Just bought this. what am in for?

just bought this. what am in for?

did i just get memed? People kept reccomending it and in panic I bought it with 2m left on the clock.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/hitman AI still not fixed.webm/

>please tell me about the game that I can try for myself just as soon as I start it up

Why do you faggots do this?

He fell for the meme boys! He bought the hitman game, we did it!

>did i just get memed?
shut the fuck up you retard

Only part of HITMAN I really didn't like was the voice acting.
Get ready to hear what seemed like maybe 3 different male voice actors for all the non-essential NPCs who don't even try to do accents or anything when they're in foreign countries.

To be fair though, the hitman games have always had shit voice acting. At least in BM it was so bad it was good though.

Hahahaha, we got him, guys! What a fool.


You bought one of the best games released last year. I had no hope for it but after playing it for like 15 minutes at a friends house I raced home and bought it. So much damn fun

So why did Francesca deserve to die?

at least they spoke chinese/russian/french/etc...

in 6HITMAN everyone has a british accent even ching chongs from Sing-a-poo

she a ho

having same actors do diferent accents would mean that they would have to record the "reactions" lines multiple times, or we would end up with another Oblivon

Hopefully you have a stable internet connection.

I don't mind the voice acting in Oblivion, it's way better than hiTMan

You're exaggerating.

She was spying on Silvio though, wasn't she a good guy?

no I'm not

literally all Hitman games prior had natives speaking in their tongue but for some reason every NPC in Hitman speaks english in the same voice and the same accent from Paris to Japan

She knew how to replicate the virus, she was a loose end

She would have continued Silvio's work if she were still alive.

someone put a hit out on her

It doesn't make it Oblivion bad.
Same could be said about MGS3, as actually everyone (maybe except for FOX team) is speaking Russian, while player hears only English.

>It doesn't make it Oblivion bad.

yes it does because it breaks immersion to hear some yellow devil speak the cuck's english with an east-end accent whereas in Oblivion I don't hear the voices because I read faster than they talk

>did i just get memed?

I fucking hate this place.

Almost as bad as that Twin in Hitman 2 who dies simply to ensure the right one was dead.


because this board is a cesspool of bait threads who use premade word formats to garner more replies. (dust has settled, what am i in for, what went wrong/right, what's his name again, etc)

This is all due to the simple fact that many of you are terrible, awful, cruel human beings with crippling depression who get minor lukewarm highs when people reply to you. It's been this way for years now, Sup Forums is THE worst board, and it isn't going to change because it works. Bait threads are made, zero originality, done thousands of times, and they still get replies.

>implying it's not just one guy replying to himself

What is he doing to that doll?

it's clearly a ninja

>literally all Hitman games prior had natives speaking in their tongue
In Codename 47 and Contracts, most people speak in English with wacky accents so you can understand them. It's also not particularly impressive of Blood Money to do it when it only has one (1) level that doesn't happen in the USA. Absolution happens entirely in the USA.

The only Hitman game that had people speaking in their native language was Silent Assassin.

Ninja Doll? Someone get Team Ninja on the phone.

Find out for yourself and stop basing your experience on other peoples opinions

play the first level, takes less than an hour to do, if you don't like it, refund

And yet 6HITMAN TM that is set all around the world has everyone speaking English, thanks for agreeing with me that it's a step back.

I almost bought it because I'm a fan of the franchise, but I decided against it for several reasons.

>I hate episodic content.
>I refuse to buy a single player game that CANNOT be player offline
>reviews full of people complaining that they were kicked out of their single player game because severs went down. nope.jpg

You're correct, but I don't think it's because people say "now that the dust has settled"


To be fair based Silvio was gonna kill her with the virus anyway.

>did i just get memed?

If you think like that, you deserve to get memed.

That's the problem with the ICA you have to state that a specific person cannot be killed in the contract.

Different opinions aren't a conspiracy.

Such is sound design being part of level design, so player understands everything.

fucking kek

>no dual silverballers

come on Allan

>what are subtitles

>even if you have the silverballer the loadout defaults to the ICA gun

Always online for Single Player. Episodic Content. Nickel and Diming to the extreme. Square Enix is sinking franchise after Franchise- first Hitman, now Deus Ex. If you got it for over 50% off that's okay, but giving money to always-online single player and episodic content is a small crime in itself.

The game is good, but highly unoptimized for the PC somehow. I've played every Hitman game and this one is a solid addition, I just don't see the point in having the always-online portion to it.

to stop pirate fags. But it's too bad because you cant mod it

Subtitles aren't immersive either, especially when it's random NPC and not important one.

