
i hope its genuinely scary...

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Nice to see it's not dead.

>all these Earthbound-like games trying to capitalize on Undertale's popularity
Fuck off

this game has been in development since i was still in high school, years before undertale. also omocat and toby fox are friends, get your facts straight

A quick Google search makes it seem like Omori entered production in 2013-14, so a good while before Undertale was out. It also looks like it's taking just as much inspiration from games like Yume Nikki as it is from EB/Mother.

Omocat is making this? Nice, I like his/her art.

>more good games are coming out as a result of this other good game
>this is a bad thing! please be angry!!

someone post the omocat comic that turns you gay
you know the one

Nice how we're finally getting some extended gameplay in this trailer. Shame that it's delayed again but the devs seem to really just want to deliver the best game possible looking at the kickstarter update.
Hope it's not too far off, spring maybe?

Oh, that's made by him?


I just hope it's not
>MC was ded the whole time
>the timer is counting down to suicide

The age of the Undertalelikes is finally here

I posted this trailer yesterday and got accused of shilling.

Omocat's art is amazing, and apparently Slime Girls is doing the music too. I'm pretty hype

omocat is a girl

Sorry, but I'm sick of this shit.

We used to mock the 00s for "brown n bloom shootan games"

I think the 10s will be remembered for lazy non-J JRPGs.

>but he's been working on it for years
It's still lazy even if it takes you forever. Do something *interesting* ffs

If you don't care then why are you even posting?

this is indie shit developed by nobodies, not really comparable to AAA games, none of which are following this trend.

Yeah, scary how shit it's going to be.

>I can't ignore games I'm not interested in

You must be living a hard life

Where did I say I didn't care.
I said this is indicative of a negative trend in game design and I am actively opposed to it.

Indie is increasingly the new normal. You're very short-sighted if you think monied interests haven't taken note of Undertale.

Not to say that this project is astroturfed. It's just garbage,

Looks like a good mix of Earthbound, Yume Nikki, and OFF, plus Omocat's artwork. Looks like it'll be pretty good. I've always been a fan of Mother inspired shit like this.

Go to bed Omocat.

Hey that made me think what even happened to Mother 4?

Did AM2R/No Mario's Sky/Uranium/Prism scare them shitless?

>Do something *interesting*
You mean like adding in hand drawn mixed-media concepts for monsters?

>Magicant: the game

Looks pretty cool. Is there any info on a release date?

Or a coma dream.

Please let it not be a fucking coma dream.

Or that the fact that all your party members are purple is a thing pointing to them being aspects of either personality or memory personalized into people.

If they were ALL aspects of some greater primordial being that doesn't give a shit about what's going on/in it then I'd be okay with that.

>all this Undertale game trying to capitalize on Space Funeral's popularity

...on top of an absolutely stagnant gameplay concept

Maybe she should stick to cute doodles.

any release date yet?

/x/ here
this looks pretty sweet

>Space Funeral

Top fucking jej

>hating on Space Funeral

i'm the one that should be jejing

Space Funeral was legitimately fucking terrible and the art style is disgusting.

hmm maybe she should try to make a game because thats what she wants to fucking do

ok now im curious, post?

oh wait you mean pretty boy?

For an RPG maker game this looks fucking phenomenal.

Still guaranteed going to be shit since RPG maker can't make good games.

Is it actually made in RPG maker? Looks pretty nice

>tfw I've wanted to make a 5th gen-esque rpg forever
>don't wanna be seen as someone tipping off of Undertale

That game is really gonna become what everyone compares any indie game to for at least another 10 years.

What about Undertale?

Undertale was made in GameMaker, which has produced quite a few good games

Yeah it's made in RPG maker.

Only other RPG maker game I can think of that looks better is Amber Throne.

>...on top of an absolutely stagnant gameplay concept

Did we watch the same trailer? She's clearly trying new things with the concept. Also, how is Earthbound's gameplay concept stagnant? What other game allows you to defeat enemies without actually battling and has a rolling meter?

what's with the abundance of really ambitious RPG maker games coming out the last few years anyways?

I must say it looks very impressive for a Gameboy game.

Might just be a coincidence, but Undertale and LISA might unironically have something to do with it.

That being said, Omori was in development before Undertale or LISA released. Maybe it was the Undertale demo?

Undertale isn't RPG Maker, and the trend of recent RPG Maker games going above and beyond the rest of the rpg maker genre is older than either of those games. I think it largely has to do with OFF and Yume Nikki.

>Homage to old sprite/rpg games from the SNES era
>Tumblr-friendly character development that includes sexually ambiguous characters
>Heavily stylised to look japanese despite being very obviously a western game
>Complete absense of skill required to play the game, no theorycrafting to speak of at all or multiplayer
>No real hint at a plot or what the game is going to be about based it is completely directionless with no consistency in the plot

Golly sign me the fuck up

Both of which came out a long time before any of these games started getting developed. Hell, OFF released before Toby Fox did his Halloween Hack for Earthbound.

