Are there any other games that "pull a Gwyn" on the player? That is to say

Are there any other games that "pull a Gwyn" on the player? That is to say...

>Spend entire game hyping up how powerful the final boss is and all their feats
>Ends up being a sad shadow of their former self.

Mysterio in Spider-Man 2. At least that wasn't written by an edgy 13 year old faggot, was handled a lot more effectively. You Souls fags are the worst.


Demon's Souls did it first.

Which boss?

People who spend all their time complaining about specific fanbases are almost always worse than the fanbases themselves.

Vendrick in Dark Souls 2

"Real" old king Allant not the demon imposter you fight at 1-4 in Boletaria.

Gwyn wasn't really hyped during the game though

>mentions a game
>then attacks OP without presenting a real argument
Alright sick.

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

Pretty much every soulsborne game other than bloodborne in the case of Gerhman. Laurence and Ludwig fit the bill more.

People complaining about people complaining about complaining complain too much about people complaining

Buttblasted Souls fags detected.

Is dis le epic new reddit frontpage maymay?

More so in item descriptions than actual discussions if anything Artorias was way more hyped up. Fits the bill better too shame they removed his dialog for his boss fight.

is this the birth of a new epic meme

Giving attention to this bullshit is exactly why it keeps getting reposted.

Mass Effect 3 ending tbqh

>le hitbox meme

is dark souls 1 the best one to start with?

Thats not hitbox.

Agreed. In the few years I've been on Sup Forums I never understood why people bring up how shitty a fanbase is when it's irrelevant to the thread.

Personally I never make note of the quality of a particular game's fanbase anyway and I don't get why others do. To me it all seems like a huge web of indiscernible shitposting.

desu I didn't even watch the webm til you said something.


Also, Nier.

implying there are people worse than the sonic fanbase
I don't think so man


Bloodborne does pretty much the opposite. You spend the game hearing about the Hunters and how Gerhman was the first and invented the trick weapons and was fucking incredible and now he's a cripple in a wheelchair. But then he's not a cripple nor in a wheelchair, he's pushing your shit it hardcore.

>he's pushing your shit it hardcore
I had less trouble with Gehrman than I had with Gwyn

My life....

Really? That's interesting, I got Gwyn on my second try and it took me like a dozen for Gehrman.

I assumed everyone had similar experiences but maybe that's not the case.

>See people spraying shit all over the place
>point out how those people are annoying
>"OMG you are just as bad as those people"

Gwyn took me forever, partly because I didn't know you could parry him. Gehrman is not nearly as agressive , even if you don't gunparry him to death. He just walks slowly towards you most of the time, if you don't do evasive maneuvers, whilest Gwyn just 2-hit you if you stood still for 2 seconds.

souls certainly has it's moments

Thats not complaining thats pointing out a universal truth

stop being mad at other people having fun and have fun you fun ruiner