Was Resident Evil 5 really that bad?
Was Resident Evil 5 really that bad?
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Professional difficulty on a new game is the only time in the series I've had difficulty keeping up with ammo.
They fucked up the re-release on PS4 so bad, its unreal.
Yes. They learned from none of the mistakes of 4, and had no idea what little it did right.
Worst numbered game for sure. Still reasonably enjoyable in co-op.
Yes. Some idiot had the brilliant idea that 4 would work perfectly if it was co-op. While this idea probably sounded soundproof back in the day on paper in actuality it did not work. At all.
The game is scripted and boring as fuck, losing all of the tension and atmosphere that 4 had. The style is better played solo.
Laughable, it's the exact opposite.
they removed the suitcase, which I understand for the seamless multiplayer experience
they forced a multiplayer experience though, which isn't good.
There should be a single player campaign without an AI partner for this game to be great.
In Shaolin Monks it's implied there's two of you there, but if you don't have a friend to play with, it's not force that you have some retard Lui Kang there to progress with the actual gameplay. But you can get extra secrets and items if you did have that second player. Not needed, but wanted is how RE5 should've handled their situation.
I can't stand playing with a CPU AI character for the ENTIRE game.
>Steroids Chris
>Blonde Catsuit Jill
>Chocolate Sheeva
It was
Dare I say.
Professional and coop is one of the best videogames experiences.
It was also the first time a company took a SJW cock deep up their ass and succumbed to political correctness SJW bullshit by adding hordes of asian and white zombies into a game set in Haiti.
The focus on co-op killed the game as all the good level design, inventory, pacing etc. all had to be stripped out so co-op could be balanced. They did not, however, change the core mechanics hence why the game is dogshit.
it was set in africa u dingaloid
How so?
Who gives a fuck. Just the same nignog-infested shithole.
Great in coop, shit in singleplayer.
Serious question - how do you actually function on a day-to-day basis. Do you have 24hr care, or are you able to perform essential tasks such as rudimentary feeding and bathroom visits unaided?
I have zero interest in RE co-op so for me it was. Even RE6 was better since that not only had the controls to justify its action direction but quite frankly had more variety in its pacing. RE5 was an absolute slog killing wave after wave of enemy and I don't think even playing with a friend would've fixed it. It wasn't even having to manage Sheva or anything, it just got fucking boring playing an amped up RE4 with next to no variety in its approach, like the game was afraid I was going to turn it off if I hadn't killed something in 5 minutes. Even RE6 had its quieter moments, and the very few that RE5 had I generally preferred. Hell, Lost In Nightmares was my favorite part of the whole thing. Conversely, Desperate Escape was everything I hated about the game tightly compacted into an hour.
the game even has africa shown in its promotional materal you twit
and people were having a shitfit that you were the whiteboi killing off the indigenous population of the continent and were crying that the developers were 'insensitive'
Sheva's AI was retarded
the inventory was annoying
but no, not that bad
playing RE6 put a lot of things into perspective about RE5
>punching a boulder
Actually the game set in an imaginary place called "Kijuju" that doest exist, but that devs said was based on Africa/Haiti.
>kill hundreds of blacks and mexicans most of them unarmed
what? what happenned?
It's no worse than Re4.
I hate that this was really fun
Its not a good direction for the series to go
6 was really enjoyable with co-op as well and would have been well received if was if it wasn't resident evil
itt: faggots too young to remember the backlash from 2008 so Capcom made most enemies a few shades lighter.
It's RE4 but worse in most ways besides graphics and a few QoL features. It's enjoyable enough in coop but pretty disappointing. It also feels like every other section is "that" part, like the 15 minute long turret section or the flamethrower boss, shit that just isn't any fun to play.
>based on Africa/Haiti.
It's just Africa, you ding dong.
And this is going to blow your mind, but Racoon City isn't real either.
RE6 is RE5 done right. A much better game. RE5 is fun on co-op in short bursts. Singleplayer is simply not worth it.
Who are the white zombies?
Indian zombies were there since the original trailer.
Currently playing through Chris's campaign in 6 w/ the same friend I played through 5. In retrospect, no. No it is not THAT bad. 6 is THAT bad. The lazy, terrible map designs are nothing but tiny hallways that end in co-op doors every fifteen fucking feet.
With 6 people expected survival horror when the game did not play that way at all.
It also shouldn't have had four campaigns.
