Card games thread. Last one died.
Card games thread. Last one died
I liked this one though you really had to find that one combination devs wanted you to use on each level.
And what's up with some of these cards?
To the NR faggot who said about switching to Nilfgaard once it's out:
You're forgiven
Not for long. Letho is 8poitns gold spy that scorches the row he's played.
>buy Etherlords 1 when it originally came out because I want MtG game
>get fucking wrecked by the AI out-pacing it's hero level ups
>green race can't block fliers because "lol, no walls"
>buy Etherlords 2 on GOG because no map shit
>play the smartphone game too
I don't know why I like them
>russian devs
Isn't that an inferior Geralt: Igni in most cases?
It scorches EVERYTHING scorchable on the row.
I just think they look so fucking boring
>knights, knights, trebuchet, peasants, lord
We used to play this shit all the time in highschool. Good times. It's a shame Nival went to shit.
A superior Philippa then? Except that stuff can be revived on the same round I guess.
Well they are based on 15th century yurop, of course it's not gonna be huge ass animu swords.
Nilfs have even MORE scorches. Nilf mirrors would be pure fucking cancer unless they redesign a bunch of cards.
did any play the Might and Magic card game? I only ever saw French streamers for it, but it sounded quite cool
It's mediorce just as anything non-paper MtG. There will never be decent online MtG client as long as WoTC need to sell paper.
I think I'd really like a cardgame designed by the Endless Space/Legend devs.
seems like they could make distinctive factions, etc
Any suggestions?
Decent buy G:Igni is pointless in weather spam deck and you already have Aard for removal.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
The only substitutes I have are Ciri and Geralt. I guess I'll just try to run the usual Geralt too.
Wrong thread, Sup Forumstard.
What the fuck man.
Ciri is pretty good
To that one faggot in the previous thread. why you think Krosmaga is shit? it's because all the Cra's fags?
This thread is pretty dead because it has no mentions of shillstone/shillverse.
never played it, but it looks like a kids game
sad thing then. I mean the previous thread was so full of fun. I guess people don't really care about card games in general unlike a few select.
Why would you play any card game other than MtG?
It's expensive as fuck and I'm not american. Would be glad to play it though. It's not THAT big outside of the US.
It costs shitton of money.
>play this card
>spend 5 minutes sorting out this clusterfuck of bullshit because that's super fun, right?
To play monored chaos is to achieve enlightenment.
Also, Possibility Storm is pretty mild in terms of bullshit tedium to resolve.
because magic as a whole still uses the same outdated system from about 20 years ago. while other (less popular so) games made bigger improvements of the old magic formula. also magic completely misses the chance to properly use the digital media since wizards still pushes that old and ugly as fuck MTGO
>just want to play a comfy deck where you play bears and giant growth them
>someone nukes the shit out of you, flips you on your back, rapes your parents simultaneously, and travels back in time to kill hitler, with a single card
yea, digital stuff seems like it could be cool
>buffing your unplayed deck cards
>putting negative cards into your opponent's deck without them seeing the card beforehand
>changing the effect of the card
but probably the best thing is not needing to argue over "interpretation"
Why does resurrecting someone with Shani while having Rita on board gives not 2 Adepts but 3? Is this a bug or I'm missing something?
Cdp red said that they redesign Nilfgaard cards because of op spies.
Right now we know two things about the new Nilfgaard:
>they will be able to look at opponents hand
>thier leaders will have weaker abilities, but they will be able to reactivate it with some card
It's a bug.
>Why would you play any card game other than MtG?
Overly expensive.
They've added mechanics and play modes which the game was not designed to handle, and there isn't really a way to fix things.
Old style Magic involved just putting together a deck to suit your playstyle, and then enjoy trying to win with that. Newer style Magic has been trying to adjust how people play the game to force a specific playstyle onto players. If I wanted to play the game only one specific way, then there are dozens of other card games which already do that. Even worse, you can't exactly play Magic the old way anymore, since the newer cards for the most part trump all the old ones.
How do you select something at random in a situation like this?
They can look at abilities, but nothing to rearm leader is in the client yet. And they still have powerful spies.
play Eternal (or HEX if you're some sort of masochist) then.
most of the stuff you listed happens in some form in both games
In paper Magic I use my calculator's random number generator. In Cockatrice... nobody has yet been crazy enough to play Grip of Chaos.
I miss when you could throw together a deck full of one specific creature type, some standard common support spells, and at least have it perform decently. It feels like these days you need some ultra-rare tribal enhancement cards to even attempt that, or else your silly 2/2 for 3 creatures will just get steamrolled by stuff twice their size with half the casting cost.
I'm just played Gwent beta at the moment, so there's some of that.
Honestly, I just feel like playing TF2 instead.
>Old style Magic involved just putting together a deck to suit your playstyle, and then enjoy trying to win with that.
That's still what happens.
>Newer style Magic has been trying to adjust how people play the game to force a specific playstyle onto players.
Could you give an example or more details? Because this is vague enough that I can't really tell what you mean.
>Even worse, you can't exactly play Magic the old way anymore, since the newer cards for the most part trump all the old ones.
HA! HA! This is rich.
I'm enjoying Faeria. The boardgame mechanics are interesting and tactical and the artstyle is cute.
I like the look of Faeria, but I'm not super into tactical maps
Finished the story mode in shadowverse now I don't know what deck to start playing against people. Maybe I'll play royal banner.
Anyone know what pre built deck is the best value?
