"Villain" was just bored

>"Villain" was just bored

Other urls found in this thread:


>Villain is a tyrant who commits mass crimes against humanity with no remorse
>Treated like a misunderstood tragic figure by the protagonists and forgiven after one mere token noble act.


>villain created acid mist to block out the sun because she couldn't be assed to take an umbrella

Sh-shut it.
Do you know what it is to live when all stores are closed ?

>villain steals shroud that makes you immortal when you wear it but doesn't think to put it under their clothing and gets it taken off and dies

>The true villain was actually the player character

> villain can be romanced

>Villian is actually the best girl

Delete this

the most horrid one of them all by far

Villain decides to try genocide just because a bitch killed her son

Oh, so you mean like 95% of Touhou incidents?
>Mima is bored, so she fucks with Reimu
>Mima is bored again
>Outsiders are bored, break into Gensokyo and pull a gun on Marisa
>Yuuka is fucking asleep
>Shiki is bored, fucks with Reimu
>Remilia is bored, creates a mist that blocks out the sun
>Yuyuko is bored, decides to revive a demon tree
>Kaguya doesn't want to go back to the moon, Eirin hides THE FUCKING MOON
>Suika is bored, wants to party
>Tons of dead souls go wandering around making flowers boom. Also, tiddie monster is bored.
>Aya wants to take pictures of everyone, including tiddie monster
>Kanako is bored, moves to Gensokyo, starts shit with Reimu
>Tenshi is bored, fucking earthquake's Reimu's shrine
>Utsuho wants to destroy the entire surface world. Also, Koishi is bored and lays siege to Kanako's shrine
>Revival of the evil Buddhist
>Suwako, Alice, and Hong Meiling are bored as fuck, decide to start shit and get attacked by Sanae/Cirno/Hong Meiling.
>Hatate is bored, decides to emulate Aya and take pictures of everyone
>Revival of the Taoists
>Everyone's bored, decide to fight to make people not bored
>Sukuna is bored, gets tricked into using the Japanese version of the Monkey's Paw.
>Seija is bored, decides to attack everyone
>Everyone bored again, start making up rumors about the main cast
>Junko wants to exact revenge on the moon bitches

Maybe they should try playing Mario Party together. I'd imagine with their powers combined, they could actually play through a game of Mario Party in Gensokyo.

Why can't we have official games that aren't Shmup or Fighting? There are so many other genres that work well with bullet hell. Like Metroidvanias.

are puppets allowed



You forgot
>Cirno is bored, decides to fuck with 3 innocent fairies
Not until we get a full translation of the expansion

>Cirno is bored, decides to fuck with 3 innocent fairies
Secondary spotted.

Would you read Mami's book Sup Forums?

It was fun.

That never happened. It was all a dream.

No she's ugly

No old hag

What's da matter? Too experienced for ya' deary?

when will she go full youkai

she definitely has ambition, I like it



Good one user

Don't disrespect my mommy.

>Being so assblasted that you remove one actual elder god tier villian


>Youkai apologist

>motives without faults

>motive is a mystery

wew lad. She wanted to revive a tree in the netherworld her body was buried under.

>Implying she isn't the real heroine

this board is under protection of the Imperium of Man
slaneeshi breed, please leave at once

She was bored because there's fuck all to do in the Heavens ever since Suika stopped punching celestials in the face.

I usually don't mind. Boredom is a very realistic reason for people to do crazy shit. Adachi for example.

>wew lad. She wanted to revive a tree in the netherworld her body was buried under.
She didn't know it was her body.

ZUN will never ever kill a cute girl

Soon user. Then Reimu's going to massacre her,

Hong Meiling attacks herself? That could be interesting.


>shit tier

I want fags to stay in their shitholes while Gensokyo goes full steampunk.

Wouldn't that make humans realise that they don't need youkai?

>villain wants to ruin all threads in the future by shitposting and self-fagging

>villain keeps contributing nothing with his passive-aggressive pseudo-metaposting and shit characters

Who is the Slayer of 2hu?


>cool person who only wants to have a good time, great fights, and solves shit when necessary
everyone acts like a selfish bitch in 2hu

Junko was doing everyone a favour. The Lunarians are either directly or indirectly responsible for all the trouble in the Touhou universe, and generally only because they think they're better than everyone else. And they were already planning on purging Gensokyo and possibly other parts of Earth so they could move in.
The Lunarians are basically Nazis, and they deserved to be wiped out by hell fairies.