I don't think there's really any reason why it's all starting to come to a head like this.

it's cheap and easy and relies mostly on artwork

which is all any of these people are good at amirite :^)

looks like shit

>tfw a decade ago every rpg maker game was a fun short poorly designed jrpg adventures

>tfw now, every rpg maker game is either a really trippy earthbound tribute, a 50 hour FF6/Chrono Trigger tribute, a spooky horror game, or delicious lewd eroge.

>what other game allows you to defeat enemies without actually battling
>the lack of gameplay counts as a gameplay concept

A generation of internet savvy teenagers who emulated Earthbound have reached their 20's and have started developing games.

I love the artstyle and atmosphere. I'm just concerned about the maps being big and looking too empty. Does anybody else noticed that?

In what world does it take 3 years to make a RPGMaker game?
Especially when you were given $200,000 to do it?

I don't even care if it comes out anymore, i want my money back.

Could be neat.

>game's been in development since 2013
>devs still say it's not remotely close to being finished
>last trailer was 3 years ago and it looks like nothing's changed

>donating to a video game kikestarter

The drawn art in the new trailer looks smoother.

>nothing's changed

Except the entire battle style you fucking idiot.

unless they pander to furries or, another big autistic group, all of them will fail miserably

Sounds like an improvement

>another fucking earthbound clone

as someone who loved the mother series, undertale, lisa and off
this doesn't appeal to me.
none of the new "mother-likes" have really grabbed my interest, with the exception of barkley 2 because i liked the first one

The demo for Undertale came out right before 2014 you dolt

If you actually played Earthbound, then you'd know that it is a gameplay concept, and a novel one at that. It completely eliminates the need to pointlessly grind since it only works on vastly weaker enemies you were guaranteed to beat anyway.

>barkley 2

well i admit that one isn't a mother-like, but the original is more like one.

why does every character look identical

phenomenal is a bit much
Yeah the artwork looks nice but if you look at the actual "overworld" graphics it's nothing exceptional.

I love the clay/crayon aesthetic but they went for a generic yumme nikki rpg maker style graphics.

That was literally the point.

I didn't know Kobayashi Yuu was working with them

>Point of the game is that it fucking sucks and is awful to look at
>This somehow makes the game good

Fuck off retard

Did you see her recent pics? She full on used kickstarter money to get plastic surgery/lipo

Why was this deleted?
At least it's not a fucking hipster or some dumb weeb, but jesus christ, that hair makes me wary.

I can't tell if the steak thing is just a tongue in cheek reference to earthbound or not.

>I can't draw hands, the image
>no space funeral
>no hylics
it's shhid

>that hair makes me wary
omocat called out SJWs for being offended over everything.

>All this Earthbound-like
The only ones I can remember are Off, Space Fueral and both LISA. And some of them or all where before UT

What's that one RPG Maker game similar to Earthbound but about you playing as some dude in a simulation run by duck people or something?

I'm cautiously optimistic then.

Sounds like only the people who give a shit are around anymore

Is any 2D RPG with weird elements a Motherlike? If not, what makes one?

>sells shirts that say "SHOTA" on them
>gets called out that it's a pedo term
>omocat just calls them racist and sjw

>Space Funeral
>Yume Nikki
>Knuckle Sandwich

>just calls them racist and sjw
I've noticed a lot of middle-grounders call sjws the racists now.

On first glance this game looked like it would have been written by retarded SJWs like undertale and lisa were. I'm cautiously optimistic for Omori now but I'm not paying for an RPG Maker game.

How is that a ton of earthbound-like games?
Yume Niki and Ib aren't similar to Undertale.
I'll give you Omori and the Tumblr one.
Two games

Shota's not pedo but it's pretty fucking close

So are motherlikes code for uninspired shit?

What's the best 50 hour FF6/Chrono Trigger tribute on RPGMaker as of 2016?

how true is this

Is space funeral good?

I've wanted to try it for a while now

>ANOTHER RPGMaker Yume-Nikki wannabe
Why can't people be original for once? They're all riding the same idea and execution, and just making it look more pompous and grandiose so it looks like an "improvement" when it's actually the exact same thing.

>citizens of earth

citizens is one of the few games on that list with modern art, was made by a good budget, and was actually creative.

There's one missing in the Not Even Out Yet set that I can't remember the name of, had a Kickstarter and shit.
Space Funeral is actually bad, but good because it's so bad.

I'm tired of these pretentious rpgs games
First of all yeah I'm jelly as fuck of the fact that they got 200 000 dollars just for the generic shit they put in the first trailer.
Omocat has already an installed fanbase and they got money because they slapped some artwork on basically a non-game

This thing reeks of wannabe 2deep Yumme Nikki but I guess we'll have to wait to see if thats true.
The characters are boring as fuck : the main character is just a standard emo white boy with 2 other generic white boys and A GIRL with a bow on her head because you wouldn't differentiate her otherwise

I've spend a lot of time on RPG maker and I can tell you objectively that I could reproduce everything in the trailer in 2-3 days max.
Not one new/fun mechanic in the trailer as always, just walking in 4 directions and talking. ( And of course the artwork )

We can't support shit like that anymore

So how much you think I can make if I cash in on this fad at this point and time? I got RPGmaker.