Futuristic armor

Which one do you like best?

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This one.

Halo. Always Halo.

ODST outfits make me cream. Miljnoir armor makes my cry from the beauty. Elite armors are sleek and cool af. Etc.

Ive always wanted to design/cosplay an ODST outfit. And I want to buy a custom motorcycle helmet (when I buy a bike) shaped like MCs or The Rookie's ODST helmet.

>the helmet animations that play when you equip a new suit of armour

pre-343i Halo armor is elder god tier
343i Halo armor is an abomination


Also Halo armour is best armour


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.



Nah for me Ensemble made the best Mjolnir

Moon Nazis are cute!


It's great, but he needs a bigger ass.


Not too futuristic, but goddamn if they aren't great looking.

a classic

Come at me halo fanboys


elder god tier armor inc


>maximum armor


Yep. This was always the most perfect MJOLNIR design.

The clones sure know how to look nice

>Can't see shit, sir!

Quick claim your armorfu

step aside

Probably gonna get called a faggot but I like the armour designs in Mass Effect.
Otherwise I'll go with Dead Space 2's Security suit.


I agree with you. Most of the stuff in ME does look good


Sup Forums, I'm very bored of anything new that comes out. Anything. I want to get back into emulation. I love RPG's since they take so much time to complete, however, I've played virtually every major RPG that's come out for Playstation. What're some good games for older systems? SNES, NES, whatever.

>tfw we will never get another game with crysis gameplay
Everyone praises it for graphics but the real fun was the cuhrazy suit powers that made you a fucking predator, sanic the hedgehog and the fucking hulk all in one package

imgur.com/a/ChJI6 An ass made for _____

Step the fuck out plebs and be human


Amen brother

get a load of this newfag

Well if we're going there


>Culter = Medival Europe style
>Jian = Weebshit samurai style
why are Jians bad at everything?


MD's artstyle is shit

He did nothing wrong

>implying medium Jian isn't aesthetic as fuck
Dumb cultershits


but HW1 IS pre-343i



God-Tier armor here

>tfw Neotokyo died
Friday night games on american servers aren't just the same, I miss when my ping wasn't over 300

>tfw see what 343 has done to the fucking HW2 artstyle
end this nightmare

>triangles, we're da future


I wouldn't be lying if I didn't say ODST somehow influenced me on buying this


>We'll never have another ODST game


Holy shit what did they do to the armor?

What's wrong with Batman, I don't get it?


Change for the sake of change.

I don't care what anyone says, I love this armor setup.

Garbage normieshit.

Arkham games are the worst example of mainstream batman meant to appeal to casuals.

>Halo ODST
Never Forget. Never Forgive.

This is one of the better designs, actually. Looks straight outta Reach, except for that fucking visor. Get rid of that and it's pretty solid. I like how it's a lot simpler and cheaper looking to sell us on the fact that ODST/Spartan IIIs are fire and forget soldiers.

speaking of killzone

He really didn't.

I like Batman

My fucking nigger
Anybody got the scooby doo Jin Roh webm?

The futuristic designs of Destiny are pretty neat.

Skintight and faceless.


Nobody is posting 2142.


They survived the Disney purge and so did HK-47.


I knew about DS surviving, but haven't heard about murderbot. What happened?

He's in the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Android/IOS game and only 100% canon characters are included. He's the only Knights of The Old Republic character from the entire set to even make an appearance or be mentioned, so he may be appearing in future Star Wars content.

ODST for sure

This is a japanese Doomguy.

That's nice. Let's hope it's a good game/movie/whatever where he appears.

Go Gorilla or Go Home

Potential to look cool but the aesthetic is grimdark early 2000s edgeshit so it looks awful.

Fix the proportions, remove the grit and you have great designs.


Step aside babies

Also this

This. Bungie had some god tier designers.

All Star Wars armor is cool

The beyond suit was god tier though other than the boots not having jets.

Oh I love that armor. And the armor for the armor.

I want a batman beyond game now

We don't talk about 343


I really like this one, game?

gonna have to say halo

[Muffled hiel Hitler]


I liked these guys armor more, it just seems more practical.



Gants is fucking great