Ask /svg/. But aggro blood is nuts and it runs 0 leggos.
Anyone out there actually interested in this? Reprint of the first set is extremely soon and the second set is a couple of months away.
It's pretty fun.
because I don't want to physically move my obese body to the card game store when I want to play card games, because I don't want to play against random voiceless people when I play online tabletop simulators and I don't want to pay a badrillion dollars for cards
and because there are games that are just as fun as magic or more
Friend got me into it. I was incredibly surprised to find out that it is actually pretty fun, and interactive. Waiting for the reprint to buy in though because everything is marked up to hell, currently.
do you need steam to run shadowverse on pc?
So how does this play? It looks fairly standard from those three cards.
Kinda like MTG but you can sacrifice for mana (infact you have to , as even your "backups" (pretty much lands, but some have abilites of their own) have a mana cost to put on the field), and you have a graveyard instead of hit points (think a reverse of Pokemon's Prize cards).
Meant for
You get backups (resources), forwards (creatures), and summons (spells/instants).
Number on the top left is a cost to play the card, and even backups have costs. You discard cards to generate two resources, which you can use to play cards, but backups come in dull (tapped). You draw two per turn instead of one to make up for this.
The number on the bottom right of a forward is both its attack and defense, so blocking works how you'd imagine. If an attack gets through you take a point of damage, which causes you to put the top card of your deck into the damage zone. If a card has an "EX Burst" you get that effect when it goes there. First to have 7 cards in the damage zone loses.
Each named character has a sort of legends rule going for it, so if a player has Cloud out, they can not have another Cloud out, even if it is a different card. Generic characters can be played in multiple, indicated by a symbol on the top right, which is absent on the cards in the image.
the damage zone and EX Burst effect reminds me of Kaijudo, where your life was 5 shields and you had shield breaks.
Isn't that just the shitty remake of duel masters?
I want to get way more into this game but there are some hardcore levels of wordplay and loopholes with some of these cards
interesting to watch though
look up humility+opalesence
I haven't played Gwent since early in the alpha. Did they fix the amount if grind you need for new cards yet? Because that shit was obnoxious and there's no way in hell I was gonna drop real cash on an alpha/beta
shit like this makes me realize I will never be able to make any kind of actual magic deck
Not who you were replying to but when I stopped playing Magic, WtC was really pushing specific meta into the decks. There were only a handful of effective builds and if you didn't have an intimate knowledge of the working meta, you'd just get trashed. This was probably 2009/2010 so I dunno if that still applies
they've tweaked it in the last patch
6 "rounds" won gets you the first 100g for daily rewards, then it's 12, then 24. But you can also get gold from GG rewards, mid-level daily, level-ups from play XP, and rank-ups in the Ranked matches (not that common).
Basically, super casual play gets you one keg a day. 2 is fairly obtainable. 3 or 4 is possible with a long session. 5 or 6 if you win a lot.
I don't understand why Square Enix won't just make a real version of triple triad. That shit would sell like crazy
That is a lot more reasonable. I'll give it another shot. I liked the game itself, but getting new cards was a pain.
>all these poorfags
I barely spend money on MTG and I have a massive collection as well as competitive decks. Its called playing drafts and winning.
yeah, which was a shitty version of magic to begin with. Not sure why they thought re-doing it was a good idea.
The thing is, being a whiny poorfag doesn't make sense either when Cockatrice and XMage exist. Or even just using proxies IRL.
I'm getting 4-5 kegs a day easily, but I've been playing this shit for hours every day. Feels much more generous compared to HS for example. Haven't played the previous patch.
Nobody actually plays Humility+Opalescence.
I am designing my own card game at the moment. Retro-Cyberpunk setting.
>b-but user you can't
It's actually a school project.
That said, I still lack a combat system.
What combat mechanics (either in digital or paper Magic-clones) are the best in your opinion?
Also level system is now separated from daily bonuses. Lvl 20 gives you Decoy FUUUUUCKING FUCK CDPR I CRAFTED IT 3 HOURS BEFORE THE PATCH., lvl 40 and 50 a random legendary, scraps, kegs and ore inbetween.
>which was a shitty version of magic to begin with
reeeee no it's not true it has it's pros and cons reeee
yea. If you win your first 3 matches, you can get the 1st daily in about 30minutes.
If you at least score a single round per match, you'd need to play 6, which is about an hour.
this is ignoring all the other sources of gold/kegs.
>double breakers
>holy awe
as long as you give the units a safe-zone you should be good
in games like hearthstone every card you play is essentially being thrown in the middle of a giant firefight and their survival rate is 1-2 turns on average
in games like magic(can't attack guys directly, they need to block) and duel masters(can attack guys directly, but only if they're tapped) they're less vulnerable, which means that long-time utility creatures are more viable, it's easier to amass larger and more complex board states, and it overall gives a more coherent feeling to each match when you could be at turn 12 and have guys from turn 3 still around, which never happens in games like hearthstone or shadowverse unless one players is in the process of getting dumpstered
EDH/Commander is the best.
Okay, I've got that covered.
My first concept is that each "creature" has two variables - combat and hack. Like in Duel Masters, you can only attack tapped creatures (and attack taps a creature), but you can "attack" untapped creatures with a hack stat and tap them.
It's just weird to make a logical, "grokable" combat system in a game about mainly hacking shit and having characters like "Script Kiddie".
Anyone ever played that EA card game RTS, whatever it was called?