Is Uncharted 4 as bad as rich evans makes it look?

is Uncharted 4 as bad as rich evans makes it look?

>this triggers the neogaf

I'm not gonna bother watching that video. Any non-Mike RLM content is shit. I find the Uncharted series really boring but that's mostly because I can't stand console third person shooters.

Get ready for another petition to remove that video from the internet.

He's spot on.

i enjoyed uc4 AMA

>I find the Uncharted series really boring
Then you should watch the video.


I played Uncharted 4 at a friend's house yesterday.

Couldn't take it any mroe after 20 mintues. It's such a boring shitty "story experience".

I dunno.
Didn't he also say that Batman had better combat than Dragon's Dogma?

Why? Because it agrees with me? I don't need people to re-affirm my opinion.

It kinda does?
Like in actual polish and fight, not spectacle.

Yes. It's not a game. It's a bad movie where you're deluded into "being in control".

Now that we have the new Tomb Raider there's no real reason to pay UC any mind. Tomb Raider does everything UC does about 1000x better.

UC has gotten progressively worse since two. Less puzzles, worse action sequences, and ridiculously long climbing sessions - talk or load time expositions per the new Naughty Dog tradition.

Gaps filled with menial actions to fool people into thinking it's gameplay.

Climbing is great in short bursts of adrenaline or escape like most of Tomb Raider's.

Didn't watch that video but I assume he's whining because it's too easy, which is true.
Climbing is too automated to be challenging or fun at all, but the combat can be really fun at normal difficulty because it gives you some fun encounters fuck around with, even though it's really hard to die.

Why is Jay looking better today than the fatty and the alcoholic?

So do Rich and AIDS Moby like any games at all?

he looked like Lloyd from dumb and dumber

yup, i just got the bunduru. It's a movie game, holding-hands, on-the-rails climbing with "omg this has never broken before happenings".

>fighting an army of mercs
>"omg gotta get sam", 30 more minutes of climbing before the last boss

HHAHAHAAHAH. Traded it in instantly. Bloodborne is making me mad, but at least it's fun. I don't know how people played uc 123 without the rope swinging.


They like Vanquish

He grew a beard and the other two got fatter.

Both of them had FTL as their GOTY.

the beard

>listening to rich after he said MGS1 is the worst video game he has ever played

is boring as fuck, i play the game just 3 hours and im dying already, so fucking boring, but people like movies and feels " games"

The uncharted series is movies with boring uninteresting gameplay as commercials.

>the fatty and the alcoholic

Answered your own question.


So the secret to eternal youth is: dont get fat and grow a beard?

>look at this. Bed's not made, dirty laundry on the floor. That's exactly how real people live.

Do you agree?

this entire sequence was fucking amazing.
the shooting in 4 isn't all that bad either. graphics are 10/10, especially for a console, and the story is pretty good.

it would be a good game if half the game wasn't garbage climbing sequences


I hate this guys, but I felt exactly like them when playing this game. I actually threw myself of the roof plenty of times just to kill myself to have some fun with this game, ended up selling it.

however the thing I hate the most is that I hate these guys and I feel bad that they also hate this game, makes me feel like I should like them or something.

not even a good movie
beyond 2 souls is far superior

it was quite literally a rehash of the convoy scene from unch 2

Try 75%.

But you need to stay in this thread to tell us that? Quit being an idiot.

Uncharted is the ultimate "Find the Greatest Hit version on Sale" series. You'll get a good Saturday possibly leading into Sunday out of each one and that's about it.

They can offer neat experiences but once you start to see through some of the manipulative shit they pull (Like the random things partially breaking during a climbing sequence that put you at zero risk) it'll start feeling really hollow.

>climbing old, abandoned ruins
>rickety ass scaffolding that's falling apart
>jump on it expecting it not to collapse
>this is ND's fault

I miss Mike, bros.
The bottle and fucking Jess took him from us.

I stopped caring about RLM after they gushed about how TFA was great and then called Rogue One shit.

So you stopped caring pretty recently? Wow dood amazing

I don't agree with everything they say but the gameplay is pretty boring at this point in the series and was never that great from. the beginning, 4 is the most polished but it's still bland, something other games can do better, he's right about Drake being a magnet to ledges and the game having no real danger/sense of urgency.
also ND beat ledges breaking and pipes bending to death.
I enjoy them but I have never consider them mind blowing or whatever ridiculous name it gets when being praised adnauseam, it's just a nice average game with high production values, like SWTFA.

>is Uncharted 4 as bad as rich evans makes it look?

It has been influenced by professional feminazi Anita so it's even worse.

all these unnecessary moves holy shit just stop

rogue one is absolute trash

Fuck, it was so insufferable. Yeah, Princess Leia appearing at the end of a movie that takes place immediately before another movie in which she's a main character is just too much fan service for the sake of fan service. R1 had plenty of issues but being a Star Wars movie wasn't one of them

If they called Rogue One trash I wouldn't give a fuck.

