Report: Nintendo Switch games will retail for $60 in the US

>$60 for handheld games
It's fucking over.

Other urls found in this thread: U profitable

Looks like another Vita flop

Will it also be powered by electricity?

"Nintendo is doomed" gtfo

What part of hybrid console do you still not understand

Are people seriously okay with paying $60 (more in Canadian dollars) for downgraded PS4 ports?

>handheld game
>full, if last gen, console power

I will be looking for discounts on MK8/Smash Switch, however, because that shit is already done and shouldn't cost $60 fucking dollars.


Personally, I'm not okay with all this shitposting.

It's not even good shitposting.

>price of a console game for handheld-tier graphics in some abomination that isn't 100% handheld or console
>with X1 level tegra chip hardware quality


Who the fuck is dumb enough to buy this shit?

>hybrid console
Handheld with a docking station.

It's a handheld first, home console second. At least that's how Nintendo is marketing it.

I think Vita can beat Switch if Sony really tried again.

>It's a handheld first, home console second. At least that's how Nintendo is marketing it.
How? By showing off console games?

Don't be stupid. Forums-user-found-choking-on-dicks

>because that shit is already done and shouldn't cost $60 fucking dollars.
This is Nintendo
They charged $60 for a level editor

>Games that are slightly above Wii U quality (which it's Nintendo, any rational person would know not to expect an insane quality jump) being sold at the same price as their predecessor

Sony did it first though.
Mario Maker wouldnt exist if LBP wasnt a thing.

Why not $40 to at least keep the Switch relevant?

All of you Switch haters/shitposters are European. Prove me wrong.

Try actually clicking OP's link

In the Switch reveal trailer, they spent most of the time showing off that the device is portable. You can play it on a plane, at a party, on a train, anywhere. That's a handheld. The home console bit only got 20 seconds of coverage.

>1985, Nintendo launches video game console, after the video game crash? Dead as fuck in this market, Nintendo's done
>1986, wow, seriously? Famicom DISK System? Disks suck shit... It's really over... What happened to your main console support?
>1989, wow, the "GAY BOY?" Dead... Underpowered, old hardware... It's literally over... They killed themselves.
>1991, Nintendo launches Super childrens box, underpowered next to Genesis, dead as fuck, kids won't admit to owning one
>1995, virtual reality is cool... Wait, RED? Dead. Nintendo is done, what were they thinking?
>1996, cartridges... Not CDs? Dead as fuck. Goodbye Nintendo.
>1999, The Nintendo 64 DD? Really? Disks again? It's over, goodbye Nintendo, you'll die in Japan then the West...
>2001, holy fuck, small CDs? Dead as shit. It's really over...
>2001, wow... Game Boy Advance? I have to buy a new portable power system after the last one failed miserably? It's fucking totally over... and it uses cartridges....... Not Game Boy Discs... Dead on Arrival.
>2004, A dual... Screen? Touch screen? Holy shit. You taped two Game Boy Advances together? Dead...
>2006, WII? Haha! That's like my wiiwii. Wait, motion controls? Like the power glove? Haha (actual comments) dead!
>2011, 3D? Wow, seriously? What is this, VIRTUAL BOY 2? Haha! VB2, baby! Holy shit, it's so over. Goodbye Nintendo, your last market is mobile, and you killed it.
>2011, wow, Wii U? You mean Wii Shit 2? Dead (sold like shit, still profitable for Nintendo)
>2016, wow, Pokemon GO? This is really it... Nintendo is purely mobile games now... Dead.
>2016, Switch? Wow... It's really dead this time... Mobile consoles? Nintendo's worst market is mobile consoles... It's over for good... Not one mobile system Nintendo has made has been dominant, ever... Switch to Sony, Mario...


Nice fake OP.

If it's a hybrid it should cost $50 for games.

The part were it has the power of a handheld but the pricing of a home console?

$60 at launch for 2-3 year old Wii U ports. William remain at $60 for 3-4 years

Because the portable viewpoint is what makes it stand apart from Xbox One and PS4. Doesn't necessarily mean it won't hold the same quality that those consoles do in its docked mode. We just don't know until the official information comes out later this month. Any rumors and speculations are honestly nothing to give any valid thought to atm.

You're retarded if you can't understand the difference between "some games will be $60" and "ALL games will be $60".

The 3ds has physical games that launched under the regular MSRP of $60, like Shovel Knight and Megaman's collection.

The developers have the final say in the price. Big titles like "Main series Zelda" and "Main series Mario" will be $60, and smaller games like "Pokemon SuMo port" will likely be $40 or so.

>In the Switch reveal trailer, they spent most of the time showing off that the device is portable.
They have also shown off nothing but traditional consoles games and they always start off by showing the Switch docked, not the other way around.






Nintendo: certainly will!

No, it should be 100$

>click a polygon link
Nice try Arthur

Twitter/Rumor threads need to be outright banned, as do fake link threads.

Even if it is fake, it's still worthy to discuss if Nintendo will charge $60 for handheld tier games just because it's a "home console hybrid".

How the fuck do we contact Hiro about this shit? He nuked that question board.


>It's a handheld first, home console second. At least that's how Nintendo is marketing it.
>Nintendo: Switch is a home gaming system ‘first and foremost’

When has Elder Scrolls ever been a "handheld tier" game?

