Help me finish my back log. I just finished FFXV. What should be next? I prefer 2 short games...

Help me finish my back log. I just finished FFXV. What should be next? I prefer 2 short games. Feel free to make a list from shortest game to longest.

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>bought No Man's Sky limited edition
There's no hope for you.


it was a gift. sadly the one who gave it to me was so hyped about it only to be disappointed. I feel bad for him everytime i look at this game. he thought we would coop.

>online FPS on console
>fighting game that not even fighting game players like
>naughty dog shit
>plants vs zombies

I have no interest in helping the helpless

Bloodborne. Sell the rest. Legitimately. The PS4 is my favourite console of two gens, and I've got 8 games for it so far, but fuck that garbage.

>he thought we would coop.

>that lineup

user. I'm here to save you. Sell all of that, and your console, and get a PC. Your console habits are beyond redemption.

Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank and Titamfall 2 are probably the shortest games there

>he bought NMS

>The PS4 is my favourite console of two gens, and I've got 8 games for it so far
What games?
I have TLoU (i liked it) and Bloodborne.
Looking forward to Nioh, TLoU part 2 and Wipeout. Maybe Alienation, since it looks kinda neat and it's a genre I don't normally play.
I seriously can't think of any other games to get.
Same with my PS3 - DeS, Journey (dogshit), Bayonetta, RDR (haven't played it yet) and that's it.

please leave


Stop being such an autist. It's not even funny anymore it's just cringe. He has the games so just fucking play them

>he fell for the i only play hardcore games for hardcore gamers and stories are for kids meme

Dq or doom

>thinking you would be able to co-op
so basically he did no research on the game at all like 90% of Sup Forums, right?

Ratchet and Clank can be easily beaten in a day or two, and it's great.
Bloodborne is the best game on that list once you get into it.
Sell anything that also has a PC release, burn NMS.

play ratchet and clank or titanfall 2 next

>he fell for the I only play movies with bad gameplay segments thrown in to fuck up the pacing and also it costs $60 meme

>muh movies
Yep, typical nu-Sup Forums

>90% of Sup Forums
Sup Forums was shitting on this game for months, everyone here loves to see things fail

Ratchet and Clank

>muh argument
oh wait, you don't have one

>He bought Nu Male's Sky: Cuck Edition

Neither do you, no point arguing then, is there.

Obviously you didn't read my post, you lost. Bye bye.

No Man's Sky limited edition? Wow. People actually paid more than 60 for that game. Holy shit.

Why do people even buy more than one game at a time, Let alone a while fucking dozen.

I do if they are on sale or find a good ebay deal.

Pick what game I play today Sup Forums

Grand Kingdom

Stop buying games that you don't immediately want to play.

You have a problem.

>I have TLoU (i liked it)
I like it too. It's a great game.
The gameplay mechanics are very sophisticated. You have to think about what you're doing, you can't just run and shoot.

Is Ni No Kuni any good? I like the Ghibli movies.

subtle movieposting

>tfw want 1000 knight but too many games coming out this month to afford it but must still wait 3 weeks :(

>Consolecucks pretending they have "backlogs"

Which of my 4 10 hour games should I play today?

>too many games coming out this month
RE7 and?

>lenght is an indicator of quality
Enjoying those Ubisoft colectathons?

Not him, but Yakuza 0 and Gravity Rush 2 come out soon

Go play some DQ7

No, because then I'd have to use Uplay

Not like you consolecucks have a chose in that matter though

No Man's Sky will either be the longest or the shortest game you ever played.

Shouldn't you be busy playing one of the thousand shitty indie retro platformers on Steam

You seem awfully insecure. Almost seems like you're as bad as the Sony/Nintendo shitposters.

>He bought a PS4

>BloodborneStation 4

It is very good and I cannot wait for the second one.

Tales of Berseria, Digimon Worlds, Fate/EXTELLA, Yakuza 0, Kingdom Hearts, RE7, Gravity Rush 2, Dynasty Warriors.


>mfw someone reminds me my $300 raspberry pi with drm box has another exclusive that's also coming to PC


No user, please. I just beat it.

Here's an arguement:

I actually wanted to like The Last of Us, since I had no PS3, but what totally broke the game for me was the pathing

>walking segment
>ridle segment
>shooting segment
>walking segment

I wonder why nobody else realized it but it drove me fucking mad.
They didnt fucked Uncharted that bad with the pre rendered everything

I cant touch that game anymore...



>Still playing games on EA, Activions and Ubisoft's bitch machine

Did you buy all the AAA's this November like a good casual gamer, playstation babs?


Only two games worth playing: Dragon quest heroes and mother fuckin DOOM!!!!!!

TLoU gameplay is more complicated that Overwatch, so obviously Sup Forums hates it.

Throw away/trade-in all those games except one, because you're never going to finish that backlog.

the singular hivemind of Sup Forums hates both because they're overrated garbage

>Buying a locked down underpowered PC
>With no games
>All the games cost $60

please explain

>>All the games cost $60
I never paid more than 30 bucks for physical games.

>All the games cost $60
I got it for the upcoming exclusives, but I got Dark Souls 3 for $20 while steam is still charging $30 while it's on sale




Only time I've ever felt bad about not owning a PS4 is Bloodborne. There is not a single other game that is exclusive to PS4 to justify buying that autismbox.