It's that they praised TFA then turn around and call an objectively better movie worse.

>Climbing a wall
>Reach for a certain rock/brick/branch/whatever
>It breaks because it was predetermined to break
>Nathan drops a bit, screams "No no no no!" and catches a lower one without any input from the player
>Start climbing back up
>Grab a slightly different outcropping

This IS Naughty Dog's fault. It's a bullshit technique to try to convey to you the player that it's a dangerous situations but in actuality there is no fail state. Just keep pushing up on the analog and tap X when he stretches his arm out. The player agency is at a fucking minimum.

You know what is a tense moment? Walking on rafters in some moments of the various Souls games. You know the fall will be fatal, the death can actually matter due to potential loss of resources so you as a player care despite the fact your avatar isn't flailing their arms around while making witty banter about how it's a long way down or some shit.

this reminds me of Leslie Nielsen unnecessarily rolling around everywhere like an idiot
kinda looks like him too.

>tense moments in cinematic video games
My favorite oxymoron in the industry

What did happen with Jess? She used to be in a few Best of the Worst but has vanished.

Didn't they admit they just said Force Awakens was good because it helped establish a new foundation for future films? They went in expecting a 'safe' film and got one. But then Rogue One was also a very 'safe' film.

i liked both new star wars films


I admit that I laughed.

she prolly vanished cus weirdos started waifuing her and shit lol


or he does that high pitched laugh.

I wonder if someone has counted how many times Drake canonically says shit, like scripted ones not random that can't always be replicated.
i bet it's in the 300's

Jess produced RLM content for a while but found another fulltime gig that pays better so she can't be around anymore

ironic how the best part of the game is the one where you barely do anything.

jess didn't really add anything to the show and whatever she said worthwhile someone said it better in the show or had already said it.
like that fat guy that's not rich.

The problem with the soul series is that most of the times you're afraid of falling because fromsoft can't into clipping or ankle-high ledges

it's a feature!
it's hardcore!

It's better than invisible walls, at least is feel believable to fall from the places, how dare developers make you pay for being careless.

As Rich pointed out, it's impossible to die in some climbing parts of Uncharted 4, he was purposely jerking the analog all possible ways, yet Nathan Drake could not fall from that wooden thing.

Your reasoning is backwards. You're taking for granted that the movie had to be leading directly into Episode IV and using that as an excuse for the callbacks, but the problem they're pointing out is that the movie was made to be leading into Episode IV IN ORDER TO have as many callbacks as possible.

It's like saying "of course they put microtransactions into this game, the in-game economy is fucked".

They were right about sonic too. Everyone wonders why sonic fanbase is so "autistic" but it's because the gameplay itself is autistic. The older games are about memorizing levels not playing them. I've had my own share of this autism but at some point I got old enough to realize it's not that good and other games have done the same gameplay with less autism. There's still some memorization involved but they put it more in mechanically executing maneuvers as the form of skill instead of just how well you can memorize something, which is something almost anyone can do unless you're really just that dumb.

Clipping issues and """"""""shockwaves""""""" aside, the Souls games are meant to feel treacherous and they are through unsafe environments, deadly enemies and some situations that just feel unfair at times.

The Uncharted games are supposed to give us an awesome, thrill-seeking adventure of exploration... as long as you ignore the fact most of it is extremely linear and that a lot of the dangers are as threatening as a jump scare in a haunted house attraction.

its pretty clear they were going into it hating the game

Why are they so biased? Why bother making a video then?

It does get better.

Doing first playthrough on crushing difficulty at the moment and once you get past the first several chapters that are very hand holdy, it opens up more and the combat can be annoyingly difficult thanks to the inconsistent climbing movement, bullet sponge enemies , their 100% accuracy and lack of any options during stealth such as distraction.

It's a gorgeous looking game also, maybe thanks to HDR.

I don't know if Rich played the third game but that one was a million times more boring linear crap. U4 is at least pretty enough to distract from the lacking gameplay at times.

Uncharted's traversal mechanics work wonderfully in the context of combat, making for some really dynamic encounters (UC2 was by far the best at this).

Unfortunately, ND is just too fucking stupid to realize they don't hold up at all by themselves. UC4 is 2 hours of thrills, 3 hours of cutscenes, and 12 hours of agonizing clambering upon comically signposted handholds.