>People complain about the specs
>"It's a handheld stfu!"
>People complain about overpriced handheld games
>"It's a home console guys!!"

Make up your mind faggots

I'll bet the thing will be made of plasic & metal.
Fucking Nintendo, I swear to god...

>Nintendo says one thing and does another

Color me surprised

>He nuked that question board.
It's still up, just hidden like /trash/ is.

If it's a full sized game, it should have full sized price.

Post the specs. Not rumors and speculations, mind you. The real specs. Don't worry, I'll wait right here for you to reply. :^)

Dont you want to know how the switch is sexist and only for cis white males?

You can spot a triggered nintendrone when they post shit like this. Pathetic really.

What criteria does a "full sized game" need to be classified as one?

Why are threads like this allowed?

What's worse is that people don't even bother to check if news is legitimate and continue to shitposts as if it was.

Actually, your post make me realize shitposter will consider it a handheld or a home console depending by their shitposting mood.

Not going to happen.

t. Vita owner

no such thing user...

About 8 inches, so, nothing you'll ever come close to.

No. It turns out you have to power it using ancient magicks which require a quart of your blood every 24 hours.

I don't know who at Nintendo thought this was a good idea but it's pretty clear they've lost their minds.

Nice pasta.

Has to be more than 1GB in size

Yeah, the pasta I wrote.

>Zelda BotW on Wii U
Yep, 60$ is okay!
>Zelda BotW on Switch
60$? Are you fucking kidding me?!

This is you. You're retarded.

Whether it's pasta or not it's pretty accurate.

It has the same resources of a console game you dumb faggot. See Zelda, $60 on Wii U and why the fuck it should be $40 on the Switch?

End yourself.

8 inches will hurt most gamers. 6 or 7.5 inches sounds better for games, but it's often just subjective taste in games that matters.

When it's longer and has more content than games like Gravity Rush. So far so good.

So let me make a Dragons Lair type game that's only 5 minutes long but has FLAC quality audio/video.

That's a stupid fucking way to measure a game


So.... hybrid. Why do you get so angry at a word?

>This thread

el justo

You guys would have enough money to buy those games if you stopped buying amiibos

Do you even know what goes through a shitposter's mind?

Gravity Rush is longer than Uncharted, yet Uncharted is known as a full game.

considering inflation, that's a price drop.

When docked, yes, but when portiable it will run on a battery smartass


you're fucking retarded

It really says a lot that someone can post a fake link and Sonyggers will still shitpost as if it was real. They must be really desperate for it to fail knowing they can't afford a 2nd console.

>sold like shit, still profitable for Nintendo


>OP posts a fake link
>no one even bothers to check if it's fake
>consolewar shitposters take over

No, it requires a verification can to continue.

The Wii U has been profitable for Nintendo. They made more money selling it than it took to create it and market it.

Sup Forums is too autistic to click a link to a website they don't like.

Then we're all good since graphics shouldn't be the number 1 reason. Still important, though.

Doesn't matter if it's fake, this thread raises some legit questions like how much Switch games should be and how far can Nintendo get away with selling handheld developed ARM games for the same price as PS4 Pro games.

Despite the fact the Wii U was a "failure," Nintendo did not lose money selling it. They are operating and MAKING money, not losing money.


>make [thing] at the cost of 1$
>sell [thing] for 2$
>sell very few of [thing]
Did it flop? Yes Was it profitable? Yes.

But they lost money at the Wii U launch

How do you know that? I'm pretty sure they've never released what their R&D or marketing costs were for it.

You're just going by the knowledge that they started making a profit on the hardware after initially losing money on it, but what this means is just that what they're selling it for is higher than the manufacturing cost per unit. It doesn't include development and marketing budgets. U profitable

>Pokémon Switch versions will be $60 each

Would you still buy?

Wii U was sold at a loss though

Only for a few months.

Oh my god!!! I used Google!!1


Nintendo posted its first operating profit in four years Thursday, earning 24.8 billion yen ($208 million) for the fiscal year, compared to an operating loss of $390 million last year. Net profit was $350 million, up from $195 million in 2014. The numbers beat company forecasts largely because of a weak yen. However, revenue continued a years-long decline, sliding from $4.8 billion last year to $4.6 billion.

This was Neokikejewpigshitendo's plan all along.
To sell those autistic, parents' basement dwelling permavirgin neckbeard hotpocket stained manchildren their low-budget iOS tier shovelware dreck at full price.


Nintendo has detailed its financial results for the nine-month period spanning April to December 2015, reporting a decrease in sales compared to the same period in 2014, but an increase in operating profit.

After Sun and Moon?
Fuck no.

They spent X dollars making the WiiU, they got X+Y dollars back. That Y dollars was profit.

You're retarded if you can't understand the WiiU was profitable.

>bu-but Nintendo reported losses recently!
Yeah, because they've poured billions of fucking dollars into R&D for the Switch, buying parts for the Switch, manufacturing the Switch, making games for the Switch, ect. Making a new console costs a fuckload of money, here's your reminder that Sony was submitting losses near the end of the PS2 run because they had to spend billions making the PS3. Was the PS2 a failure? No, it's the fucking most successful console of all time, and it still couldn't give Sony positive revenue reports while they made the PS3.

The WiiU, and especially the games for the WiiU, made more money than they spent creating it, therefore it was a net profit. That's the end of the story.

Yes, but you have to buy the power supply seperately. That would be $29.99+TIP