>Puts on a high and mighty facade, but is actually a brat
That's not very dandy


China's nice

Said no one ever.

Put Kanako where Utsuho is, then put Tenshi where Kanako was. Then get rid of Utsuho, or maybe replace Sariel with her, it doesn't really matter.
Get rid of Yuyuko and replace her with Seiga.
Put Byakuren back in EG tier.

That should about fix it.

danged console exclusives


Why did ZUN give Nue an outfit like this?

So you could see her undefined features

Ah sod it, fixed it myself.

There we go.

ITT: People who don't know the difference between villain and antagonist

Most of those reasons conflict with what they actually do and their personalities.

Usually they don't require any distinction unless you're talking about the way that a character fills their role in the story.

For easy reach.

Like OP said, Tenshi was bored. She isn't evil and doesn't lust for power.

The Cherry Tree is the only truly evil youkai so far.

>Byakuren in Elder God Tier
t. tittyfag secondary

Buddhist scum

She's does evil for no adequate reason beyond her own selfish entertainment, which is equivocal to 'just evil'.

No one ever explains why she shouldn't be there. Probably just idiots who misread Symposium or something.

>which is equivocal to 'just evil'.

Since there is no other applicable category in the template for it.

>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in
She's trying to "save" youkai in a manner that will kill them.
>and arguably better than the hero's.
Reimu and Sanae's spellcard-rule-backed youkai extermination helps youkai more than Byakuren's buddhist nonsense does.

Yep. The categories as they are now aren't particularly good anyway, but any villain who's characterisation is poor or has no real justification should be shit tier regardless.

>She's trying to "save" youkai in a manner that will kill them.
False, removing human believe in them will kill them, repurposing them as something of benefit to humans won't. See Shou and the development of the Tengu in general (something Byakuren mentions herself).
>Reimu and Sanae's spellcard-rule-backed youkai extermination helps youkai more than Byakuren's buddhist nonsense does.
Byakuren's methods would benefit everyone in the long run, Reimu's methods are just a holding pattern in lieu of literally anything better.

>the categories as they are now aren't particularly good anyway
What villain isn't simply following their nature?

Ones that act in spite of their nature? It's clearly just a category for 'doing what they need to do to survive', which was actually in the original description of that category.

Porky did nothing wrong; he just wanted to help

Hello Pixel Bedman

But Bedman is actually cute

How does it feel knowing that your favourite 2hu could've appeared in one of the 40 chapters she's been forced in?

Dorks aren't cute

Of course they are

>Causing earthquakes because you are bored isnt evil

I can't stick around for this, so here's the reference anyway in case anyone wanted to go over this some more:


Byakuren talks about the tengu in the Outside World transforming from feared and hated youkai to buddhist entities, yamabushi who aid others towards enlightenment.

There's also stuff about Myouren Temple running amok, but it's indicative more of Byakuren's naïvity and carelessness than legitimate malignancy. It's also brought up that legitimately dangerous youkai have had to be prevented from entering the temple.

The stuff about keeping Shou alive by having her gather faith as an avatar of Bishamonten is in Part 5.

And as a final point, the whole 'doing shit to maintain her youth/her own selfish reasons' was originally the case, but not anymore. That's not just her own words, but in the description of her official profile, i.e. unbiased Word of God testament from ZUN. So yeah.

>not liking tits
You are in no position of calling anyone a fag, fag.

>le forced meme

She has no reason to be in every single chapter
>le schemer mastermind of many tricks
>not forced plot

>liking tits
F-Class Homosexual

What if she is my favorite?

>forced plot

>forced writing
>forced drawings
>forced danmaku
>forced force

That's my favorite excuse

Then you must be one happy oldhag loving faggot

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

wrong thread pal


>Heroes beat villain
>Everything else is irreparably fucked after


What ARE they fighting for?

I think /r9k/ is three boards down pal

That only happened because they retconned the almost complete destruction of the Eurasia into "apparently it wasn't THAT destroyed and now it killed the planet WHOOPS"

>you marry the final boss and make hero/demon lord hybrid babies with her

What ruined touhou?