How long will this disgusting P2W/microtransaction bullshit go on?

How long will this disgusting P2W/microtransaction bullshit go on?

How long before the general public has had enough and we get some fucking regulations in place?

it's legal and they have enough to money to make sure it'll always be legal.


There will always be retards/kids who make this type of shit profitable. Always.

Depends on how long people keep putting money into it.

If people think it's still fun and don't mind putting their money into it then it's not going anywhere.

If anything, I'm praying it doesn't get worse. Mind you we live in a generation where shit like SOPA/TPP, paid mods and E3 Xbone tried to happen.

Although if enough games get the right amount of jewish, an increase in awareness just might occur like it did with AssCreed Unity and No Man's Sky. Otherwise if it's still successful, it'll be here to stay unfortunately.

And what would kids have to do with it? It's the adults that are in charge and have decided to attempt to pass such legislation (adults also are the largest demographic playing and paying for mobile pay2win trash)

When artificial general intelligence replaces humans (in creating media/governance)

god I fucking hate this 'screaming man' shit
it looks so fucking obnoxious and punchable yet it does increase sales

They have matches which limit your levels so you don't need to spend money. Get to a certain point and you're golden. I got there within a couple months and haven't spent a dime.

Autists/careless idiots then, whichever.

Also business decisions hold no weight if the customers don't buy into it, so I'd say they have quite a lot to do with it.

I love threads like these that suggest that anything can be done about PTW, Day 1 DLC, or Season Passes.
They have all proven profitable by this point and aren't going anywhere.

Simplicity entices more people than you'd believe (see: comic/cartoonfags, sanicfags, weebs, Nintendo, etc) especially on a small thumbnail, whilst the "screaming man" aspect makes it "tough" down to the kid level.

it's never going to stop. Stupids and casulls spend way too damn much money on these shitty "games"

The general public doesn't really buy into these games all that much. Sure a random person might be some in-game stuff for real money every once in a while, but these games specifically target gambling addicts to milk them out of their money. A small fraction pays far more than the vast majority of users.

It's actually kind of sad.

I had a friend like that. I told her about this free game and we'd compete with each other. She eventually got all these buy only characters and even paid for more "hearts". You know, the fuel to play the game more.

And the console/pc gamming will become the same, free games full of selling alone content...

This thread is just filled with Frozen Peak shits who can't deal with Elite Barbs.


>Need to be 18+ years old to play slot machines or the lotto
>Any underaged kid can walk into GameStop and buy $100 worth of Steam or cards and spend it all on CSGO/Overwatch gambling loot crates

How is this shit legal

>had a well-rounded deck which got me to legendary and kept me there
>get my shit pushed in by elite barbs
>try elite barbs myself
>win every match that doesn't have elite barbs

Nerf this dumb shit.

>we get some fucking regulations in place?

Why should the tax payer have to protect stupid people from making stupid decisions?

Outrage peaked with the south park episode.

It has wrapped around to being even more socially acceptable now.

They will start shoveling shit down our throats once we stop buying it.
In other words, it would take nothing less than a serious economic/military crisis that would level the entire first world down to second/third world countries right now.

You saw Nintendo try to sell Super Mario Run at just 10 dollars with you being able to play a few levels free and saw how that turned out.

Going hard as fuck on "muh children" is the only thing that could actually set some regulations in motion. Like a proper sob story would be needed.

Like some kid spending so much money on a P2W he ruins the life of his family.

>Like some kid spending so much money on a P2W he ruins the life of his family.
Already happened multiple times.
>bawwww how was I supposed to know giving my 10-year old unlimited access to my husband's credit card would be a bad idea??
You can't fucking win in courts with tears against companies who literally prepare for every kind of possibility of being sued.

Whats wrong with it?

Without spending a cent I got into legendary arena, before uninstalling because the game was too rage inducing at times.

I recently reinstalled, but its easier to start a new account than try unlock and level all the new-and-better cards that have been released on my old account. And the issue with that is facing nothing but level 7s+ as a level 4 because apparently people suck ass at the game and need a severe level advantage to win.

Game isn't even pay to win, it's just pay to get the later shit faster. I climbed all the way up to 2800 without spending a dime. Get good.

>Europoors censored pokemon HGSS
>removed the slot machines because "muh think about the children"
>shit like this is allowed

this is a clash royale thread now
>Royal Giant continues to be a fucking menace on society
>Commons are the actual best cards in the game, proven with Elite Barbs

When will Supercell save us from the common menace?

There is no closing Pandora's box.

>pay2notgrind is somehow not pay2win
Fuck off, apologist.

It's huge here, it's huge in Japan, it's huge just about everywhere.
This is the future of gaming, and we let it happen.

That whole CSGO gambling scandal should have been a wake up call. Kids were trading in hundreds of dollars in real life currency for Gabe Newell funbucks so they can fuel their gambling addiction of virtual guns and knifes. Adults running those websites were fully aware that their audience was mostly kids.