Be honest, are you a little mad about the Nier situation? Somehow it feels less special now.
Be honest, are you a little mad about the Nier situation? Somehow it feels less special now
Other urls found in this thread:
for what purpose
He feels the need to be justified in picking his console of choice.
>refuses to buy anything multuplatform
As a ps4 owner
What a fucking sperg, he should probably kill himself
>As a person who only buys PS4 games that aren't on other platforms
Go fuck yourself.
Not the guy in the screenshot, but I totally agree with the guy.
The best game experiences are full exclusives that focus on the power of the ps4. With no other versions to worry about devs are able to harness the power of Cerny's vision and make games better.
More people who get to play games they want is fine by me.
So what happens if he owns a PS4 game that gets ported to another system after a long time?
Does he have to sell the game or something?
I unironically am also anti multiplatform but that's solely because i believe games come out way better when developed for one platform.
But i also understand the need for sale numbers to guarantee sequels so if games need to become multi platform to guarantee a future then i'm fine with it.
"I'm sorry sir, you can only play Blade Runner 2 on a Sony brand Blu-Ray player. Other Blu-Ray players will not work."
This is how fucking stupid exclusives in video games are.
Cult classic sequel goes mainstream and not an exclusive, of course you hipsters are going to be mad.
He is right. Every single multiplat game of the past 10 years has sucked shitdick. Whereas exclusives, be it on playstation, a nintendo console or even on the xbox were at oeast good because devs actually give a shit. Whereas multiplats ate only created with turning a profit in mind, so they pander to the lowest common, shit eating denominator. Exclusives are mostly made with the hope to get people to buy the system the game is released on. So those exclusive games are made with more artistic freedom and love.
But why would you want to optimize games for hardware that is 9 years old?
Probably burns the disc.
Fuck no
>not having both a PS4 and PC
Yep, not buying it anymore.
>New Vegas
>the Witcher 3
>Titanfall 2
>the first two Arkham games
look man I could go on for ages but this fucking post man, christ how fucking dumb can a nigger get
What the fuck. This demo is impossible. Die once and you start all over? That's Bullshit.
>try to do finishing attack
>2b flips over it and just stands there
>get hit and die
>people itt actually defending exclusives
why do i have to share this board with so many fucking idiots
No, I was never interested in a fap-bait for omega nerds, I have a gf.
Wow what a retard.
How can anyone be this much of a massive tool?
>power of the ps4
$0.03 have been deposited into your Playstation™ Plus account!
I agree.
t. PC and PS4 owner
If you support exclusives you're basically a goy
This X1000.
Don't be a fucking foot soldier for bad practice.
Dude, Bloodborne has frame drops down to like 10 fps on some of the more graphically explosive fights, what comes to mind is the ludwig fight, ebrietas, some of the chalice dungeon shit. You know how horrendously fucking annoying that is? In a game where your dodges have to be pinpoint, even a half second of frame lag plus the stupid fucking double frame shit BB does, it can be fucking fatal. I love the game to death, but you can take that 'ps4 power' shit and stuff it up your ass, you sound like a goddamn advertisement.
Yes, but the consumer base doesn't think so and instead encourages such anticompetitive practices.
>I want my game to sell to less people
Is pretty much what he's saying.
People need a reason to justify their $400 console though.
If bloodborne ever became multiplat ps4 owners would put the devs heads on pikes.
When you're poor, you need something to justify your 250 dollar console with. Because saying "I'm bad with money" doesn't sound very good
not really, i'm an owner of wii u, ps4, xbox, 3ds, vita and pc
when they announce they'll release a game on multiple platforms i get kinda happy knowing that people who can't afford multiple platforms get to play good games they normally can't play
I'm just mad about all the normies shitting up the nier/drakengard threada
>As someone who only buys PS4 games that are not also on PC or Xbox One
People like this actually exist.
>crying about exclusivity when the original was on the 360 as well
C'mon, it wasn't even sneaky or discrete.
