Is Anno 1404 the best city builder out there? Since its sequels were really shit
Is Anno 1404 the best city builder out there? Since its sequels were really shit
Certainly one of the prettiest.
God-DAMN the harbors you could build in that game
also Anno 1404 has some amazing soundtrack
What do you recommend when it comes to city builders?
i like 2070 because its pretty similar, more like a total conversion mod
It's the best medieval city builder game out there, really comfy and has great soundtrack, too.
I really like the city trading element too.
Looks nice, great gameplay.
Shame your towns are restricted to a circle shape
2070 is good though, not as much as 1404 of course.
I don't know what the hell happened with 2205 to make it as screwed up as it is.
I like how it's basically Pharaoh on steroids
Ubisoft ruined it with forced online shit
Bought Banished during the sale. How the fuck do I get good
>tfw setting up your first trading routes and finding out what products came next after ascending the population
2009 was great
I love cit making, but I hate RTS, I love and hate Anno series
How is 1701?
>its sequels were really shit
2070 is literally the same game as 1404 but with a sci-fi reskin
You refund it
and forced online shit courtesy of ubisoft
do you have problems with internet connectivity?
theres also an unfixed bug where you dont get your ark upgrades even though youre playing multiplayer
This. Even though uplay is less intrusive now, it's still annoying.
Shame too, the setting is my favorite out of all the annos.
You mean dawn of discovery?
>waah waah ubisoft are meanies!
just log in you cuck. and buy the dlc too. and don't even think about complaining when the game doesn't work after the pointless online drm servers go down or i'll hang you by your mouse cord.
only special snowflakes know it that way
lol shit taste faggot
1404 is the best in the series. The futuristic annos LOOK great, but for me the feeling is completely different. I want that 'you get this ship, now go find new land' feeling, that just doesnt click if its in a futuristic scenario.
Also this game is comfy off the charts
I woud like to interject for a moment
There's RTS in 1404? How is it, like Stronghold with production chains and stuff?
There's barely any fight in 1404 and the fight is mediocre to shit, maybe only happen if you playing with dickhead NPC or being a dickhead yourself.
It's not really a big part of the game at all
Anno games always had that stuff and it has always been super lategame stuff that's not very good, outside of using the guys as decoration and whatnot it's a "I did absolutely everything else so I might as well smash this NPC's town as well" thing that you won't get to in most endless games
how is it compared to anno 1404?
it's just better and prettier
All the Sierra games are pretty incredible. And they aged very well.
this is what a real city builder looks like
looks gay as fuck
looks like you posted the wrong picture by mistake, here you go
all the buildings rook same
Anno 1404 is pretty much that game but on steroids, same goods-management city builder
My appointment to Grand Vizier is an exceptional honor for me. The Sultan may be young and full of energy, but he still reads this in my voice.
you got me ya fucking towelhead
>tfw can play both
I mean city builders are fun for a while, but eventually I need missiles and gatling guns
I wish I had the patience to build a proper city in Sim City 4. I always get bored halfway through and start throwing meteors all over the place.
don't talk shit about qt crusaders
It's either a shitstomp or a battle of attrition, but it's incredibly time-consuming either way. I would only recommend building a minimum of naval forces to defend against corsairs, complete quest objectives and deter belligerent AIs
Ground warfare is such a slog, you may as well buy out the territory through the Venician Council and use naval blockades when you feel like going on the offensive. Capturing a single outpost takes up to 20 minutes depending on the size of territory. And it's not like a 20m Starcraft match--it's literally 20 minutes of your infantry sitting in one place while a clock ticks down.
Is there a game where you can build a city throughout the ages? Like something where you start with Caesar and end with Sim City?
>pls no bully
not really a city builder, but Civilization IV had that, but then it's turn based, and you don't really see your city and shit, it's more about representations.
on the flip side seeing my enemies with spears and bow n arrows fighting my helicopters is all kinds of retarded
all day err day
>a fucking leif
For those that like Anno 1404, check out the IAAM mod.
Adds a ton of new buildings, lots of cosmetic stuff, greatly expanded dock options and it frees up the restrictions on building placement so you can build anything your autism desires.
It was always my dream, that anno would somehow give you an indicator to your war goes instead of fighting it itself.
