Why do people pretend a mouse and keyboard is soo superior to a controller for shooters??

Why do people pretend a mouse and keyboard is soo superior to a controller for shooters??

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Why do you pretend they're not?
You're the one going up against the popular belief with your claims. That means you're the one with burden of proof.



Because they aren't? They do the same fucking thing


People who like keyboards are fucking retarded. It's a typing device, not a fucking controller.

console is better for walking slowly and driving
mouse is better for aiming
its not propaganda or console war bullshit this is literally fact

Mouse lets you look as quickly or as slowly as your hand can physically move, controller only lets you look as quickly or as slowly as the sensitivity lets you. Controllers only beat keyboard for things like driving games where you can make slight turns instead of either turning all the way or not at all like with keys.

First post best post

I can't think of many games where I'd need to both aim precisely and move at reduced speed in a 65 degree angle. Octodirectional movement is perfectly fine, and sometimes opens up advanced movement mechanics in games such as Quake that wouldn't be possible to input with any precision on a joystick.

replies: 6 posters: 6

Enjoy your weapon wheels you fucking plebeian

If you play a shooter with a controller you are gimping yourself. With a mouse, you can move as fast as *you* can physically move. With a controller you don't have that choice, you can move as fast as the *joystick* lets you.

>precision instrument
with that deadzones?
kek, it's anything but

Movement on a controller is nice.
Aiming on a mouse is nice.

If they made a linear keyboard that was pressure sensitive, that would be great. Would work in most games, the keyboard would come with software where WASD translates to the axis that games usually use that have controller support.

Movement is far superior on a controller. You dont have to use WASD bullshit. Plus I dont buy this whole "you can aim quicker" argument. A stick allows you to aim fast accurately.

They make keyboards with pressure sensitive keys already but I'm not sure how good they are. I hope one day it takes off and becomes common.

Can you walk with your hands as well as you can with your feet?
They do they same fucking thing by your logic

>A stick allows you to aim fast accurately.
The mass re-adoption of aim assistance following in the footsteps of Halo proves this incorrect. Your other point presents no argument in favour. Try again.

Just set up your keybinds so you move with a controller stick and look/aim with the mouse. You may need a mouse with some extra buttons for a good amount of games but that's not a big deal.

Why do you think 90% of console shooters have aim assist? Mice were designed to be able to click on small icons accurately, it's obviously going to be superior in terms of precision.

Present some actual facts to back up your argument, or just don't post.

Analog speed control is nice for movement in some genres, but any game with skilled movement is much better done through keyboard+mouse for better direction change, and airstrafing.

You can get your crosshair where you want it more precisely with a mouse, this isn't even something that's debated typically. You can see the major difference if you watch to versions of the same game, it's very apparent in Overwatch.

However, I totally understand the controller if people prefer it. It has benefits like not needing a surface to use it on and the like you said, the character movement is superior on a controller.

It's a matter of preference. If I need to aim, I prefer mouse and keyboard as the aiming feels more important than the moving to me. If aiming isn't important, then I use a controller.

Just try using a mouse in a fps you have played on console the difference is obvious

It is better for aiming. Doesn't mean its the only way you can play a shooter though. Hardcore Pcucks are quite delusional.

>console peasants literally need "aim assist"

Because it is. I played fucktons of halo and cod on xbox when I was younger, and had a great time doing it. But there's a reason console games have auto aim and pc shooters usually don't. There's also a reason why if you rely on strafe-shooting in pc games like you can in console shooters you'll get absolutely shit on

Yeah you're right, MOVEMENT is superior but aiming is not. I'm sure you could aim quickly and accurately if you're used to it and play with aim assist off all the time, but it will still never be as quick or as accurate as a mouse that literally moves wherever you put your hand and as fast or slow as you move your hand. If you want to do a 1080 degree spin then you just throw your mouse to the side and can do all the rotations in like 0.5 of a second, but if you wanted to do that with sticks you would only be able to do it as fast as the game allows you.

How doesnt it? Movement is far better on a controller than Mouse & Keyboard. In no way is WASD better than a stick.. So if we follow your logic then you are giving up very slightly faster aiming for far superior movement.

/thread right here

>He calls himself a gamer
>Defends playing his hobby in a sub par manner

Justify yourself, the only actual valid excuse is "I don't have the money to afford a reasonable computer" which is understandable. Any other excuse is literal bait.

I don't get it, is your argument about controller vs keyboard or controller vs mouse? You keep going back to the whole "movement is better" point when I thought we were talking about aiming. Not him either btw.

Again, you've presented no argument besides the baseless conclusion that it's "better." Try again, again.

>mouse uses wrist, which is made for pointing
>gamepad uses thumb, which is made for holding things
Gee, I wonder - between pointing and holding, which action is closer to aiming?