What's more immersive? Subtitles or hearing a moroccan soldier talk and he sounds like a guy named john from california?

more immersive than Chang Dong the Bangcock exterminator speaking with a western accent

the drm doesnt stop you from playing the game though and is only needed for challenges and leaderboards

>Not one Japanese accent besides Yuki's in Hokkaido
>Every handgun, smg, rifle, and shotgun wielded by every guard in every map is the same model
Too bad IOI blew their chance to make a proper game with Absolution, that they have to develop on a tight leash.

the game is very shiny


this webm made me realize I went through this entire game without shooting my guns at all.

This is the only reason that matters. The name of the game is Hitman, not Superman. You don't need moral justification for your hits. It's one of the reasons why A House Built In Sand is my favorite mission, you're hired to kill two targets not because of some world threatening super virus but because a corporation paid good money to stop a guy selling trade secrets.



To be fair, the virus was gonna put 47 and the entire agency out of a job.

Does anyone have the premium links for the Giant Bomb videos?

Man, they were bad at the game even on the last episode.


This post hit very close to home

At least we're not dead like Sup Forums though. Yet.

Prior Hitman games had like one tenth the amount of NPC voice acting TM has though if even that.

You know what, you're right. This place is a waste of fucking time. I'm fucking outta here.


I loved the Hokkaido mission, and Sapienza.

So many things to explore

Hitman™ feels so slow because they have these instances where when you first walk into a pair of NPCs, they briefly stop their patrol to walk to each other then talk about some shit for like 3 minutes, and then resume what they're doing.


Still really want the ability to look through keyholes to come back so I can scout a room before opening the door without having to rely on x ray vision or the mini map. Feels like the peep holes in the Marrakesh level were them testing out the mechanic but nothing happened after that.


Keyholes are unrealistic :^)

Fuck off, nerd, those threads are annoying but despite their clickbait canned beginnings they usually at least spark an honest debate. Try speaking your mind somewhere else and you'll be downright censored if what you say doesn't go with the sites collective thinking.

For all its faults at least Sup Forums allows you to post whatever you want without it being hidden.

It's finished. Second season will happen eventually, but that's basically HITMAN™ 2.
It can be played offline, you just don't unlock any new items.
I've never heard of the servers going down either, and I've had it since launch.

If you're that adamantly opposed to the shit surrounding the game then go ahead and pass, but at it's core it's about the best hitman has ever been.

I always see fucked up children like that, but how do they look when they grow up?

So you just kill people in this one? I hear all the praise but I don't quite understand it. I just played through blood money. It's a comfy game 7/10 I don't think it aged that well, must have been much better if I played it back in 2006. Is there anything new they accomplish now in 2016 with this game?

I never understood the "so many different ways to kill" meme

Tbh I don't think rigging a bomb on chandelier or poisoning their drink is that exciting

Just open the fucking door, you can look through the doorway then. You can "take cover" next to it to make sure you won't be seen.


Also, what could have been...

I've had enough

>grow up

They don't make it that far

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/hitman AI still not fixed.webm/

Those sketches remind me of when Reddit literally killed a completely innocent person by pretending to be detectives

Nah there are also platform segments where you have to collect one hundred african wood dolls to unlock the next level.

it's not for everyone. and old hitman games don't have a lot of replayability since you're not encouraged to do anything about SA rank which is not that hard to begin with

i like them for the comfy factor


I just mean that walking up to a person and shooting him x6 will never be worth 6 bucks to me.

Oh and placing a bomb somewhere so it's an "accident" is the same thing as shooting him

>anything about SA
i meant above

Well, you could lie down and pretend you're having fun.

What is this one supposed to show?

Then the fundamental concept of Hitman games isn't for you, and you can safely move on to something else.

>60 bucks

Yeah I mean you have to be pretty autistic to think that walking around in disguise and shooting a guy in the head has value

>I don't like the game because killing targets is boring.
>Then I'm afraid this game isn't for you.
>Yeah, it's for autists, that's what. You're all wasting your time! FUCKING ACKNOWLEDGE ME!

>Using my webms twice in one thread
Good taste

modern "fashion"

Yeah it's weird hearing them speak perfect english in a foreign country but i'm not too peeved by it. Althought It is kinda jarring hearing moroccans speak like that when I, myself am from Morocco.

Does this only happen on the fashion show or something?

walking simulator with the occasional disguise switching isn't gameplay though

no need to be rude, user. :-)
hope 2017 goes well for you!

Does what happen?

record yourself saying some of the guard dialog