Jake/Sherry with Chris, Leon and Claire apprearing would've been fine, especially since Ustanak was pretty good in my honest opinion.
I understand why people don't like the game but I enjoy it for the action game that it is.
It really is. RE5 is RE4 stripped of its taste and tact, largely due to the impact of its co-op focus and being permanently set to 11 on the intensity scale. RE5 absolutely lacks the flow and design sensibility that made RE4 work.
Chris's campaign is literally RE5 with much better controls.
How does it make it any difference, you cuck? Both are 99% nigger infested 3rd world shitholes. And white/mexican/asian zombies were added affter the outcry from PC/nignog-Communities.
RE5 collector's edition necklace
>How does it make it any difference
If you are playing solo your partner is total dogshit and it drags the whole game down hard. If you are playing co-op it's better, but not that great.
I don't know for sure if it was "that" bad, but it sure wasn't good.
Weird, I don't remember slowly and lazily falling down each and every single mother fucking time a bullet grazes your shoulder in RE5 but it sure feels like it in this one.
>Don't get hit: The game mode
Can't say i did not enjoy playing it, but it looked hard to get past some parts that almost made me quit.
>RE5 is a 7 years old game
Just fuck my shit up, time flies when your favorite franchise is DoA
Use cover more, it actually works decently in RE6.
>RE5 is RE4 stripped of its taste and tact
the other way around you goon
You guys should try the game with the "Alone in Africa" mod. It removes Sheva but still lets you complete all the parts that require her.
It actually plays pretty well.
it's a boring slog of who-gives-a-shit up until you first fight wesker and the ham goes up to 11
then you stop fighting wesker and the game goes back to who-gives-a-shit until the next wesker encounter
I enjoy the combat and it's technically sound all the way through so I'll say I enjoy it.
6 is 5 done shit
>QTE's out the ass
>on-rails level design; you can't even deviate from the fucking path even when there visually is a path visible
>constant gameplay interruptions with shitboring story segments
>ocassionally takes controls away from the player because fuck you
there is a good reason why even gamespot gave this POS a 4/10
I am just now realizing that past the first boss and wesker I honestly don't remember any of the major encounters that well.
I had little interest in playing RE6 after 5.
The series went from atmospheric adventure games to full on action.
And there is better action out there.
But RE6 is on sale so maybe I could try it.
I was going to argue this point but I got attacked while my field of view was directed at a door closing 30 feet above me.
The game had serious potential to be a great follow-up to RE4, but was flawed from forced co-op gameplay and zero sense of the horror that made the series great in the first place
Hell no, RE4's setpieces and enemy gauntlets actually felt well-designed and intentional. RE5's came across as more haphazard to me, like they just threw a bunch of enemies at you at a sort of vaguely designed map over and over again. I guess some parts in the caves were okay but RE5's map and enemy placement definitely felt like a step down.
All those buzzwords and you've still said nothing.
The only difference between these action games is that Re4 had a more interesting setting and RE5 had more non humanoid enemies.
What ? and not resi 6 ?
I had more """fun""" with 6's gameplay. Sprinting and melee were way more satisfying. No hope mode is better than 5's professional because you can't cheese it with infinite ammo. But at the end of the day, this all amounts to which one you think is dirt and which one you think is shit.
It's my favorite game in the entire series. The only people who hate RE5 have no real life friends to play with.
6 continues the full on action direction but makes the mistake of actually trying to shoehorn survival horror sensibility into said action, meaning it doesn't really get either right. and feels VERY confused as a result That said, to its merit the controls have been updated suitably to meet the action standard - 5 definitely would've benefited some from 6's controls.
6 had the best gameplay in the series
I'm not even gonna read that
why are there so many RE5 shills?
like, I can understand 6 because 6 was actually a really fun game with really solid gameplay that is only hurt by excessive QTEs, most of which don't even matter
if anything, it goes 3 > 4 = REmake > 1 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 0
RE6 is good as far as action games go.
If it's on sale then go for it.
Mercenaries is the best in this game.
Fucking kek'd
>3 on top
Hahah, have you actually played 6 its a buggy piece of shit half the time just filled with crappy QTE's unlike 5 which has some great ones, like when your against wesker.
same reason why there are so many RE4 & RE6 shills
because it was the best
Never managed to play 3.
Is Nemesis really that scary?