Like you give money and ressource pick maybe a general and some goal and that it.
Since this would be boring, you can switch your screen to a view where there is eternal war on an island, you depending on the ressources and your involvement its either relatively peaceful or burning.
Look at me rambling.
Instead of RTS, make a cool "war screen" that shows your success depending on how much you pay.
That's what I want: Civilization meets Sim Cities. I hate how every city ends up being super modern and efficient and lacks culture or history.
ITS A GREat game but its still has that game breaking bug where after a certain city size your save gets corrupted and your whole game and time invested is gone.
Is there a game like the anno games with less city building autism and more trade route management autism?
I want to hear more about why this game is so comfy
This. Marzipan and beer >>>>>>>>>> polymers and soy.
Sierra games are a lot harder because placing buildings randomly is impossible in those games. you have to come up (or look up) certain patterns if you want your city to grow, otherwise they will never grow enough. Other mechanics are more in depth as well but a lot harder to control as well (think population age in pharaoh for example). Anno1404 is a lot more comfy and focused on production chains, sierra games are focused on perfecting your patterns, pop growth and managing your problems.
maybe Cities: Skylines. less actual management, more just placing buildings and hoping your traffic doesnt jam
Patrician III
You basically send boats around the North and Baltic Sea to become the richest merchant, additionally there's some light city upgrading where you place buildings so more people move in or specific goods get produced and sea combat where you make your ships sail away from pirates
Best if you like old Anno games like 1602
Port Royale Series.
I have never played the Caesar games, but I really hated how things were distributed in Pharaoh, with the market lady, the water guy going around, and it's like you have to build your city always around close rectangle neighborhoods so everyone gets good coverage.
Pharaoh and Zeus were just Caesar reskinned, right?
Do you think The Guild 3 will be good?
It fucking better be
I'm honestly pretty hyped
yes but Caesar III has less arbitrary limits
service coverage is still very important though
imagine having to do a rectangle without road stops. that's fucking Caesar III for you. Has more exploits though
What is this? It looks comfy
great mod
alright, is Caesar III the best of the bunch? Was IV shit?
You must be the most retarded user posting currently on Sup Forums
The Guild 3 is basically a dynasty simulator.
It's a game based on the series with Felicia Day in
Shame that 3 sucks fat donkey dicks
you start off with nothing, basically a tiny village in a forest and grow it into a big and well supplied city, one of my favorite things was seeing your harbor grow from an empty beach to a bustling stone port with ships coming and going and your citizens carting goods to and from warehourses. And also the soundtrack is just amazing, both in 1404 and 2070, it has that melodious orchestral feeling that only German strategy games seem to have.
I always liked the medieval settings, and the game give exactly what i want, also there's not much fighting as the game more focused on economy, building your own town and expanding your empire etc, so i think the game is really comfy.
Also port/harbor in this game is looking real great, too.
to be honest just pick your favorite historical setting, they are all great. even Emperor: rise of the middle kingdom is good
I think Caesar III is the best, IV is one of those failed transition games of classic series into the modern age like the later Ultima or Might and Magic.
Imagine Crusader kings 2 but with a city view and you manage the family business instead of killing muslims
that looks pretty
Has anyone tried forest village or urban empire?
>modern era
into the trash it goes
These sound pretty cool. Thanks.
I'm kinda specifically after moving things around on sailing ships.
I'm 100% on board for japanese Cities in Motion, but not at full price.
Pirated Forest Village a while ago, it's shaping up to be pretty damn good, not as comfy as the Anno series, but mechanically really solid and far more organic with it's building placement than any city builder i've seen before.
Both 1404 and 2070 were good. It's too bad about the newest one though. It's times like that I have to wonder what goes through the minds of some developers, or if it really is Ubisoft putting it's grimy hands into the development.
And shitty fucking bloom on everything
I wouldn't really call Anno a city builder, but rather a resource production manager.
Euros just get it when it comes to music for these type of games.
1-5 Caesar III
6-8 1404
9 Port Royale 3
0 Skyrim
Is Port Royale any good?
I only ever played Patrican 3
Yeah it's more of a goods-management simulation
it's ok, I like it way more than Patrician but it's partly due to my personal bias against Germanics and other nordic pieces of shit.
can i firebomb arabs in this game?