They are spot on with the fake tension with the climbing. Tomb Raider had real tension with it's platforming

This. The more the series tries to build up artificial spectacle the less I'm interested in it

>Uncharted collection demo in an electronics shop
>I'll try a few minutes, why not
>Pressing X to jump without touching anything else
>The guy climbs on a nearby table instead of just jumping

I felt mocked

you mean the originals? because the recent tomb raider games aren't tense at all

Of course I mean the originals, Nu-mb Raider is just an uncharted clone, ironically enough we use to call Uncharted 'Dude Raider'

As someone who absoulutly loves the living fuck out of uncharted 1-3, yes. It really fucking is

>No supernatural twist
>Le strong black woman beating the shit out of you every 5 seconds and drake can't even get in a single slap
>No supernatural twist
>multiplayer has been casualised to shit, also features dabbing emotes for the epics
>No supernatural twist
>Guns lack the satisfying punch they had in 2 and 3

But hey the bit were you had to jump between trucks and shit was 10/10 but besides that it felt so souless compared to the last 3.

>Inb4 someone has a sperg attack for me liking 1, 2 and 3

Uncharted has good looking animations, maybe a bit exaggerated, but they seem to show the epitome of style over substance, for all that mocap the gameplay mechanics aren't remotely deep.

At least when you fell you'd have to hit a button with some kind of time frame to have Lara do something like hook on with her rock climbing tool.

Nate will slip, the outcropping will break... and you will then resume. It didn't matter if it broke or not. It just delayed you from reaching the top by a few seconds.

yeah it's true, Lora Raider games don't have fake tension

the amount of noise she makes when climbing is annoying though

I'll only rag on you for liking the 1st because it's garbage and it's twist despite being supernatural boiled down to just 'zombies lol'

>muh bandicoot
>muh nostalgia

Actually your right, I don't like 1 as much as I like 2 and 3 but still. I'm pretty sure everyone can agree golden abyss was 0/10

>shota rich evans

It's pretty fucking boring in parts, yeah. The beginning has some of the worst pacing I've ever seen in a game.

>Le strong black woman beating the shit out of you every 5 seconds and drake can't even get in a single slap

Fucking this so much. When I fought her the first time I thought "Oh wow nate got his ass kicked, I bet in the second fight he will learn a thing or two and come out on top" BUT NOPE in the second fight he gets his shit pushed in even more like jesus christ it was like watching a disabled child get raped by a jaguar.

it was abysmal

How many times did that black woman beat you up? I remember seeing one cutscene where it felt like they were establishing how deadly and unstoppable the main antagonist is because Nate with help could do nothing to her.

3 times.
Out of those 3 times the only damage Nate did to her in ALL 3 of those fights was in the second one when he pushed her against a wall.

>QTE comes up
>Press the button correctly
>Get rewarded with a swift boot to the face
>QTE comes up
>Press the button correctly
>Get rewarded with Nadine putting you into a head lock and giving you a lecture about how black lives matter.


>Nate slaughters dozens of men in the cliffside village - shoots 'em, blows em' up, tosses em' to their doom
>Sam is about to shoot Druckmann's BLM waifu (who is the leader of a fucking PMC) in next cutscene
>Nate stops him because that isn't their "way"

this is what happens when diversity is one of your central design pillars (and when your game is written by a talentless hack)

They literally could change the lines like Drake saying something like "You can live a better life than being a merc" OR something.

Of course NeoGAF is triggered by it. They've essentially become Sony Shill Headquarters now.

Too bad their asshole moderation team has effectively banned all cool users now. They don't even use gifs anymore, because only assholes, who don't even play games and videogame employees are left in their userbase. the former are too uncreative to use gifs and the latter doesn't have time to play them anymore.

It has become a really pathetic place. All the fun and all the wit the site once had has been lost.

It's also a general issue of how AAA games are made in a certain way because they HAVE to and not because their narrative and context supports it

Who knows, maybe in another timeline the Uncharted series would've featured gameplay and mechanics where Nate doesn't actually kill anybody, so that the cutscene in question can indeed reflect the rest of the actual game

But nope, it has to be a shooter because shooters sell. Like how the story of Watch Dogs 2 is about hip hackerz pulling pranks "for the lulz" while still being supposedly decent people but then in the actual game you have access to all sorts of weaponry allowing you to slaughter literal innocents on your way to pull said pranks

Good lord that shit sounds cringey as fuck.

bonus points
>Uncharted 1, 2 and 3
>these guys want to put their hands on a dangerous supernatural thingamajig, I have to stop them
>Uncharted 4
>this guy is trying to lawfully acquire the hints to some treasure; I have to stop him, invade his property and threaten his life even after he proposes a cease fire, and also kill some guards who were trying to stop us at the auction where he was trying to make a legal purchase

He went to a dentist and grew a beard

also dropped the dumbass haircut


>Things that totally happened.

Was Naughty Dog ever really a good developer? I remember Crash bandicoot being hated back in the day

never played Crash but it looked pretty bad to me, always, too simplistic

I cant even tell if people are being ironic anymore or if they read shitposts on here and they were so well worded that they actually believe it and spread it like its actually their opinion