I'm looking forward to Nioh and Persona, that's just me though.

>There is not a single other game that is exclusive to PS4 to justify buying that autismbox.

It plays 95% of the top 100 games that come out in a given year at an acceptable level of quality It is $400 at it's most expensive and plugs into your tv and works immediately.

Is that really so hard to understand?

Nioh looks interesting.
There a quite a few games coming out in the next three months I look forward to.

Don't know about the length but all those games are god tier except no mans sky and maybe sfv
I'd recommend ratchet and clank since its fairly short but good

>Owning NMS limited edition
>He doesn't own Gravity Rush remastered

>Plugs into your tv and works immediately
>Plug it in
>5gb software update
>Takes 8 hours to install
>Put in disk
>10gb day 1 patch
>Takes 11 hours to install
>Start playing game 2 days later
>It runs at 30 fps
>Tell yourself it's acceptable

You have autism

Okay dude. Give me a PC solution that isn't just as difficult and I'll jump on board yesterday.

Well i enjoy weeb games so maybe you're right

>Using a computer is too difficult for me

nevermind there's no saving you, maybe consoles are good for something after all: keeping the mentally deficient away from my games

>Plugs into your tv and works immediately
>Plug it in
>5gb software update
It was more like 700 MB, took a few minutes. What are Windows updates/driver updates when you get a new PC?
>Takes 8 hours to install
>Put in disk
It surprised me that the games install in the background - pop in the disc and you don't have to worry about installing anything, unlike the PS3. At least that's how it worked for TLoU and BB.
>10gb day 1 patch
If it's a brand new release - Steam does the same thing.
>Takes 11 hours to install
It was about 5 minutes with the 200 mb BB patch.
>Start playing game 2 days later
Started playing half hour after setting up the console.
>It runs at 30 fps
Yep, that annoys me to no end.
>Tell yourself it's acceptable
Well I can see why some people prefer it.

Ratchet & Clank is really short.

Can you tell us about batman arkham knight on pc?
Or Street Fighter 5?

I could give you the same list for PC but since youre a hopeless anime reaction poster, I'll pass

Cool. I get to have fun without fucking around with drivers and you get to maintain your sense of superiority because you chose the "correct" consumer electronics device. Everyone wins.

the delusion in this thread is palpable

I cannot honestly believe anybody can ever argue that a console is a superior gaming experience to a computer when the only thing a console has over it is a few exclusive games

paying for online, having a library of almost exclusively triple a games, forced into one control scheme, sub-par resolutions and frame rates just to name a few downsides

i'd respect you consolecucks a lot more if you just admitted you're casual gamers instead of trying to pretend this is actually a hobby of yours when you won't even invest in it properly

>Fucking around with drivers

t. guy who has literally never gamed on a pc in his life

I can't believe people actually think this is a thing

>"I bought a console because I don't have much time to play and want a quick experience"
>Spends his spare time shitposting about how great his autismbox is on Sup Forums instead

uhh sonyggers?

OP here I didn't know this thread would turn into such a shitposting fest. From what I gather I'll just play R&C>Titan 2> U4 then I'll play Bloodborne so I can see what all the hype is about. Also most of these games were gift I got for the Holidays so just give it a rest.

It was a thing 8 years ago when I last PC gamed. It's a thing according to the PC gamers on podcasts I listen to today.

Maybe you have the miracle PC experience where everything just works perfectly

Congratulations. It seems like you're the only one. I'm very happy for you though.

>8 years ago

lmao hello grandpa no wonder you're playing on a console that arthritis must ruin your mouse gaming

thank god you have aim assist lmao

You must be 18 or older to post on this site.

You knew what was gonna happen when you included no mans sky limited edition.

What the fuck did the limited edition even come with? The game has no dlc. An art book?

hahaha. I'm 28 which I guess is old by Sup Forums standards at this point.

IDGAF though. I'm happier now than I've ever been. I have a good job and a girlfriend and friends and a nice house and money to spend on shit. Much better than life at 20.

The only reason I'm talking to you guys is b/c I'm home sick :(

Good job on your l337 gaming skillz though. Really I'm happy for you.

Don't worry man. PS4 is the top dog so Sup Forums hates it. Don't let it get to ya.

Have fun and happy new year.
Also go play GravityRush, it's only $10 and the sequel is weeks away form releasing. Very comfy.

I'm 20

enjoy being poor and scrambling to justify why you play on drm boxes dipshit



You forgot the segment where you had to find a plank and place it so you could continue to the walking segment

>No Man's Sky
>Limited Edition
What an embarrassment!

you should get Elite: Dangerous when it comes out of PS4, for your friend. At least then you'll be able to play together

>There's no saving you
>posting Kripp

I can smell the cheeto dust from here


Holy shit, where?

Art book and comic. I know the game is shit but like I said it was a gift.

I completed that on the vita. Is there any difference from the PS4 version?

in europe, not sure if US store is discounted

Either way just make a EU account.

not sure, never played it on vita. It has a very nice gallery where you can reeeeally zoom in on pictures, not sure if that's a PS4-only thing. Runs at 1080p60fps. Apparently it has all the DLC? Is it only the costumes? Not sure.
Otherwise not much of a difference other than playing it on the big screen with better textures I guess

I didn't get any of the DLC so for $10 sounds like a good deal.