Zelda best game

Zelda best game

Along with links awakening and link between worlds. Oracle was ok too.

imo second best. MM is best, TP is third.

That's a weird sprite

i agree

Fedoras mask isn't on the list. A buncha side shit with only 4 dungeons isn't zelda

The four dungeons are big to compensate and the side shit is chock full of dungeon level content.

It's best not to get too strict about what a main game of a series has to have.

I wouldn't complain if the temple dungeons were big enough. They're standard, thats why its bad

I mean you clearly don't like the side quests so the game's not going to be for you even if it had two more dungeons.

>link between worlds
I haven't played this game since release but I remember it being laughably easy. Good pacing though.

There are points in the NES and SNES Zeldas where you actually had to search hard for things. I thought ALBW was extremely straightforward, which can either be seen as a good thing or a bad thing.

>Fedora's mask

>Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask

>Link's Awakening, Oracle of Time, Oracle of Ages

>Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link,

>Twilight Princess

>Wind Waker

>Skyward Sword, Wand of Gamelon, Faces of Evil

>Whatever Zorldo was out when I was 13 is the best Zorldo.

>best game EVER


I didn't really start playing Zelda until I was 14

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

Link between time?

The side quests are basically dungeons though
>moon children dungeons
>under the well
>that whole palace before stone tower
>pirates fortress
List goes on. Majoras mask is full of locations that are dungeons in everything but name.

Objectively, the best Zelda games are as follows:

>A Link to the Past
>Oracle of Ages/Seasons
>Majora's Mask
>Skyward Sword
>A Link Between Worlds

And the most garbo Zelda games are:

>All the NES ones
>Link's Awakening
>Ocarina of Time
>Twilight Princess

Everything else ranges from okay to whatever

Top tier opinions:
Skyward Sword is underrated
Zelda 2 is underrated
Twilight Princess is the best in the series

Low tier opinions:
Majora's Mask is bad
Saying "fedora's mask"
Ocarina of Time is the best in the series
Wind Waker is the best in the series

Shit tier opinion:
Ocarina of Time is the greatest game of all time

I don't agree with what he said, but why would you get this based on his Zelda opinions? Don't we all have different opinions on which ones are good / bad?

>Majora's Mask is bad
>Saying "fedora's mask"
>Ocarina of Time is the best in the series
>Wind Waker is the best in the series

Somebody's asshurt.

>Didn't like Zelda 1 & 2
Those games are the only ones that tried to be something original, and they both succeeded in different ways.

They are diamonds atop the steaming pile of sameyness that is post NES zelda. Maybe Breath of the wild will change that.

>Saying "fedora's mask"

Seriously, Majora's Fedora is what should've been used. Either way the game's fans are euphoric pseudo-intellectuals.

When ALBW is called good, it is implied to have been played in Hero mode (or whatever it's called). I think the enemies do x4 damage.

It's an epic new pasta meme.

>Maybe Breath of the wild will change that.
I'm cautiously optimistic about this game. It looks good so far, but it's easy to make a shitty open-world game. Often those games suck because you spend a lot of time holding the stick forward, not doing anything interesting.