
What are your hopes for this game?

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All the porn of the cute lizard that will come.

Hope they fix all the bugs

It's not MNo.9

I'm so starved for a 3d platformer, it'll have to be pure shot to manage to disappoint me.

Hope it has some fast paced challenging sections and isn't all just collectathon.
I know It'll be all just collectathon tho.

If it's about as good as BK and BT that's all I could ask for.

hope it uses denuvo and an extra layer of DRM on top of it so pirates go fuck them self

>What is the Engine Room in Banjo

What bugs/glitches did it have?

Should be fine. I think I'll have some decent fun with it. I don't expect it to be really amazing or anything, but it should be a good game.

Sorry friendo, it's on GOG


there should be more jokes about nuts & bolts
like maybe a mission where there's a level full of cars and you have to blow them up while yooka says "haha! as IF"

I've got high hopes, Toybox was pretty good

I hope it releases on the Switch near its launch date. I want to see if it would catch on.

More than it should have.

looks a little bad imo because of Unity (or whatever they are using). What im trying to say is that the graphics look a little off/cheap.

I will still buy it for the switch though, the gameplay we have seen looks fun

For the toybox? Specifics would be good.

no DENUVO, so i can pirate

Be a real platformer classic

Don't just throw collectibles everywhere in a path

That its a good game

That it achieves a level of success on par with Shovel Knight

And that MS will see and actually try to make a proper Banjo Three-ie game.

My hope is that there is a way to turn you into banjo and kazooie and play as them instead.

I hope they do a simultaneous release on all consoles. It was one of their kickstarter promises after all

>Game engine dictates look of the game

Oh boy, here we go

>we have now come to the point where people actually want cancer DRM in their games


its true to an extend at least. I remember developers seeing a game was made in Unity just by the looks of it. Apparently they look a little similar (?)

I have no idea though so dont take my word for it, i can remember that source games look similar at least (but thats probably because most of them were made by Valve)

Nostalgia fags are gonna be btfo when this releases. I loved banjo and collectathons as much as the next guy. But going back to them now. Wow. They were more of a chore than fun.

>its true to an extend at least
To a tiny extent, engines have some light and shaders presets lazy devs can use instead of making their own, that's it, everything else regarding how a game looks depends on the developer.

Unity has a lot of those things you can pick and choose, as long as you have the money to buy.
Of course, Playtronic has plenty of money to throw at Unity

Worse than Shovel Knight, better than HGH and MN9.

>buying a game on an inferior piece of hardware for no reason other than satisfying the autism eating you up from the inside
if you don't get it on PC you're 100% certified retarded

the best prisoner is the one that gaurds his own cell.

>That it achieves a level of success on par with Shovel Knight
but shovel knight is a nobody game that only hipsters play
I want YL to actually be succesful and be the starting point of a new golden age of platformers and on PC

day 1 pirate

>but shovel knight is a nobody game that only hipsters play

Have a (you) friend, you look hungry

I didn't say it's bad, I liked it, but to call it a popular game that anybody but enthusiasts have heard about is a joke.

My worry is that it is too short.

by the looks of it, it is a reskin of duck tales, but probably without any catchy music

It sold over 1 million units across multiple platforms, which for an indie title is exceedingly great

Levels too big with thinned-out content.

>without any catchy music

You just want me to post music don't you


No expectations, no disappointments.

Shovel Knight isn't even that good, levels don't have a good flow.

Not him but the only thing that it takes from Ducktales is the bouncing off enemies/objects to reach higher places mechanic, everything else has inspiration from Mega Man, SMB3, NES Castlevania and Zelda 2 also the music is very good.

Looks like every "fan game" made in the Unity Engine. aka it looks generic.

I'm sure it'll be fine. 3D platformers aren't that fun and I think people will realize that again.

I hope they don't bank on star power. They showed some decent gameplay, but at the same time, they plaster Shovel Knight's face on their video and used the same Nuts n' Bolts joke 3 times. The game looks like it's going to be fun, but for it to work, they're going to need to keep giving it their all instead of going off "We're old Rare and we're on the indie scene!"

3D platformers are great dude.
But they're full on "video games", there's little to no place to plots, cutscenes, moral values or whatever.
It's an anti-thesis of modern western game development

yeah thats probably it. many people use these presets i would imagine

>It's an anti-thesis of modern western game development
3D platformers need good level design to be fun. Sadly, good level design is a lost art that is not present within AAA devs or pretentious minimalist indie devs.

They have stated in several interviews that the demos showed less content as to not reveal too much.
If you wondered why there were complaints about the world feeling too empty, that was it.


poor excuse
>why is there no content?
>w-w-w--w-we didn't want to reveal too much, s-spoilers and s-stuff...

>No credit card so can't buy in GOG

Bouncy grappling,
skipable charliebrown dialogue
Large flatlands somewhere, multiple climable wall textures