The best games of the last few years have been ps4 exclusives. It is what it is.
Bloodborne wouldn't exist without based Sony and SCEJ.
There's a reason why Sonyfags are called cockroaches....
what a horrible bunch of creatures
Can we all at least agree the Xbox One is the worst? And no don't tell me you're actually looking forward to Scalebound.
>Lists trash games
>has utter shit normie taste, only thing missing is mentioning fifa and madden
>hurr durr u dum niggor
>puts in speccy screenshot from someone else
>obviously enlarged speccy pic he took from somewhere else
jesus fucking christ sonyfags are a sad bunch
there's only been like 5 ps4 exlusives ever
The first Nier game was multiplatform too, though.
While many multiplatform games suffer due to their unlikeliness to take advantage of console-specific architecture or features, plenty of console exclusives fail at the same thing. At the end of the day, the quality of a game depends on the money invested, the development time, and the quality of the developers. If a game sucks, it's likely for a reason different than the number of platforms its on.
Only a butthurt Sloppy Seconds shit eating Petition Compling masturbator racer would get this butthurt over exclusives
any info of when the PC version comes out?
having a lot of fun with the demo, but thinking about holding out for the PC version first
Must suck to be a poorfag
Good job taking the bait, guys.
it's supposed to be released on the same date as the ps4 version
Squeenix site says "Early 2017", but I don't trust it. My guess would be that they want to see if it sells well on PS4 first. If it doesn't, hit panic and dump into Steam.
We know how windows scales its fonts. You tried.
>speccy window has sharp text
>menu bar is clearly from the enlarged pic
holy fuck
Dude are you blind?
Look at the monitors. I'm posting on my TV with the window zoomed in so I can read it from my bed.
Nier was already on Xbox before
Will i be able to run this?
>speccy shows two screens at 1920x1080
if the terrible copy+paste job wasn't already bad enough
sonyggers are so fucking basic holy shit
It doesn't result in blurry fonts because Windows can actually render them correctly if you use zoom.
Wow nice rebutle. Hes right you fuck
>My guess would be wait and see
Yeah that's pretty unlikely that they're going to base the PC release off of the PS4 release's performance, they likely won't come out at the same time, but they're not just going to make it exclusive because the PS4 version sold well, they're already putting dev time and money into putting it on PC, so going back on it would be lighting money at fire for no reason
Just realized how hot it was. I opened it up and found this. Guess i gotta give her a good cleaning.
>What do you MEAN I could buy the same game for cheaper and play it on my PC instead of BloodBorneStation???
bloodborne was the worst souls game
>current version is 1.30.730
>clearly says 1.30.728
>no "new update available" in lower right corner
that's odd
Man, im still mad about those frame drops. I died too many times.
It made sense at a point for PC user not to want multiplatform games because of consolization, but that's a lost cause. Why a PS4 user would care I don't know.
But, I mean, you know that you're part of the problem right? If you only want the most powerful gaming machine, and dislike the idea of multiplatformism (?) ruining your experience, you're doing it wrong.
PC is the most powerful gaming machine, and even your PS4 douchcanoe is holding us back.
You don't get to be part of the problem and pretend you're also taking a principled stand against the problem.
also, zoom doesn't change the resolution which is different from the speccy resolution
he's just a normal sonygger being shit at everything
How stupid can you be. Look at microsofts play anywhere program. You buy one and play on pc or the xbone. Sure you loose exclusives and sale numbers but more people get to play it and on different platforms.
MS get a lot of shit on here but they have come a long way from the xbones release
this is probably the most utterly stupid post I've read on Sup Forums for at least 4 months, and there have been some really fucking retarded posts.
that's not how game development works. it's almost always the opposite, especially in cases like this where they announce the PC version later -- they optimize for the console, they focus on the console versions because they only have to design for one single piece of hardware, and then they assign the PC version to a separate set of people and it basically just becomes a port rather than a version that truly can use the full capability of PC.
please, I realize you're a poorfag that needs to justify his reason for using a PS4, but don't go spewing blatantly false and dumbass shit on Sup Forums.
jesus christ.
