Daily reminder that you could play this in a month or so if it wasn't for fucking weeaboos and their dual audio garbage...

Daily reminder that you could play this in a month or so if it wasn't for fucking weeaboos and their dual audio garbage. Thanks for making 9/10 of the fanbase wait so the 1/10 can "enjoy" a language they're too lazy to learn.

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Good, I didn't want to be forced to listen to cringy as fuck english voices.

When have weebs NOT ruined everything?

Fuck off pussy, I know you weren't going to play it based of the fact you're claiming to want the dub, if I knew where you lived I'd go over to your house and bully the shit out of you.

they postponed it because the translation was shit, particularly the english dub

This. I can wait.

Oh yeah, I didn't want to play it because it was dub only... just like the other games in the series. Oh whoops, maybe you're retarded.

t. person who never played a persona game and will not play this one either

This is bait but the real reason is because the translation team didn't get to begin working until near the JP launch for whatever reason. Still I'll just let you dumb weebs get angry over shit that doesn't matter.

You should blame the localization team for not doing a good job that they've been told that they have to fixed shit in order to be up to quality that Atlus wanted. Dual Audio was Atlus apology for the delay not the reason why the game was delayed.

I'm glad. In the first 3 months, i have Resident Evil 7, Gravity Rush 2, Ni-Oh, Nier: Automata and Berserk Musou to buy and play. I can wait.

Kill yourself Hardin, stop trying to hide your incompetence with such a stupid excuse. I'm so glad I won't have to endure the horrible American dub.

Feel free to buy the jap version then.

>it takes longer to translate a game than it does to translate and dub it

u r dum

>Complain about weebs
>Buys the most weeb RPG out there

Failed normalfags are so pathetic.

You're actually fucking retarded if you think that including japanese voices caused the delay. They were already there, it takes them absolutely no effort to include them.

What caused the delay is Atlus USA fucking up the translation and dub and having to redo large parts of it. Dubfags fucking up and then blaming people with taste, as per usual.

then learn gook you stupid weeb and import it back in september.

>hurr you don't want to play it because otherwise you would want japanese dub even though there never was a japanese dub in persona games in the west

Spoken like true fucking faggots. Gas yourself, Sup Forumsutists.

>doesn't even understand what they are saying
>thinks they can judge the quality of the acting and voice work

>game takes place in Japan
>not wanting to listen to it in the native tongue

I'll never understand people like this.

the story is fucking gay anyway, "WE IZ HIGHSCHOOL THIEFS WE CHANGE YUH HERT" and the annoying cat is literally Chopper straight out of One Piece, the numales who actually enjoy this schwarbage ought to be hanged

people with taste played the undubs

you are literally retarded
like average black guy retarded

>game set in japanese high school
>english dub even uses japanese honorifics

playing Persona past 3 and complaining about weeaboos is the dumbest thing you could do

>Persona 1 and 2
>Not weaboo

>no "Only on Playstation" mark
>appeared as a "PS4 Console Exclusive" at a official Sony trailer

REALLY makes you think huh...

PC confirmed.

Keep telling yourself that, falseflagger.

Do you honestly believe dual audio caused the delay? It's damage control for the delay. If they hadn't included dual audio people would've boycotted the game.

>playing persona
>calling someone else a weeaboo
Shiggy diggy

jokes on you they said the delay was not because of dual audio

>"Big bro!"


Really makes you think huh?
Hmm gives the noggin a joggin huh?
Really makes the neurons pop huh?

you really believe that lowly weebaddicts would deny themselves their fix just because of muh audio, that's cute

At least half of them would have.
Or they would have pirated on ps3 and put mod dual audio there like I would

Anyone with any sense has already played and beaten it...released like half a year ago.

>tfw I will enjoy this game whether it's dubbed, subbed or in hieroglyphics
>tfw I will enjoy this game without being autistic about dubs or subs
>tfw I benefit in boths ways with dual audio and a fixed dub

>then learn another language and pay extra money just for my own convenience
loving every laugh

After the mess that was XV I'm all for devs taking whatever extra time they need to make it great. Months fly by when your playing vidya.


>devs taking whatever extra time
The game isnt being developed, it's being translated, it got released in japan back in september.
I have no idea why they would need to take two fucking extra months just to apply the original audio back where it was in the first place though.

>I have no idea why they would need to take two fucking extra months just to apply the original audio back where it was in the first place though.
I'm gonna say this is bait, Nobody can't be this retarded

as opposed to the cringy as fuck Jap voices? ones you cant understand. But, but "muh emotion, muh intricacies". I honestly doubt anyone who only says desu, kawaii, and senpai on an American website can understand the intricacies (if any) of a foreign language, let alone an Asian one, they never learned.

Hey, I'm all for a proper english translation of the game.
But have you seen those trailers?
Who in their right mind tolerates that shit?

I have a pretty big backlog, and haven't played a game on release since Bioshock Infinite, so I can wait a bit.

if you learned Jap it would sound about as dumb as it does in English. If you look at 90% of video games they have about the same shitty dialogue and pass around voice actors like a needle in a crack house.

