do anything like that.

i imagine a pic or two of shovel knight steeling his nerves to try and not stare at shantaes ass would be funny though. haha

>dude you didn't play the dlc that came out a year after you played the game that had all the GOOD stuff in it?
Yeah no I had long since deleted it by then. If it had been a Treasure Knight dlc I would've re-downloaded it asap. I have no motivation to play as anyone else and since that isn't happening I'm done with the game.

This HGH just couldn't match PC which is the best Shantae game to date. Doesn't help it's on the shorter side too.



I mean, you just lost all credibility.

>characters are boring!
>turns out he didnt actually read any dialouge the entire game

o i am laffin

also, the actual plot around shield knight is pretty nice. its a shame you missed it.
if you ever go back, play through plauge of shadows as well. the plot in that one is elder god tier.

>Deleting a 50 MB game

>So bad they scrapped all the DLC and jumped right into the sequel while pretending the first game never happened
>there has been no news since the announcement last year

>game has multiple characters confirmed coming for free since the game was released
>delete the game you thought was lame because you didn't even pay enough attention to know the main character wasn't mute
user you may be a massive faggot

New file.

didn't read =/= didn't remember
dialogue wasn't memorable to me, sorry.

>the actual plot around shield knight is pretty nice. its a shame you missed it.
No see, I do remember this and boy it just added up to more apathy from me. Shield Knight was the villain the whole time wow holy shit so what you were after the whole time and the villain was the same damn really makes you think. No, honestly it would've been cool if I gave a single fuck about Shield Knight but 1. I didn't and 2. she's ugly and lame. Why was I supposed to care about her again, because she's my girlfriend? I had 0 investment in it.

Like in Rocket Knight for example Axel kidnaps some princess bitch right but who gives a fuck as the meat of this set-up pays off spectacularly because the pay off in this tiniest bit of story is that Axel is a sick boss fight. Black Knight isn't even an okay boss fight, he's total shit and exists to subvert your expectations to a lame reveal about him and shield knight.

Silence yourself, rapscallion.

they actually wanted to do shovel knight

Nah I only spent $15 the ones who should cry are people who back Kickstarter games. All of them are a scam even the good ones.