But those are different reasons. RE4 was because it was a masterpiece and a turning point in the series and RE6 is because Nu/v/ is a contrarian shithole.
Resident Evil makes for a better Horror/Action game then a Horror/Survival one
Debate me
Ok shill but you are right, it is when the series turned to shit.
6 beats 5 in nearly every regard including combat. Only thing 5 has going for it are Wesker battles.
But you are a shitposter so what can you know.
sit down mark
>And white/mexican/asian zombies were added affter the outcry from PC/nignog-Communities.
Like i said earlier, the Indian zombies were in the game before Sheva was even revealed.
The guy Chris kicks at 1:58 is also another Indian, his faces can't be seen properly, but that's the Indian model, that's the only model who wears that shirt.
>they removed the suitcase, which I understand for the seamless multiplayer experience
desu I prefer 5's inventory out of 4-6
>Fast reloads
>Can hotkey weapons to number keys or d-pad directions for quick switching
>Not ridiculously huge so you have to decide on proper loadouts before each chapter
Re5 wasn't that bad if you had a bro to co-op with
We had plenty of laughs blowing away zombie nig nogs.
RE6 on the other hand we only enjoyed Leons Campaign the rest was trash.
Maybe the nippon community can't tell the difference between hajeeds and basketball-americans
It's been horror/action ever since 2 technically so I guess. 1/REmake are the only ones that feel like a well-balanced "survival" effort, it just so happens that they penned the genre name in the process.
>RE6 on the other hand we only enjoyed Leons Campaign the rest was trash.
People who parrot this never actually played the rest of the game.
best resident evil next to 2, hoping 7 will be good too
no they didnt you faggot
Chris's campaign was basically Gears of War, but Jake's and Ada's were definitely on Leon's level.
Well 7 will be the tie-breaker on that debate.
People hated 6 because it was an action game.
People might not hate 7 because it looks and plays like a survival horror. I fucking hate the first person view though.
>we only enjoyed Leons Campaign
His was the worst, though. It had its heart in the right place and it started alright but the execution as a whole was by far the most flawed. Hell, Ada's campaign was basically Leon's but better and with crossbows. Meanwhile, Chris and Jake embraced the action game that 6 very clearly wanted to be and flourished for it. Shit RE campaigns but decent action ones, and better than the clusterfuck that was whatever Leon's tried to be once you finally made it into the city proper.
Another Indian. This is the very first trailer that actually showed the black Majinis and confirmed the game is in Africa by the way. The original teaser with alpha Chris only showed the shadows of the zombies(yes they were zombies in the alpha script) running towards Chris and many speculated it could be either Africa or the middle east.
I remember not feeling it and giving up on the first mission after playing it a few years ago. I'll pick it up again eventually, just to get a fair summary of the game, but the gameplay being escort-centric is a real turn off for me.
I hear co-op is better but I don't have time (or friend circle) to do that.
It's average. It was just littered with bad decisions and Gears worship.
butthurt detected
That bit with the public speaker was going to have Chris barricading himself in houses like with Leon in 4.
you can just hop into games though, easy
Sheva isn't so bad if you give her a decent pistol and shotgun.
Use grenades well and always carry at least one firstaid spray.
Anything above normal is border-line unplayable through. Good news is that after your first playthrough you'll never have to worry about ammo.
Jake's campaign was a terrible imitation of MGS1
>Get stranded on Shadow Moses island
>Have to sneak around bats and hide in conveniently placed dumpsters
>Get caught and stripped of weapons
>Have to sneak around Triads hotel
>Snowmobile chase
>Motorcycle chase
>Tank chase
Ustanak wasn't even the focus. His campaign should've played out like a homage to RE3 and Nemesis.
What do you mean by "hop in"? Like co-op online or something?
Sheva protects herself nigga and anybody that complains about her is retarded in loving 4's whole Ashley escort, I prefer playing RE5 by myself since none of my friends played or like RE.
yeah, you just select join game and you can join strangers games, if you're lucky they know what they're doing and it makes the game much quicker and unlocks so much easier
>Ustanak wasn't even the focus. His campaign should've played out like a homage to RE3 and Nemesis.
This, Ustanak shoud've been a far more prevalent threat than he was.
But then I say that RE6 should've been about Jake and Sherry.
It had a few problems.
Sheva's AI
Bosses vs 2 characters. The vehicle chapter.
Also no combining treasures / no fun custom skills from weapons.
No dodging.