Good thing I don't know jap so it doesnt sound cringy at all to me.

This whole thread is autistic. What is wrong with you people?


It's literally set in Tokyo, you mong. Having english voices would take me out of it. Plus Japanese sounds more euphonic than English.

>haha "Weebs!!". There I said it again, I'm I fitting in yet!?!? Why won't you accept me Sup Forums!!?!? ;_;

But that's wrong you dumb fuck
ATLUS USA is so fucking stupid that they butchered nearly every single interaction dialogue because they want to force their "pro western VA" and the jap studio was so mad they forced ATLUS USA to redo everything and include the jap voice over.

The reason it gets delayed was because of your stupid ass forced western VA since white people really loves some skinny white bitch screaming "SENPAI SENPAI" in high pitched voice.

why can't you just own what you are without being triggered

>since white people really loves some skinny white bitch screaming "SENPAI SENPAI" in high pitched voice
Please don't bully.

Why can't you stop being a brainless meme-spouter? Have you ever lived for yourself and not the hivemind?


who /firstplaythroughsubbedsecondplaythroughdubbed/ here?

Im buying the ps3 version.

what are you even babbling about, there is nothing more hivemind than circlejerking to weebshit Birry

>you will never rub cheeks with morgana

>if you learned Jap it would sound about as dumb as it does in English
How do you know that, you know japanese by any change?


I have a cat, they get angry when you do that
Not recommendable

>ps3 version

I keep on hearing this isn't being brought over--true or false, Sup Forums?

false you dum dum


>having English voices would take me out of it

Jesus Christ you fucking mongs

>What is inmersion?

>implying it didn't get delayed so that the English dub and localized script wouldn't be a rushed shitjob
The Japanese audio was already completed and it's incredibly fucking easy for them to add dual audio.
If you honestly think that the game got delayed for Japanese audio then you're retarded, but you're most likely shitposting so here's your (You).

It's autism, immersion is autism.


Me too. I wonder if there are any comparison pics.

They probably added jp audio as a compromise when they realized their shitty dub wouldn't be ready in time

>It's autism, immersion is autism.
I feel sorry for your parents?

I'm an adult with shit going on in my life. April will be here in no time. The delay means literally nothing to me.

Just because the Persona 4 dub was good does not automatically mean this one will be.
FYI the English dub female voices are more childish, high pitched and shriekish than the Japanese sub which gets accused of that. Compare them.


They've also miscasted so many people it's hilarious. Hacker NEET has the deepest voice of the girls and the 3rd year upperclassman has the youngest.

>I feel sorry for your parents?

Are you asking me?

No, because i'm retarded and i don't why i put that interrogative symbol there

Does this mean no PC version?

>people want JP dubs, but don't want to put in the effort to try to learn the language
>berate English dubs
I don't understand this mindeset.

Localization works was so bad that ATLUS Japan had to apologize.

What a embarrassment

It sounds like none of them practiced at all and just read the script line by line

You know watching foreign films is a thing, right? Is this complete mental retardation at work?

Atlus always makes exclusives nowadays they only remake games on other systems and Sega can't force Atlus to do things they don't want

The game wasnt delayed for dual audio Captain Retard, it was because the localization was so bad that Atlus JPN asked them to fucking take a few months and fix it

unless you want another #FE or Ryoji shouting "WASSUP PERSONA"

Woah, it's almost like people have been watching subbed foreign movies for years without having to spend time learning different languages, really makes you think huh.

You can't understand the native tongue.

No, just Americans being American

americans need to be wiped off the planet once and for all

I get that. I watch Korean shows every now and then, but that's because I fucking speak Korean. It's different when you don't understand a damn word and can only follow along because there's text in your native language.

>leave a like for english dub
>leave a dislike for japanese dub


even non weebs should get it, the early reviews say it will be remembered as a classic just like 3 and 4, and in japan it was literally the most popular game above even pkmn go and overwatch

A performance and conversational Japanese are completely different things. No matter the language it is incredibly easy to identify emotions and feelings from an actor compared to needing to "understand" a language when conversing.

oh wow, that's actually a pretty big difference.

On an unrelated note, that visual design is fucking amazing.

And those people haven't actually experienced the movies they've watched.


I'm so busy now that I relish in the opportunity to have more time.

I have 20 hours of flights coming up in May. I wish P5 would be out on Switch because that would give me a fantastic opportunity to play it.

So? I don't speak French, so I shouldn't be able to watch movies in French?

Again, its an actor performing. There is still plenty to get out of their voice and emotional cues without needing to understand them as if you were speaking with them.

The delay was due to quality issues with the english voice acting.

Dual audio is just appeasement after the fact.

pls be real

Replacing the audio and actors that the creator chose with a dub is a much shittier way of "experiencing" a movie than just listening to the original track with subtitles.

Sorry, that's just the truth.

>complaining about weeaboos in a fanbase for a JRPG
>being excited for a Japanese game and being a weeb in denial
Anti-weebs like you are far more annoying.

I thought the reason was the addition of more English voice acting, then as an apology also adding the JP voices.