Other urls found in this thread:
>sound is still disabled on Sup Forums
>dragged out
>not funny
>not vidya
pretty epic
what are other games with working mirrors?
fresh OC
>tfw i flinched so bad i scared my cat and nearly shit my pants
>owning a cat
>still no sound
Sound is like 50% of the fun in a webm.
>spot the american
Eat shit weeb
you jumped like a little bitch, user. own up.
>pushing mongo
Shit webm, shit play style, shit life kys nerd
t-the volume was just so loud
I heard a lot of spooky things about Stalker. what's that invisible monster everyone hates?
Sometimes i scare myself in stalker when throwing grenades ...
You have to be over 18 to be here
>I like eating shit and only use one of my five senses
You stop.
fucking mongo pusher
I mean aside of the head tilted towards the phone, credit where credit is due, the animation blending is pretty seamless in GTA5
He has a drinking problem.
He's a sweet soul brother.
According to google search "human"
Worth the wait
I thought this was a youtube video for a good five seconds, was only looking at the table
Do you see the world beyond the world? The Cosm and the world are one!
what the fuc
holy kek
what game ?
it got a booboo on its poopoo
Who is this thicc chick??
>secret escape path.webm
hate not being able to see previews
What is this shit new game being shilled 24/7 on this beta board
think it's skyforge
how was he able to generate health?
Thought this was anime at first.
>the two retards who come to a complete stop in front of a three car pile-up
Dawn of war: Soulstorm
using the Ultimate apocalypse mod.
>Every single thing i see and hear about this game is just baiting over the main character
So the combat turned out to be garbage right? I can guess after so much shilling
Audible kek
Has to do with the recovery system. It has to do with wether or not your weapon is inside a special hitbox.
Needless to say that enemy was gliched the fuck out.
This some Deserts of Kharak or however it's spelled? Do you recommend it? Sup Forums seems to have lost its taste for RTSes over time
If you played DMC, then yeah the combat won't satisfy cuhrayzeefags. I just liked the way she twirls god damn nigga.
>there will never be a remaster of this
Yeah, that tends to happen a lot in Stalker.
Especially when you play on iron man in CoC and your 8 hour survival streak is on the line
Honey Select
Armored Core V trailer
Boner everytime I watch the trailer desu
Sauce on that girl?
>the solution to the gimp slide-detection from GR1 is to just make you slide on everything like a retard
I doubt this game will live up to any expectations.
what game
Single player was fun. Multiplayer is dead (typical for RTS games)
I hope the game sold enough for them to make a Homeworld 3.
>trust nobody
It is vidya friendo, EUIV.
Xenoblade X
>dies after ~5 minutes of screen-time
that was some bullshit
holy shit
that wasnt videogames
I fucking love video games
>showing how broken a game is is the same as shilling
well you just prove a point why Sup Forums won't have sound webms
holy shit bike guy got obliterated woah