Anne Takamaki

>Anne Takamaki

Why she is so tall?

heh, i'm taller than her.
Not by much, but still taller.

Feels good to be Chad heheh

she's like half murican or something

I'd ride her "Backhill", if you know what I mean.


I'm 170cm and I'm short af.

185cm and upwards persona waifus when?

What is that in American measurements?

>only slightly taller than 168cm


it was a joke, you insensitive cunt

stop bully

Shortest girl I know is that height, not counting elderly.

>tfw 167cm and 25y

Life is suffering. At least I was taller than all previous Persona girls


Mate she's short. What are you? A manlet?

I fucking hate how all these jap games makes everybody so fucking short just because the japs are all manlets


I mean I guess that is tall for Asians, but this is a good deal all around

What's the average height of girls you know?

Also, where you are from?

Luckily best girls are plenty short

Sorry user. If it makes you feel any better I'm a 175cm tomboy who wants a qt short boy to femdom and love and cuddle.

GET /r9k/ OFF MY Sup Forums


Okay Ireland


different guy but most girls are 5'6,5'7 at my school in LA. Though a lot of them are foreign asian students from china and korea

Think she's a mix or something.
>tfw 6'0"

Am I still gay if i'm only attracted to 2d boys


That's considered tall? My wife is 5'10". Most women I know fall between 5'5" and 5'11".


I'm 6'1 and I feel really good about myself right now :) :)

A little

Fact: manlets are the strongest race

>Best girl
Let me fix that user

If we don't get doujins of her getting fucked while in her bodysuit I'm going to fucking nuke Japan a third time.

I'm from Wisconsin, most the girls i know are 5'7 to 5'10". I am 6'2-4 though I never get a consistent measurement.

>shit stick legs

I want to make Sensei a mommy!

It's Swansea, asshole. Welsh is a horrible language.

>tfw 5'9"
>tfw still gotten laid multiple times

>you will never put a bun inside a christmas cake

You must have misclicked, here let me help

>Welsh is a horrible language

>tfw proud to be part of the >6ft master race
6'5" here. I rarely ever have to look up to anyone.

But you will always have to look up to God, user.

It is. The "ch" noises are the worst. I'm glad barely anyone speaks it here in >Abertawe.

Man you fags are really gonna be upset when the version you can understand comes out and you finally learn why there's no fucking fan noise for them.

Where you in Abertawe senpai?

Today, I will remind them. Lanklets on suicide watch.

Does it matter? It's pretty small. I live pretty close to the beach.

Town or Mumbles?


Sketty here

Be my gf?


The accent is pretty bad, we miss most the lettahs out uv words, make arf of em up n talk too fuckin fast ini mun.

thuh majority of us carn even speak welsh.

You'er mam

I'm not gay or a woman.



Am I tall yet?

Why are the sluts in MegaTen always the most attractive girls? see: Yuriko/Lilith, Lisa, Rise, etc.

The power of the Lovers arcana

Fuck you user!

Why did you remind me!?

>MFW I'm 3 centimeters shorter than her

Literally the first thing they said about Anne was that she's mixed White/Japanese.

>168 cm
Jesus dude, I'm 5'12" and I don't consider myself that tall

This your first manlet thread?

>manlets are so short they can't even figure out fathom 6 feet tall or how to write it

reminder 75% WHITE, those aren't meant to be slant eyes in her art but large pure orbs

She's only a quarter American

I cant get over the fact that this image has a better font than the official god damn localization. Fucking Hardin

me on the left


168cm is taller than the canadian womens average. I know this because its my fetish

>women are manlets

Aoi Yuuki is 145cm tall

10 cm taller than Peter Dinklage.

You need to be 18 to browse Sup Forums

>tfw 26 years old
>only 6'0"
>still manage to tower over most high school kids

Haha, isn't so bad being a manlet... no matter that they have a few years of growing still... ha... ha...
Seriously, I don't give a shit about that. I'm staying temporarily at a dorm for HS students and the girls are daaamn hot.
All girls I've ever had were younger than me, I guess that's a pointer.
Hm, I wonder how can I tap some LEGAL puss (15 is the legal age).

Who /manletbutwanttallgf/ here?

>5'4 manlet
>See a thread related to height
>Click it
>It's another thread making fun of manlets
>Spend next hour googling short men success stories while crying my eyes out
Why do I torture myself like this? I only wanted to shitpost about vidya.

My man, Zuckerberg, Spielberg, RDJ, Napoleon, Tom Cruise and a lotta shitload of people are "manlets" by almost every standard.

You can make the difference, by the end of the day is what inside that matters and whores who reject you just by your height arent worth it.

Napoleon was average size for his time faggot.

Female average height age 20-49

United States 161.8 cm (5 ft 3 1⁄2 in)
Japan 158 cm (5 ft 2 in)
United Kingdom 164.5 cm (5 ft 5 in)

She's pretty tall even for a westerner. She being smaller than you doesn't mean anything.

I know you're right but I still need to remind myself of this every time I see a thread like this. I hate being such a fucking bitch, that's definitely a way bigger flaw in me than my height.

Let me tell you something your daddy apparently didn't: you can be a midget, a morbidly obese lardass or a hideous Elephant Man, but as long as you make enough money, you'll get women. So get your shit together.

t. buttmad manlet normalfag who gives a fuck about 3DPD

lmfao no

>168 cm


168 cm or 5'6,5"ft really wasn't that short. Even today the average in France is only 175 cm.
He wasn't tall but he wasn't a manlet either. Don't believe brit lies.

The hell the point of being proud you're tall if you're not into 3D? 2D women are LITERALLY incapable of giving a shit about your height.

>Only 168cm
They need to go taller

Daily reminder that if you are shorter than barron trump you are a manlet.

I'm 5'2 or 158cm. smallest guy in the thread. the smallest girl I know is 5'0.

>taking your rage on a PR rep whose whole job is to give bullshit answers to the community and not the localization process

But thats exactly what PR people are for

>Not tall

Trump is tall

His daughter is also tall


How do you fuck up a fucking font.
There are 26 characters. It's the one thing you will see the most the entire game. How do you fucking that up.

When localization teams are too concerned with ideological agendas instead of QC.

They haven't announced any censorship for P5

Is it really that hard being a short guy?

As a short guy (167cm) living in manletcountry (Perú) but being taller than the national average is ok. But as a guy with money who spends time with european descendants it sucks.

With them I am a manlet, in other parts of the country I am tall and powerful.

When I lived in the US I was taller than most of the females but BFTO by all the males.


I only see a guy taller than me once in a blue moon but I guess it would feel really weird to be the smallest guy in the room.