It goes hand in hand. If you are using a mouse to aim you are also using a keyboard to move. If you are using a controller to aim you are also using a controller for movement.

WASD much better for fast movement, and first person where mouse is important for movement.

in what way isn't it better than a stick though? I have way more other actions at my disposal with my left hand on my keyboard while moving than a controller

If you want to turn around fast on a controller, you have to set your sensitivity high and sacrifice aiming.

With a mouse, you can lower the sensitivity and have super precise aiming and then move your whole arm to turn around in a split second, still faster than even a joystick at high sensitivity.

You have a massive amount of space to work with instead of the inch or so an analog stick provides you.

Typically the way to go is to set your stick sensitivity high and auto-aim makes up for the precise aiming of most console games.

This is my argument for aiming only. Controllers are objectively superior at many other things. Keyboard/mouse and controllers are both the standard for gaming and always will be. They've stood the test of time as gimmicks like motion controls, touchscreens, etc. have fucked off over and over.

>very slightly faster aiming
You can not be this retarded. With a mouse you can literally aim pixel-perfect without aim assist while an analog stick pretty much needs heavy aim assist to even hit the enemy, let alone hit an especially small target. Mice are infinitely superior in terms of aiming both quickly and precisely.

It's already widely agreed on that each input type is superior in different games. You can't just say one is better than the other without telling us what you're using it for. Keyboard and mouse can't beat controller in games that involve driving or whatever, but controller can't compete with keyboard in FPS games. They both have their strenghts and weaknesses.

>we "move" better with our sticks so it's better

Recently I watched someone play BF1 on PS4. People were shooting all over the place and he also. I asked him why he didn't use a KBM setup, that thing has USB. He told me it was cheating.
I am usually not participating in console wars or any of that shit, but that is just C U C K ing yourself.

remember that time csgo was supposed to be cross platform?

if controllers were so much more superior, why didn't this happen?

Because it is.

Mouse is superior for moving something with no speed and acceleration limitation (cursor, shooter), and gamepad for moving something with speed and acceleration limitation (racing, possibly third person games like Monster Hunter and JRPGS.

That being said, search call of duty finals or similar on youtube. These guys have insane aim with gamepad.

See exhibit:

this is the real /thread

Do console games allow you to turn off aim assist though? Like yeah plug in your mouse and keyboard (both consoles have usbs to do this) but I imagine the aim assist would kind of start to fuck you over, or at least make the advantage of a mouse negligible.

Didn't one studio try to do a cross-platform FPS, but stopped after even the average MKB players dominated controllers?

>he said it was cheating
I love this, FGC tries to say the same thing about hitboxes since they're unarguably faster and more accurate than either sticks or pads

The fact of the matter is that it isn't cheating, and you're gimping yourself by playing with anything less than the best.

>one studio
It's been at least five times.

Controlls are better for fighting games, racing games and platformers, and games where there is a lot of driving and flying.

M+KB are better for everything else.

Great post.

OP is a cuck faggot.

>controllers are better than keyboard for fighting games
wrong again buddy, hitboxes are faster and keyboards are exactly like hitboxes

>These guys have insane aim with gamepad
They have insane aim assist, and very bad aim.

FPS on consoles have all kinds of aim assist and acceleration. By definition not precision aiming

>b-but it's better for walking.....

The fighting claim drives me insane. Of all the shit you guys talk about fighting, have none of you ever played GGPO? There are mexican and chinese keyboard warriors that would hold their own against pro players all day like rambo and damdai

>"insane aim"
>they just aim at doors at head level and wait for someone to come through it
>the minute they actually have to track someone the walls turn into swiss cheese

Also, try a game where you don't die from one or two hits.

a hammer and a stone also do the same thing when applied to a nail.
One of them is the superior instrument, still.

>Movement is far superior on a controller
No, slightly, and that´s it.

The stone?

Here, now you can have the best of both worlds

Are you sure you posted the right video, because it does not really underline the point you are trying to make.

So what I gather from this thread is that, while M&Kb is better for FPSs, a controller is better for every other type of game. Good to know.

You have 3 more tries.

>use something made specifically to open/type emails
>use something specifically made to play games

Gee I wonder whats better..

Come on OP. I play PC and consoles, but I despise mouse/keyboard and refuse to play anything unless it's with a controller.

That being said, there's no denying that a mouse is more precise than a controller. It's fact.

Just because someone learned how to do it with an inferior instrument doesn't make the instrument good, it just means these guys are skilled with a keyboard

Really makes you think what the hell controller designers were thinking

The nail?

Shit posting has been around since the dawn of time, you're not doing anything new. Go back to the drawing board.

Because they're lack the skill to use controllers.

I grew up using controllers and after using the mouse for a few years i miss my targets more with the controller.

Why do people pretend anything?