What I want to know is how do you survive with less than 300gb of hard drive.
for keeping the game being memed, just look and Dark Souls pre and pos PC release.
Fuck you guys
on a scale from one to ten how likely it is that the first nier is released on PC ?
It always seemed cool but not cool enough for me to dust off my xbox.
Must suck to have to lie on the internet.
I'm sorry that you guys are this dumb. Must be really hard to get through life like that. I cropped the fluff out and that's why the images weren't 1920x1080. Speccy font looks different because I'm zoomed in with chrome, not Windows,
It was the best, because it was the least like a boring ass dungeon crawler.
then why is the font in speccy blurred?
I guess that is true, but if pic related is anything to go by, I have to wonder what's taking the Steam version so long (in terms of release date, mainly).
inb4 "i was just pretending"
I always hear about DaS as an example, but it really makes me wonder why it's mentioned so much when that's not really how it happened. I put over 5K hours into the 360 version, and it coming to PC didn't add any excessive memeing that wasn't there already. There were some newfags who discovered the shit we knew about forever ago, but that's just the nature of a series coming to a new platform, the only thing that really changed was shitposting about PC exploded for no actual reason
Release dates are funky, and considering how MGS V switched from "two weeks later" to "same day," I wouldn't even put stock in a release date that they announce at this point. As long as it's within a week or so of the PS4 release I won't really mind, just means I'll be staying away from Sup Forums and podcasts for a bit
You can stop anytime, it was funny the first time but you're kinda trying too hard
some guy at platinum said that the pc version was going to be released at the same time as the ps4 one but quickly redacted his statement saying he "got it wrong and there is no release date for pc yet"
Dude just stop. This is embarrassing.
This thread shows why sonyfags are voted the worst community time and time again
wait what's that about a different version for xbox ?
are they both equivalent or is there a definitive better version ?
>as long it's within a week or so of the PS4 release
I'm betting on April. No problem for me, personally, since that's time to dive in the DMC series. I wonder if that would ruin Automata's combat for me, though.
>some guy at platinum
I think it was a Square Enix representative, but yes the statement was quickly redacted.
Sure it'd exist without them. Dark souls 3 uses the same god damn engine and reuses some of the same god damn assets. The only thing that's missing are the fast dodge mechanics and somewhat unique set of weapons (let's face it, weapon variety has gone down in recent souls games, not up, and bloodborne is especially guilty of this).
Played nier on 360, will play automata on PC. Exclusives are stupids, both in consumers and publishers viewpoint.
So fucking stupid that even NeoGAF banned him for saying that shit.
>I'm betting on April
I'd say that's pretty unrealistic, I'd be fine with it but the same month is much more likely, especially considering how easy porting is and how early in development the decision was made to bring it to PC
>being banned for a preference
Not sure I like that idea, comrade.
It's stupid, sure, but he isn't wrong. It's an opinion.
hope they bring Nier and the other drag-on dragoon games to pc
If exclusives are stupid then so are consoles, and console manufacturers, and events such as E3 which are funded by console manufacturers, and the whole culture surrounding all of that right there, which is arguably everything vidya related that we talk about.
wtf i hate those games now guess i better go pick up knack
Youre a dumbass just exclusives
You're right, all anybody talks about is E3 and if games weren't exclusive then people would completely stop talking about them.
Exclusives are the inevitable and necessary byproduct of consoles by separate manufacturers though.
>Dark souls thread before PC release
>Dark souls thread post pc release
>d-demon soul was better
It's an incorrect opinion.
>I wonder if that would ruin Automata's combat for me, though.
Well if you don't plan on playing normal/easy the lack of lock on in Automata might not be great for you after the DMC series.