Friendly reminder that she's smarter than all of Sup Forums combined

Friendly reminder that she's smarter than all of Sup Forums combined.

>smarter than a bunch of adult males who piss away the best years of their life shitposting in a canadian poutine yahoo group

Sure is a tall order.

Pretty much this

>the best years of their life
those years are long gone

i wish i was tall


she's not real

Shitposting has an immense aesthetic and artistic value, you're just not ready to understand it yet.

100 years into the future, historians, art critics psychologists and anthropologists will be studying our very own shitposts. You should do your part to make our future better and shitpost as much as you can.

Also check em.

Man I sure do miss poutine...

yeah you can do anything if your fictional pedobait for autistic manchildren.

But she's not real.

Checkmate, fedorafag.

>dude she is young and she is smart but she is like so smart that she outsmarts all the adults xD

Is there a lazier character trope?

And yet she'll deep throat and be ass fucked by some spic.

I'm a boy. Checkmate

Because she's written to be.

But can she win against the Cock?

We're not real either


Yes, unless it's a BBC.


Is she a female(male)