So I recently switched to playing shooters with a M/Kb and I feel like I have a harder time being accurate. I am pretty decent on consoles. Whats the problem, do I just need more practice? I figured it would come easy since a mouse is "pinpoint" accurate

WASD is fine in first person, because you are turning and aiming with the mouse.

>I dont buy this whole "you can aim quicker" argument

Then you are either an idiot or have never used a computer in your life.

>You're the one going up against the popular belief with your claims. That means you're the one with burden of proof.
That's not how the burden of proof works. Don't get so triggered because someone disagrees with you.
The claim is that mice are better. A counter-claim only needs as much proof as the initial claim. In that case, the initial claim is that mice are better.

Nobody says keyboard and mouse is superior to a controller. They say mouse is superior to thumbstick. Keyboards suck.

Mice have a larger area to act in than right thumbsticks; a desk as opposed to an inch in diameter thumbstick.

I like to use a joystick in my left hand though. If a game supports strafe jumping, I just map movement to the d-pad. WASD suck dick. The home row is offset right of the top row on a keyboard, which makes it a pain in the ass for the left hand.

It should have been ESDF by default, that way we could have at least have a nubbed key to find the home row with.

>the item that requires assistance in what it does is equal to the one that doesn't require assistance

>Retards falling for obvious bait


Fix your DPI, mouse acceleration, etc
Play osu!

Anyone have that D.va on console webm?

Not true. Controllers have _analog_ sticks, meaning it has a near-infinite range of motion. Both are bound by their physical bounds. Mice just have an entire desk they can slide around on.

but that's wrong you fucking retard

what is faster?
DP on a stick, or pressing ( > , V , > +P)
One of them is 3 buttons, the other is a complex motion with deadzones

>So if we follow your logic then you are giving up very slightly faster aiming for far superior movement

You're basically giving up aiming at all with a controller. This is what I see in console footage constantly.
People leaving ironsights static then moving the characters body to aim rather than actually 'look' aiming

>made specifically to play games
Okay, so what does that mean? That's used as marketing for peripheral hardware such as headphones, but they're more often shown to be of lower quality than alternatives. Video game consoles, too, are specifically made to do the same, yet they get substantially worse performance than alternatives. So give a substantive reason as to what that means, and why it provides any benefits.

You had aim assistance on before.

This. I'm better aiming with a controller than aiming with a mouse despite being a pc player my whole life.

Lower sensitivity is more accurate, but the benefit of a mouse is that you can simulate high sensitivity by making large fast movements that are impossible on a controller

They are better in different ways. Controllers are more efficient for ranges of movement. The analog control with your left thumb is undoubtedly more sensitive, and the buttons are ergonomically spaced on a controller to make for smoother gameplay. This is why people generally prefer to use controllers in action games and the like. You have a large number of things you can do, that depend on the placement of your character. I'm not saying that you CAN'T play shit like DMC on the PC, but it's way more annoying.

But the mouse is without question more accurate than the right analog stick. I used to be fairly accurate using a controller as a kid, but after I transitioned to PC gaming instantly noticed the kind of control that a mouse gives you. It's the entire reason you see such incredible gameplay from shooters on the PC. Controlling your aim in console shooters is incredibly sluggish by comparison, and I find myself missing shots far more often simply because I can't precisely target my opponent.

Were you born retarded or did you learn it?

That is just terrible aim. Dont pretend that is indicative of the average console player. That person would be just as terrible with a mouse

show me some "good" console aim

Try doing a gta stunt race with a keyboard and then try a controller.

You tell me which should easier.

I dont have any videos on hand, but you cant seriously be so delusional that you think that webm is how most people look playing console shooters.

any time you think you have good aim on a console just remember that's the game creators making an algorithm in the console game to drag your sights to a character.
On a mouse if i need to aim at someone who is slightly to my left or right i can do that by moving my hand slightly left or right. on a thumb stick you don't really know how much pressure you need to do that and will end up doing

Which is *

>gta stunt race
What does that have to do with aiming?

Because it is, since you get more precise aiming.

I'm not some asshole who thinks one style is best for everything. There are plenty of games where a controller is the way to go, but FPS is best with a mouse.

I could school anyone who thinks they could aim better with a mouse. They misunderestimate how quick you can get with practice. Its second nature for me.

You aim the car in the direction you want it to land or go through a hoop. Precision aiming in mid air is simply easier with a controller.

hello please link me to this kickstarter for cute girls doing cute things: the game
i would like to press X to uguu~

In truth, Controllers and KBM have pros and cons for FPSes
Controllers have analogue movement in all directions while KBM has digital movement in eight directions.
Controllers have analogue aiming, which simply isn't as precise as a mouse no matter how you slice it

Which one you prefer depends entirely on
>would you rather have good aim or good movement
>how much do analogue aiming and digital 3D movement bother you?
These things vary from person to person. Very rarely does any game have a perfect controller, only one I can think of is Smash with a Gamecube controller.